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Roman Bruehwiler
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Djoudj 4
Babylon 2.5
  1. "Lok-Batan" Mud Cone (T)
  2. Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs (T)
  3. Agioi Varnavas and Ilarion at Peristerona (Five-domed churches) (T)
  4. Aguas Livres Aqueduct (T)
  5. Aire du Dragonnier Ajgal (T)
  6. Aire naturelle protégée de Djalélo (T)
  7. Aizanoi Antique City (T)
  8. Akdamar Church (T)
  9. Alahan Monastery (T)
  10. Alanya (T)
  11. Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library (T)
  12. Alisadr Cave (T)
  13. Amalienborg and its district (T)
  14. Amboseli National Park (T)
  15. Anatolian Seljuks Madrasahs (T)
  16. Ancares - Somiedo (T)
  17. Ancienne chocolaterie Menier à Noisiel (T)
  18. Ancient Cities of Lycian Civilization (T)
  19. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  20. Ancient City of Kaunos (T)
  21. Ancient city of Kibyra (T)
  22. Ancient City of Korykos (T)
  23. Ancient City of Stratonikeia (T)
  24. Ancient Khuttal (T)
  25. Ancient Ruin of Drukgyel Dzong (T)
  26. Arasbaran Protected Area (T)
  27. Archaeological and Historical National Park of Pueblo Viejo, La Vega (T)
  28. Archaeological Remains at the Hoeamsa Temple Site in Yangju City (T)
  29. Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (T)
  30. Archaeological Site of Assos (T)
  31. Archaeological Site of Kültepe-Kanesh (T)
  32. Archaeological site of Laodikeia (T)
  33. Archaeological Site of Perge (T)
  34. Archaeological Site of Priene (T)
  35. Archaeological Site of Sagalassos (T)
  36. Archeological Site of Zeugma (T)
  37. Architecture Moderne du XX siècle de la Ville de Montevideo (T)
  38. Architecture rurale de Basse-Casamance : Les cases à impluvium du royaume Bandial (T)
  39. Auckland Volcanic Fields (T)
  40. Ayeyawady River Corridor (T)
  41. Ayvalık Industrial Landscape (T)
  42. Badshahi Mosque, Lahore (T)
  43. Baltic Klint (T)
  44. Baltit Fort (T)
  45. Baquedano Street (T)
  46. Basilica Therma (Sarıkaya Roma Hamamı) (T)
  47. Bastam and Kharghan (T)
  48. Bhurti Temple Complex of Dailekh (T)
  49. Bird Migration Routes (T)
  50. Birkenhead Park, the pioneering People’s Park (T)
  51. Bishop's Basilica and Late-Antique Mosaics of Philippopolis, Roman Province of Thrace (T)
  52. Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve (T)
  53. Buddhistic cloister of Ajina-Tepa (T)
  54. Bulwarked Frontier Fortifications (T)
  55. Bunaken National Park (T)
  56. Cacaopera (T)
  57. Camp de concentration de Tarrafal (T)
  58. Çanakkale (Dardanelles) and Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Battles Zones in the First World War (T)
  59. Canal del Dique - Dike Canal (T)
  60. Capital Fortifications of Hanyang : Hangyangdoseong Capital City Wall, Bukhansanseong Mountain Fortress and Tangchundaeseong Defense Wall (T)
  61. Cara Sucia / El Imposible (T)
  62. Casablanca, Ville du XXème siécle, carrefour d'influences (T)
  63. Castle of San Felipe de Lara (T)
  64. Cathédrale de Bamako (T)
  65. Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (T)
  66. Catholic Doctrine Temples (T)
  67. Cave architecture of Muktinath Valley of Mustang (T)
  68. Central Balkan National Park (T)
  69. Central Karakorum National Park (T)
  70. Centre historique de Nova Sintra (T)
  71. Centre historique de Praia (T)
  72. Centre historique de Saida (T)
  73. Centre historique de São Filipe (T)
  74. Ceský ráj (Czech Paradise) Rock Cities (T)
  75. Chalchuapa (T)
  76. Chamangá: A Rock Paintings Area (T)
  77. Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte (T)
  78. Chaukhandi Tombs, Karachi (T)
  79. Chettinad, Village Clusters of the Tamil Merchants (T)
  80. Chirundu Fossil Forest (T)
  81. Church of Panagia Aggeloktisti (T)
  82. Church of Panayia Chrysokourdaliotissa, Kourdali (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region") (T)
  83. Church of San Salvador de Valdediós (T)
  84. Church of Santa Prisca and its Surroundings (T)
  85. Churches of the Altiplano (T)
  86. Cíes Islands–Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (T)
  87. Cité de Carcassonne et ses châteaux sentinelles de montagne (T)
  88. City of Azúa de Compostela (T)
  89. City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
  90. City of York: historic urban core (T)
  91. Ciudad Vieja / La Bermuda (T)
  92. Civil Rights Movement Sites (T)
  93. Coastal Forests of Kenya (Arabuko Sokoke Forest and Shimba Hills National Reserve) (T)
  94. Complex of travertine waterfalls in Martin Brod - Una National Park (T)
  95. Complexe d'aires Protégées de l'île de Santa Luzia et des Ilots Branco et Raso (T)
  96. Cultural Landscape of Alamout (T)
  97. Cultural landscape of Bač and its surroundings (T)
  98. Dababiya (T)
  99. Daegokcheon Stream Petroglyphs (T)
  100. Dag Hammarskjoeld Memorial (Crash site) (T)
  101. Damavand (T)
  102. Dayton Aviation Sites (T)
  103. Delhi - A Heritage City (T)
  104. Derawan Islands (T)
  105. Desert of the Discalced Carmelites and Built Ensemble of the Palace-Hotel in Bussaco (T)
  106. Desert Wadis (T)
  107. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (T)
  108. Djerdap National Park (T)
  109. Domaine de Fontainebleau : château, jardins, parc et forêt (T)
  110. Dreams in Stone - the palaces of King Ludwig II of Bavaria: Neuschwanstein, Linderhof and Herrenchiemsee (T)
  111. Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (Punakha Dzong, Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Trongsa Dzong and Dagana Dzong) (T)
  112. Early Chicago Skyscrapers (T)
  113. Early Period of Anatolian Turkish Heritage: Niksar, The Capital of Danishmend Dynasty (T)
  114. East Atlantic Flyway: England East Coast Wetlands (T)
  115. Eastern Arc Mountains, Kenya (T)
  116. Eflatun Pinar: The Hittite Spring Sanctuary (T)
  117. Eglises byzantines et post-byzantines de Curtea de Arges (T)
  118. El Fayoum (T)
  119. El Ferrol of the Illustration Historical Heritage (T)
  120. El Gigante Rockshelter (T)
  121. El Gour (T)
  122. Ensemble de grottes à concrétions du Sud de la France (T)
  123. Ensemble of Alvaro Siza's Architecture Works in Portugal (T)
  124. Eshab-ı Kehf Kulliye (Islamic-Ottoman Social Complex) (T)
  125. Fann mountains (T)
  126. Fell and Pali Aike Caves (T)
  127. Firuzabad Ensemble (T)
  128. Fishpond Network in the Trebon Basin (T)
  129. Fishriver Canyon (T)
  130. Fortified Manasija Monastery (T)
  131. Francke Foundation Buildings (T)
  132. Frontiers of the Roman Empire - The Danube Limes in Bulgaria (T)
  133. Fungal Flora of Bukovské Hills (T)
  134. Gasumo, la source la plus méridionale du Nil (T)
  135. Gdansk - Town of Memory and Freedom (T)
  136. Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve (T)
  137. Gemer and Abov churches with the medieval mural paintings (T)
  138. Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats (Extension) (T)
  139. Geyser in Herlany (T)
  140. Ghaznavi- Seljukian Axis in Khorasan (T)
  141. Gravures et peintures rupestres de l'Ennedi et du Tibesti (T)
  142. Great City of Chicomostoc-La Quemada (T)
  143. Greek Archaeological ensemble in Empúries, l'Escala, Girona (T)
  144. Grotte de Taforalt (T)
  145. Grottes de Dimba et Ngovo (T)
  146. Group of Mozarabic buildings on the Iberian Peninsula (T)
  147. Gulf of Fonseca (T)
  148. Güllük Dagi-Termessos National Park (T)
  149. Haci Bayram Mosque and its Surrounding Area (the Haci Bayram District) (T)
  150. Haci Bektas Veli Complex (T)
  151. Hala Sultan Tekke and the Larnaka Salt Lake Complex (T)
  152. Hamoun Lake (T)
  153. Hangar Y (T)
  154. Harra Protected Area (T)
  155. Harran and Sanliurfa (T)
  156. Hatay, St. Pierre Church (T)
  157. Head Office and Garden of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (T)
  158. Hell’s Gate National Park (T)
  159. Helwan Observatory (T)
  160. Hingol Cultural Landscape (T)
  161. Hiran Minar and Tank, Sheikhupura (T)
  162. Hire Benkal, Megalithic Site (T)
  163. Historic City of Harput (T)
  164. Historic Guild Town of Mudurnu (T)
  165. Historic Monument of Kangavar (T)
  166. Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid (T)
  167. Historic Town of San Sebastian del Oeste (T)
  168. Historical Centre of Puerto Plata (T)
  169. Historical city of Izamal (Izamal, Mayan continuity in an Historical City) (T)
  170. Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
  171. Historical Monuments of Nigde (T)
  172. Hôpital Notre-Dame à La Rose - Lessines (T)
  173. Houses of the hacienda San José del Carmen el Huique (T)
  174. Iconic Riverfront of the Historic City of Varanasi (T)
  175. Iconic Saree Weaving Clusters of India (T)
  176. Imam Reza Holy Complex (T)
  177. Indawgyi Lake Wildlife Sanctuary (T)
  178. Industrial Heritage of textile in the central Plateau of Iran (T)
  179. Inle Lake (T)
  180. Insular area and bay of Colonia del Sacramento (T)
  181. Ishak Pasha Palace (T)
  182. Islands of Jan Mayen and Bouvet as parts of a serial transnational nomination of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system (T)
  183. Ismail Fakirullah Tomb and its Light Refraction Mechanism (T)
  184. Ivriz Cultural Landscape (T)
  185. Íznik (T)
  186. Jacagua, Villa of Santiago (T)
  187. Jaén Cathedral (extension of the Renaissance Monumental Ensembles of Úbeda and Baeza) (T)
  188. Jame' (Congregational) Mosque of Esfahan (T)
  189. Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo (T)
  190. Jigme Dorji National Park (JDNP) (T)
  191. Jiroft (T)
  192. Jozani - Chwaka Bay Conservation Area (T)
  193. Juan Fernandez Archipielago National Park (T)
  194. Kaboud Mosque (T)
  195. Kakamega Forest (T)
  196. Kalambo Falls (T)
  197. Kalambo falls archaeological site (T)
  198. Karain Cave (T)
  199. Karatepe-Aslantaş Archaeological Site (T)
  200. Karst Valleys of Slovakia (T)
  201. Kebun Raya Bogor (T)
  202. Kekova (T)
  203. Kerikeri Basin historic precinct (T)
  204. Kermadec Islands and Marine reserve (T)
  205. Kerman Historical-Cultural Structure (T)
  206. Khandria (T)
  207. Khokana, the vernacular village and its mustard-oil seed industrial heritage (T)
  208. Khorramabad Valley (T)
  209. Kibiro (Salt producing village) (T)
  210. Kionia (T)
  211. Kızılırmak Delta Wetland and Bird Sanctuary (T)
  212. Klirou Bridge (T)
  213. Konya-A capital of Seljuk Civilization (T)
  214. Kuh-e Khuaja (T)
  215. Kuressaare Fortress (T)
  216. L'Aeropostale (T)
  217. L'amphitheatre de Durres (T)
  218. L'église de Densus (T)
  219. L'ensemble rupestre de Basarabi (T)
  220. L'Ile de Carabane (T)
  221. L'oeuvre architecturale d'Henry van de Velde (T)
  222. L’ancienne ville de Tripoli (T)
  223. La Camargue (T)
  224. La Moneda Palace (T)
  225. La Mosquée de Komoguel (T)
  226. La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montevideo (T)
  227. La réserve naturelle de la Rusizi (T)
  228. La résidence royale du Burundi: Le cas de Gishora (T)
  229. La Rioja and Rioja Alavesa Vine and Wine Cultural Landscape (T)
  230. Lac Abbeh (T)
  231. Lagune de Khnifiss (T)
  232. Lake Chilwa Wetland (T)
  233. Lake Tuz Special Environmental Protection Area (SEPA) (T)
  234. Las Pozas, Xilitla (T)
  235. Le Bassin du fleuve Niger (du seuil de Markala au lac Débo) (T)
  236. Le centre historique de la ville de Batroun (T)
  237. Le champ de bataille de Waterloo, la fin de l’épopée napoléonienne (T)
  238. Le chapelet d'oasis de Tighmert, Région présaharienne du Wad Noun (T)
  239. Le Charolais-Brionnais, paysage culturel de l'élevage bovin (T)
  240. Le Lac Assal (T)
  241. Le Lac Rose (T)
  242. Le lac Tanganyika (T)
  243. Le Monastère de Neamt (T)
  244. Le noyau historique de la ville d'Alba Julia (T)
  245. Le noyau historique ou la 'Cuve' de Gand, et les deux abbayes qui sont à son origine (T)
  246. Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (T)
  247. Le palais de Princes Eveques de Liège (T)
  248. Le Panorama de la Bataille de Waterloo, exemple particulièrement significatif de « Phénomène de Panoramas » (T)
  249. Le Parc National de la forêt du Day (T)
  250. Le parc national de la Kibira (T)
  251. Le parc national de la Ruvubu (T)
  252. Le paysage urbain historique de la ville de Djibouti et ses bâtiments spécifiques (T)
  253. Le plateau des Hautes-Fagnes (T)
  254. Le Portail du Monastère de Ripoll (T)
  255. Le rugo traditionnel du Mugamba (T)
  256. Le Vieux Rufisque (T)
  257. Les « coules » de Petite Valachie (T)
  258. Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (France) (T)
  259. Les chutes de la Karera et la faille de Nyakazu (T)
  260. Les citadelles mosanes (T)
  261. Les Escales du Fleuve Sénégal (T)
  262. Les Îles Moucha et Maskali (T)
  263. Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, de la Maurétanie et les monuments funéraires pré-islamiques (Algeria) (T)
  264. Les passages de Bruxelles / Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert (T)
  265. Les paysages naturels de la région d'Obock (T)
  266. Les paysages naturels sacrés de Muramvya, de Mpotsa et de Nkiko-Mugamba (T)
  267. Les sites à fossiles néandertaliens de Wallonie (T)
  268. Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (A) (T)
  269. Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (F) (T)
  270. Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (S) (T)
  271. Les tombes de la Basse Selca (T)
  272. Les Tumulus (Awellos) (T)
  273. Les tumulus de Cekeen (T)
  274. Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire: Nimes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (T)
  275. Les villes bastionnées des Pays-Bas du nord-ouest de l'Europe (T)
  276. Leuven/Louvain, batiments universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles au sein du centre historique (T)
  277. Levadas of Madeira Island (T)
  278. Loarre Castle (T)
  279. Locomotive depot of the Temuco Railroad Station (T)
  280. Los Petenes-Ría Celestún (T)
  281. Maasai Mara Game Reserve (T)
  282. Malawi Slave Routes and Dr. David Livingstone Trail (T)
  283. Malleco Viaduct (T)
  284. Mamure Castle (T)
  285. Mardin Cultural Landscape (T)
  286. Massif du Mont Blanc (T)
  287. Mathiatis South (T)
  288. Mausoleum and Sacred area of Hecatomnus (T)
  289. Mausoleum of "Khoja Mashkhad" (T)
  290. Mausoleum of Mukhammad Bashoro (T)
  291. Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve (T)
  292. Meanders of the Upper Daugava (T)
  293. Medieval City of Beçin (T)
  294. Medieval Earthern Walled City of Lo Manthang (T)
  295. Medieval Settlement of Kirtipur (T)
  296. Mediterranean Wind Mills (T)
  297. Mértola (T)
  298. Meru Conservation Area (T)
  299. Mesta Livestock trails (T)
  300. Metz Royale et Impériale, enjeux de pouvoir, confrontations stylistiques et identité urbaine (T)
  301. Mining Historical Heritage (T)
  302. Mining Towns of Central and Southern Honduras: Santa Lucía, Cedros, Ojojona-Guazucarán, San Antonio de Oriente, Tegucigalpa, Yuscarán, El Corpus (T)
  303. Mission Ruins of Venn's Town (T)
  304. Modernist Centre of Gdynia — the example of building an integrated community (T)
  305. Mon cities : Bago, Hanthawaddy (T)
  306. Monastery of Santa María de La Rábida and the Columbus Memorial Places in Huelva (T)
  307. Monastery of St. Amenaprkich (New Julfa Vank) (T)
  308. Montado, Cultural Landscape (T)
  309. Montagne Sainte-Victoire et sites cezaniens (T)
  310. Monte Verde Archaeological Site (T)
  311. Montecristi (T)
  312. Mosquée de Tinmel (T)
  313. Moulay Idriss Zerhoun (T)
  314. Mount Harşena and the Rock-tombs of the Pontic Kings (T)
  315. Mountain Chains (T)
  316. Mountain-top Hotel and Television Transmitter Ještěd (T)
  317. Mountainous Phrygia (T)
  318. Mousa, Old Scatness and Jarlshof: the Zenith of Iron Age Shetland (T)
  319. Mrauk-U (T)
  320. Mt. Soraksan Nature Reserve (T)
  321. Muara Takus (T)
  322. Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve (T)
  323. Mwela Rock Paintings (T)
  324. Myeik Archipelago (T)
  325. Mývatn and Laxá (T)
  326. Naganeupseong, Town Fortress and Village (T)
  327. Naletale Cluster of Dzimbabwes (T)
  328. Napier Art Deco historic precinct (T)
  329. Nasqsh-e Rostam and Naqsh-e Rajab (T)
  330. Natma Taung National Park (T)
  331. Natural and Cultural Landscape of Danube Region (T)
  332. Natural Reserves of Tatras Mountain (T)
  333. Natural-Historical Complex / Cave of Karaftoo (T)
  334. Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period (T)
  335. Nedroma et les Trara (T)
  336. Noyau historique d'Antwerpen -Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens remparts de vers 1250 (T)
  337. Nuruosmaniye Complex (T)
  338. Nuwakot Palace Complex (T)
  339. Nyandarua Mountains (T)
  340. Nyero Rockpaintings (T)
  341. Nyika National Park (T)
  342. Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes (T)
  343. Odunpazari Historical Urban Site (T)
  344. Oeam Village (T)
  345. Okavango Delta (T)
  346. Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (T)
  347. Old Wastewater Treatment Plant in Prague-Bubeneč (T)
  348. Oldonyo Murwak (T)
  349. Ordubad historical and architectural reserve (T)
  350. Original Meadow - Pasture Sites of Slovakia (T)
  351. Oued souf (T)
  352. Parc des Aurès avec les établissements oasiens des gorges du Rhoufi et d’El Kantara (T)
  353. Parc National de Dakhla (T)
  354. Parc national de Zakouma (T)
  355. Parc National des Iles de la Madeleine (T)
  356. Parc Naturel Cova, Paúl et Ribeira da Torre (T)
  357. Parc Naturel de Fogo – Chã das Caldeiras (T)
  358. Parc naturel de Talassemtane (T)
  359. Parque Nacional Cotubanamá (T)
  360. Parque Nacional Jaragua (T)
  361. Parque Nacional Ybyturuzu (T)
  362. Persepolis and other relevant buildings (T)
  363. Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods (T)
  364. Plasencia - Monfragüe - Trujillo : Paysage méditerranéen (T)
  365. Pobiti Kamani Natural Monument (T)
  366. Pombaline Lisbon (T)
  367. Pont sur la gorge du Salgina (T)
  368. Port of Banbhore (T)
  369. Pre-Hispanic City of Cantona (T)
  370. Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep (T)
  371. Priorat-Montsant-Siurana paysage agricole de la montagne méditerranéenne (T)
  372. Protected area of Lake Atitlán: multiple use (T)
  373. Puente de Occidente (Western Bridge) (T)
  374. Qeshm Island (T)
  375. Qoahito Cultural Landscape (T)
  376. Quartier de Peñarol: la Vieille Ville historique et le paysage industriel ferroviaire (T)
  377. Rade de Marseille (T)
  378. Railway Complex and English Village of Sapucai (T)
  379. Raja Ampat Islands (T)
  380. Ramagrama, the relic stupa of Lord Buddha (T)
  381. Rani Kot Fort, Dadu (T)
  382. Raoudha nilometre in Cairo (T)
  383. Renaissance Houses at Slavonice (T)
  384. Ring of cenotes of Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan (T)
  385. Rock Art of Jsukaevnda and Cerro Corá (T)
  386. Rocks of Belogradchik (T)
  387. Roman Production Centre of Fish Salting and Conservation in Tróia (T)
  388. Roman Ways. Itineraries of the Roman Empire (T)
  389. Romanesque Cultural Enclave in the North of Castile-Leon and the South of Cantabria (T)
  390. Rouen : ensemble urbain à pans de bois, cathédrale, église Saint-Ouen, église Saint Maclou (T)
  391. Route of Magellan (T)
  392. Route of the Agroindustry and the Architecture Victoriana (T)
  393. Route of the Franciscan Evangelisation (T)
  394. Route of the Peace and National Identity (T)
  395. Route of the to Dominique Evangelisation (T)
  396. Royal Manas National Park (RMNP) (T)
  397. Rwihinda, lac aux oiseaux (T)
  398. Sabalan (T)
  399. Sacred Sites associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and his descendants (T)
  400. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  401. Saint-Honorat, Île monastique de l’archipel de Lérins à Cannes (T)
  402. Salines de Pedra de Lume (T)
  403. Salt Domes of Iran (T)
  404. Salterns (T)
  405. San Fernando de Omoa Fortress (T)
  406. San Francisco Church and Convent (T)
  407. San Pedro de Atacama (T)
  408. Sanate Sugar Mill [Ruta de Los Ingenios] (T)
  409. Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (T)
  410. Seljuk Caravanserais on the route from Denizli to Dogubeyazit (T)
  411. Serial Nomination of Maratha Military Architecture in Maharashtra (T)
  412. Serpent Mound (T)
  413. Seville Heritage Park (T)
  414. Shah Jahan Mosque, Thatta (T)
  415. Shahbazgarhi Rock Edicts (T)
  416. Shush (T)
  417. Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
  418. Sierra De Las Minas Biosphere Reservation (T)
  419. Silk Roads Sites in Kyrgyzstan (T)
  420. Silk Route (Also as Silk Road) (T)
  421. Sinpetru (site paleontologique) (T)
  422. Sirmilik National Park and Tallurutiup Imanga (proposed) National Marine Conservation Area (T)
  423. Sistema Ferrocarril Pte. Carlos Antonio Lopez (T)
  424. Sites along the Uttarapath, Badshahi Sadak, Sadak-e-Azam, Grand Trunk Road (T)
  425. Sites historiques et paysages culturels du Manden (T)
  426. Sites of fossilized dinosaurs throughout the Southern seacoast (T)
  427. Sites of Globalization (T)
  428. Sites of Great Moravia: Slavonic Fortified Settlement at Mikulcice - Church of St.Margaret at Kopcani (T)
  429. Sites of Saytagrah (T)
  430. Sites of the Busan Wartime Capital (T)
  431. Sites, lieux et itineraires augustiniens du Maghreb central (T)
  432. Sitio Arqueológico de la Villa La Isabela (T)
  433. Siwa archaeological area (T)
  434. Smederevo Fortress (T)
  435. South of Ricaurte Province (T)
  436. Southwest Coast (T)
  437. St. Nicholas Church (T)
  438. St. Paul Church, St. Pauls Well and surrounding historic quarters (T)
  439. Stone Buddhas and Pagodas at Hwasun Unjusa Temple (T)
  440. Strict Nature Reserve - Primeval forest “Perućica” (T)
  441. Sultan Bayezid II Complex: A Center of Medical Treatment (T)
  442. Sümela Monastery (The Monastery of Virgin Mary) (T)
  443. Sun Temple, Modhera and its adjoining monuments (T)
  444. Svalbard Archipelago (T)
  445. System of Fortifications at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno - Komárom (Slova) (T)
  446. Tamzhing Monastery (T)
  447. Tana Toraja (T)
  448. Tape Sialk (T)
  449. Taq-e Bostan (T)
  450. Tayrona and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Parks and their Archaeological Sites (T)
  451. Taza et la Grande Mosqué (T)
  452. Tecoaque (T)
  453. Temple d’Echmoun (T)
  454. Temple of Hator built by Ramses III (T)
  455. Templo San Buenaventura de Yaguaron (T)
  456. Thaba-Bosiu National Monument (T)
  457. The African Great Rift Valley - The Maasai Mara (T)
  458. The Ancient City of Apollonia (T)
  459. The Ancient City of Sardis and the Lydian Tumuli of Bin Tepe (T)
  460. The Ancient Plovdiv (T)
  461. The ancient town of Nicopolis ad Istrum (T)
  462. The architectural legacy of Rogelio Salmona: an ethical, political, social and poetic manifesto (T)
  463. The Augustow Canal (Kanal Augustowski) (T)
  464. The Bachkovo Monastery (T)
  465. The Barotse Cultural Landscape (T)
  466. The Betlém Rock Sculptures near Kuks (T)
  467. The Bodrum Castle (T)
  468. The Bony Fish Fossils of the Western Limfjord: Evolution and Climate Adaptation in the Earliest Eocene (T)
  469. The Bridge of Justinian (T)
  470. The Bridge of Uzunköprü (T)
  471. The Castle of Bashtova (T)
  472. The Central Slave and Ivory Trade Route (T)
  473. The Collection of Historical Bridges (T)
  474. The Colonial Transisthmian Route of Panamá (Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá) (T)
  475. The Commander Islands (T)
  476. The Complex of Izadkhast (T)
  477. The concept of the lenticular historical town core of Kosice City (T)
  478. The Cultural Triangle (T)
  479. The Cultural-Natural Landscape of Ramsar (T)
  480. The Defensive Complex of Valdivia (T)
  481. The Deliblato Sands Special Natural Reserve (T)
  482. The Djavolja Varos (Devil's Town) Natural Landmark (T)
  483. The Dunejec River Gorge in the Pieniny Mountains (T)
  484. The early medieval architectural complex of Panauti (T)
  485. The Episcopal See of Egara and its pictorial decoration (5th-8th centuries) (T)
  486. The Fortress of Terezín (T)
  487. The Great Rift Valley - The Kenya Lakes System (T)
  488. The Great Wall of Gorgan (T)
  489. The Green Route of Verapaz (T)
  490. The Hadrianic city of Italica (T)
  491. The Historic and Marine Landscape of the Banda Islands (T)
  492. The Historic Centre of Sibiu and its Ensemble of Squares (T)
  493. The historic ensemble of Orchha (T)
  494. The historic urban site of Počitelj (T)
  495. The Historical City of Masouleh (T)
  496. The Historical City of Maybod (T)
  497. The Historical Texture of Damghan (T)
  498. The Historical Village of Abyaneh (T)
  499. The Historical-Cultural Axis of Fin, Sialk, Kashan (T)
  500. The Industrial Complexes at Ostrava (T)
  501. The Jewish Cemetery of Altona Königstrasse. Sephardic Sepulchral Culture of the 17th and 18th century between Europe and the Caribbean (T)
  502. The Karlstejn Castle (T)
  503. The late ancient tomb of Silistra (T)
  504. The Lofoten islands (T)
  505. The Malabadi Bridge (T)
  506. The Manglares Route of Pacific Coast of Guatemala (T)
  507. The Maritime Heritage of Dragør Old Town and Harbour - A ‘skipper-town’ from the era of the great tall ships in the 18th and 19th centuries (T)
  508. The Mayan-Olmecan Encounter (T)
  509. The medieval palace complex of Gorkha (T)
  510. The Medieval Town of Tansen (T)
  511. The Mediterranean Facet of the Pyrenees (France-Spain) (T)
  512. The Memorial of Chatam Sófer (T)
  513. The Meru Conservation Area (T)
  514. The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun (T)
  515. The natural and architectural ensemble of Blagaj (T)
  516. The natural and architectural ensemble of Blidinje (T)
  517. The natural and architectural ensemble of Jajce (T)
  518. The natural and architectural ensemble of Stolac (T)
  519. The Old Town of Jakarta (T)
  520. The old villages of Hollókõ and Rimetea and their surroundings (T)
  521. The Olive Grove Landscapes of Andalusia (T)
  522. The Persian House in Central plateau of Iran (T)
  523. The Qutb Shahi Monuments of Hyderabad (T)
  524. The Ribeira Sacra, Lugo and Orense (T)
  525. The Roussensky Lom National Park (T)
  526. The royal necropolis of the Thracian city of Seuthopolis – a serial site, extension of the Kazanlak Thracian tomb (T)
  527. The rural settlement of Fikardou (T)
  528. The Salt Range and Khewra Salt Mine (T)
  529. The Silver Route (T)
  530. The Site of Ancient Town of Shahristan (Kahkakha) (T)
  531. The Spa at Luhacovice (T)
  532. The Tara National Park with the Drina River Canyon (T)
  533. The Theatre and Aqueducts of the Ancient City of Aspendos (T)
  534. The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel (T)
  535. The town of Melnik and the Rozhen Monastery (T)
  536. The Turf House Tradition (T)
  537. The Underground Water Structures in Gaziantep; Livas and Kastels (T)
  538. The Underwater City of Port Royal (T)
  539. The Wine in Iberia (T)
  540. The Zandiyeh Ensemble of Fars Province (T)
  541. Thingvellir National Park (T)
  542. Thracian Tomb with Wall Paintings beside Alexandrovo village (T)
  543. Tilaurakot, the archaeological remains of ancient Shakya Kingdom (T)
  544. Tokaj Wine Region (T)
  545. Tomb of Ahi Evran (T)
  546. Tombs of Jahangir, Asif Khan and Akbari Sarai, Lahore (T)
  547. Torfajökull Volcanic System / Fjallabak Nature Reserve (T)
  548. Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (T)
  549. Touran Biosphere Reserve (T)
  550. Tous Cultural Landscape (T)
  551. Town of Chichicastenango (T)
  552. Trading Posts and Fortifications on Genoese Trade Routes from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea (T)
  553. Traditional Settlement at Nagari Sijunjung (T)
  554. Trakai Historical National Park (T)
  555. Transatlantic Cable Ensemble (C) (T)
  556. Troodos, Mt.Olympus (T)
  557. Trowulan (T)
  558. Turó de la Seu Vella de Lleida (T)
  559. Tushpa/Van Fortress, the Mound and the Old City of Van (T)
  560. Two neolithic dwellings with their interior and household furnishings and utensils completely preserved. (T)
  561. United Fruit Company Infrastructure (T)
  562. University City of Bogotá (T)
  563. University of Tehran (T)
  564. Upo Wetland (T)
  565. Vadnagar – A multi-layered Historic town, Gujarat (T)
  566. Vajrayogini and early settlment of sankhu (T)
  567. Vali-e Asr Street (T)
  568. Valle Salado de Añana (T)
  569. Vallée des Cierges (T)
  570. Vespasianus Titus Tunnel (T)
  571. VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park (T)
  572. Vila Viçosa (T)
  573. Ville de Lixus (T)
  574. Visis Cabá National park and Triangulo Ixil Vernacular Architecture (T)
  575. Volcan Masaya National Park (T)
  576. Vratsa Karst Nature Reserve (T)
  577. Vumba Mountain Range (T)
  578. Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve (T)
  579. Waitangi Treaty Grounds (T)
  580. Wanuskewin (T)
  581. Wazir Khans Mosque, Lahore (T)
  582. Welwitschia Plains (T)
  583. White Sands National Monument (T)
  584. Wild Ass Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch (T)
  585. Wooded meadows (Laelatu, Kalli-Nedrema, Mäepea, Allika, Tagamoisa, Loode, Koiva, Halliste) (T)
  586. Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period : Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe-Kyaung (Mandalay) (T)
  587. Workers’ Assembly Halls (Australia) (T)
  588. Yerba Mate Cultural Landscape (T)
  589. Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop (T)
  590. Yivli Minaret Mosque (T)
  591. Yıldız Palace Complex (T)
  592. Zakaznik Kusavlisay (T)
  593. Zeynel Abidin Mosque Complex and Mor Yakup (Saint Jacob) Church (T)
  594. Ziwa National Monument (T)
  595. Zone Giraphe (T)

Reviewed TWHS