Most Valuable Sites

Ranking of the most valuable sites out of the 1031 inscribed WHS in 2015 as discussed on our Forum (WHS Top 200).

#World Heritage SiteGroupReason
1Aachen CathedralAfor understanding the role of religion in European politics and culture; also impressive architectural importance and longevity
2AcropolisAvery classic and symbol of Greek Culture in many aspects
3Agra FortAonce center of the Mughal Empire, and represents South Asia well on Palaces
4Air and TéneréArepresenting the Sahara, the world's largest desert
5Ajanta CavesAimpressive art, the fresco and rock carving are the masterpiece
6AksumArepresentative of Ethiopia, but also one of most advanced ancient civilizations in Africa outside the Egyptian sphere
7Aldabra AtollAExample of Atoll creation plus notable bird and tortoise species
8Alejandro de Humboldt National ParkAhighlights flora endemic to the Caribbean (also a good site for Caribbean fauna)
9AleppoAfor its long period of history and remains
10Altamira CaveAfor its historic significance
11Amsterdam Canal RingAfor its architecture and historical importance
12Ancient KyotoAmasterpiece of Japanese architecture, gardens
13Ancient NaraArepresent the formation of the Japanese state
14Ancient ThebesAEgyptian civilization at its height: Luxor and Karnak
15AngkorAmost well-known temple complex in south and southeast Asia; started out as a Hindu temple before changing to a Buddhist temple in the 12th century
16Auschwitz BirkenauAmemorializes and educates the public about the Holocaust and genocide
17BaalbekAstunning temple architecture
18Bali Subak systemAhighlights the Balinese Subak system of irrigation for rice terraces, as well as water temples
19Banc d'ArguinARepresenting the Eastern Atlantic Migratory (Birds) Flyway
20BethlehemABirthplace of Jesus
21BorobudurAiconic sight, one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world
22BrasiliaApre-eminent example of 20th century architecture and urban planning
23BruggeAbeautiful, coherent mediaeval core of a once significant city
24BudapestAcontrast across the 2 sides of the river, great location and the 19C "modernity"
25BukharaAone of the best preserved historic cities in Central Asia
26Canadian Rocky Mountain ParksArange of aspects: continental divide range, fossils (Burgess), lakes/glaciers etc
27Cape Floral RegionAone of the world's six floral kingdoms, with fynbos vegetation
28Caral-Supe Aoldest city in the Americas
29CartagenaArepresenting world exploration and the great commercial maritime routes
30CarthageAfor its historical significance
31Central Amazon Conservation ComplexAbest to represent the Amazon and its size is important
32Chaco CultureAimpressive remains and rock art of the Anasazi
33Chan ChanAto cover the Chimu and for its size and "mystery"
34Changdeokgung Palace ComplexAmajor site representative of Korean architecture
35Chichen-ItzaAIcon and representative site of of Mayan civilization
36Chola TemplesAimpressive Hindu temple, representative of southern Indian art
37Classical Gardens of SuzhouAepitome of classical Chinese garden design
38Cliff of BandiagaraAfor its cliff dwellings and cultural landscape / indigenous religion
39Coffee Cultural LandscapeAclosely associated with the identity of Colombia as coffee-producing nation
40Crac des ChevaliersAmajor Crusader site in the Middle East
41CuzcoAremains of Inca capital smothered by colonial buildings
42DamascusAOne of the oldest cities in the world with many historical sites
43Dazu Rock CarvingsAfor its carvings & coming together of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism
44Decorated cave of Pont d'ArcAartistically beautiful
45DjennéAfor its mud mosque & the best known archaeological site in sub-Saharan Africa
46DubrovnikArather fine in its architecture and location
47El PinacateAhighlights the North American desert environment, noted for its biodiversity
48Ellora CavesAbeautiful rock-cut cave temples, with ties to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, Kailash Temple is best example of Dravidian architecture
49Etruscan NecropolisesAfascinating pre-Roman Tombs, preserved tomb murals/paintings
50FerraraAexample of Italian Renaissance urban planning
51FlorenceARenaissance town par excellence
52Fraser IslandAlargest sand island in the world
53Fujian TulouAunique and iconic vernacular architecture
54Galapagos IslandsA famed for their vast number of endemic species and were studied by Charles Darwin
55Genbaku DomeAmemorializes the moment man could destroy nations, memorial to the victims of nuclear weapons & part of the movement to eliminate them
56Glacier parksAglaciated coastal landscapes with active glaciers
57GranadaAfor the Alhambra and to represent Moorish history
58Grand CanalAbest of the canal sites, and an impressive feat of engineering
59Grand CanyonAno. 1 choice for canyons
60Great Barrier ReefAoutstanding example of a tropical coral reef
61Great WallAiconic and universally known
62Great ZimbabweATHE major and most iconic archaeological site in Africa south of the Equator
63Gulf of CaliforniaAgreat biodiversity (almost 40% of the world's total marine mammal species) in this narrow gulf in dry, southwestern North America
64Gunung MuluAgreat example of a karst cave / karst pinnacles
65Gwynedd CastlesAprobably most impressive series of castles of medieval Europe
66Göreme NPAeroded rock formations, underground architecture and frescoes
67Ha Long Bay – Cat Ba ArchipelagoAprobably the most recognized example of karst topography
68Hallstatt-DachsteinAdistinctive Austrian Alpine towns and landscape famous for its salt mines in use as early as the 2nd millennium BC
69HatraArepresenting the Parthian Empire
70Hawaii VolcanoesAbest example of volcanic island-building
71Head-Smashed-In Buffalo JumpArepresentative of native American hunting practices
72Hill Forts of RajasthanARajput architecture is outstanding in its own way and perfect example of fortress palace of Asia
73Himeji-joAthe quintessential Japanese castle
74Historic CairoAfor its Islamic and Coptic heritage
75Iguazu National ParkAArgentinian side: for its enormous and iconic waterfalls
76Ilulissat IcefjordArepresents the Arctic
77Imperial PalaceAfor the Forbidden City
78Ironbridge GorgeAthe symbol of the Industrial Revolution, represents early Iron making
79Isole EolieASignificant in the early study of volcanism
80IstanbulAByzantine-Ottoman continuity.
81Itsukushima ShrineArepresenting Shinto
82Jantar MantarAprime example of an astronomical site
83Joggins Fossil CliffsAcovers the Coal Age and this a particulary significant period for Man's later development
84KairouanAthe fourth holiest city in Islam, and an important center of learning in North Africa in the 9th century
85Kathmandu ValleyAreligious significance as well as stunning Newari architecture
86Kenya Lake SystemAAfrican Rift Valley, soda lakes, avifauna
87Kew GardensAfor its pioneering scientific work & has the largest collection of living plants in the world
88Khajuraho Group of MonumentsArepresenting Nagara and North Indian architecture, best sculpture
89Kilimanjaro National ParkAhighest mountain in Africa, strato volcano, giant flora etc
90Kinabalu ParkArepresenting Borneo and its flora
91Kizhi PogostApicturesque wooden churches on an island in a lake in northern Russia, representing Russian Orthodoxy
92Komodo National ParkAfor the iconic Komodo dragon
93KoutammakouAfor its traditional settlement and vernacular architecture
94KrakówAa significant city with a well preserved mediaeval core
95Kremlin and Red SquareATo represent Russian mediaeval architecture
96Ksar of Aït Ben HaddouAStunning Earthen Architecture
97Lake BaikalAdeepest, oldest and 2nd largest lake in the world
98LalibelaAspectacular rock-hewn cruciform-shaped churches in Ethiopia
99Leptis MagnaABest Roman town to represent whole N Africa
100Lorentz National ParkArepresenting the biodiversity of New Guinea
101Los GlaciaresAglaciated continental landscapes with active glaciers
102Lower Valley of the AwashAFor the Lucy skeleton (popularization, US tour)
103Machu PicchuArepresenting the Inca civilization; perhaps most important and iconic Pre-Columbian site; also for fine Andes location
104Mahabodhi Temple ComplexAbirthplace of Buddhism, the center of Buddhism pilgrimage
105Maritime GreenwichArepresents the development of navigation and astronomy
106Mausoleum of the First Qin EmperorAfor its famous terra-cotta warriors, first unification of China
107Medici Villas and GardensAunique style of Italian gardening, architecture, and landscape design, influencing other residences in Italy and Europe
108Medina of MarrakeshA"iconic" city with fine mosques going back to 11C and a full set of souks, trad areas
109Meidan Emam, EsfahanAformer royal square at the heart of a former capital of the Persian empire; representative Shia site with Safavid architecture
110Melaka and George TownAunique Sino-Portuguese art with Malay culture
111MeroeAfor its over 200 pyramids dating from the Kingdom of Kush
112Mesa VerdeACliff Palace, Balcony House, and unique adaptation to a harsh environment
113MeteoraAmost visually striking group of monasteries on this list
114Mexico City and XochimilcoAfor its culture, architecture and Aztec heritages
115MoenjodaroAfor Indus Valley Civilization
116Mogao CavesAgem of the Silk Road, "the largest, most richly endowed, and longest used treasure house of Buddhist art in the world"
117Mont-Saint-MichelAstunning location in a bay
118Mount AthosAholy mountain in Greece, spiritual center of the Orthodox Church
119Museumsinsel (Museum Island)Afor its contribution to museology
120Mycenae and TirynsArepresenting the Mycenaean civilization, which dominated the eastern Mediterranean world from the 15th to the 12th century B.C
121Namib Sand SeaArepresents coastal deserts, plus iconic sand dunes
122Nanda Devi and Valley of FlowersAHimalaya, alpine flora
123Nasca LinesAfor its iconic status and "Mystery"
124Nemrut DagAiconic heads & spread of Hellenism
125New LanarkAexample of a philanthropist factory town
126NgorongoroAsavannah wildlife in a volcanic crater; Olduvai: Home Erectus, Habilis and Sapiens + "tools"
127Nubian MonumentsAfor Abu Simbel
128Okavango DeltaAinland delta with variable seasons and fauna
129Old City of JerusalemAMonuments of ancient Middle Eastern cultures, Roman, Byzantine, Mamluk, Ottoman, Colonial
130OlympiaAfor the Olympic Games, a tradition that exists til this day
131Ouro PretoAoutstanding Baroque city
132PalmyraAone of the most well-known Middle East trade route sites
133PantanalACoverage of S American flora and fauna especially mammals
134Paris, Banks of the SeineAIconic. Important for Town Planning.
135PersepolisArepresenting the Persian Empire
136Persian GardenAgreat variety of Persian gardens representing different climates and timeperiods
137PetraArepresenting the Nabatean Empire & for its well-preserved remains
138Piazza del Duomo (Pisa)Afor the impressive architecture of the Tower of Pisa and the Baptistry
139Pico IslandAmost picturesque setting of all Vineyard sites
140Ping YaoAbest preserved example of a dynastic Chinese town/city, shows evolution of Chinese urban planning
141PompeiAunique site to study Roman life
142Potala PalaceAto represent Tibetan culture and very iconic
143PotosiAsilver mine in a colonial setting (also for its historic town)
144PragueASignificant mediaeval and Art Nouveau monuments. A great ensemble.
145PrambananAimpressive example of Hindu architecture outside of India, best example of Indonesian candi
146PueblaAoutstanding planned city in Mexico with rich architecture
147Puerto-Princesa Subterranean RiverAoutstanding habitat from mountain to sea, with an underground river, in the Philippine archipelago
148Pyramids (Memphis)Alargest pyramid and only surviving ancient wonder of the world
149Qhapaq ÑanAInca Road System
150Qutb MinarARepresenting Islam in South Asia, plus tallest brick minaret in the world
151QuébecAbest french colonial city
152Rapa NuiAfor its mysterious moais.
153RavennaAOutstanding mosaics
154RedwoodAfor its gigantic trees
155Rice Terraces of the Philippine CordillerasAiconic and outstanding example of high-altitude rice production
156Rock IslandsAcontains 52 marine lakes, more than at any other site in the world, high endemism
157RomeASignificant ancient Roman monuments as well as mediaeval and Baroque
158Route of Santiago de CompostelaACatholic pilgrimage route that has been in use since the Middle Ages
159Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo MnaraAmajor Swahili trading site; predates Zanzibar
160SGang GwaayAfor its giant totem poles
161Sagarmatha National ParkAhighest in world and many other high peaks, glaciers etc
162Saint Catherine AreaAOne of the world's oldest monasteries, at the foot of Mount Sinai
163SamarkandAhuge Silk Road significance
164SamarraAfor the spiral minaret of its Great Mosque & early Muslim architecture
165San AgustínAfor its beautiful giant sculptures
166Sana'aAUnique and outstanding architecture
167Sceilg MhichílAwonderful setting, exemplifies monastic isolation
168Selimiye MosqueA16th century masterpiece of the architect Sinan, and one of the highest achievements of Islamic architecture
169SerengetiAsavannah in eastern Africa that hosts the world's largest annual overland migration of animals
170ShibamAexcellent example of vertical city planning
171Sichuan Giant Panda SanctuariesAGiant panda
172SienaAthe choice of a medieval town in Italy
173SigiriyaASri Lanka's best site and quite unique in Asia; for its amazing location/conception
174Silk Roads Chang'an-Tianshan CorridorAtrade route that significantly shaped history between Asia and Europe
175SintraAvisually beautiful, linked to esoterism and covers a variety of architectural styles, from Moorish to Gothic to Renaissance
176Skocjan CavesAplace "where the study of karst topography began", and part of one of the 2 great karst areas of the World
177South China KarstAOne of the best examples of continental karsts worldwide; "One of 2 great karst areas of the World"
178St. PetersburgAan excellent example of 18th century architecture and as a representation (together with Moscow) of one of the largest empires in the world
179Statue of LibertyAiconic and symbolic monument to liberty, freedom, and democracy and eventually migrants and refugees seeking exactly that
181Sub-Antarctic IslandsAhighlights insular flora and fauna in the Southern Ocean region
182SukhothaiACradle of Thai Civilization with beautiful Sukothai styles
183Sun Temple, KonarakArepresenting Kalinga architecture style, best sculpture and carving along with Khajuraho
184Swiss Alps Jungfrau-AletschArepresenting the Alps, high alpine scenery, largest glacier in Eurasia
185Sydney Opera HouseAsymbol of Australia, iconic architecture, world landmark
186Taj MahalAnot only for Islamic Mughal burial site but for architecture, garden and landscape design
187Tchogha ZanbilAfor its Ziggurat & to represent the Elamite empire
188Te WahipounamuAoutstanding fjords and glaciated landscapes in the southern hemisphere
189Teide National ParkABest example of a Stratovolcano
190Temple of HeavenAObvious significance and wooden architecture design is exceptional
191Temple, Mansion and Cemetery of ConfuciusAmost important for Confucianism
192TeotihuacanAfor its huge pyramids
193The SundarbansABangladesh part - Major river delta and "the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world"
194ThingvellirAearly, and "iconic" example of "democratic" self government and also the voyages of the Vikings
195Three parallel rivers of YunnanAcovers upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween
196Tikal National ParkAno.1 Maya-site in jungle setting
197ToledoAPerfect representative of Iberian city development from medieval
198Tropical Rainforest SumatraAfor the protection of flora and fauna species of Sumatra
199UluruANo. 1 for freestanding rock domes; iconic monolith; aboriginal culture
200Vatican CityASt. Peter's Basilica is an icon of Renaissance architecture and is known for its papal use; also one of the largest churches in the world
201Venice and its LagoonAfor its unique water setting
202VersaillesAbecame template for palaces all over Europe
203Victoria FallsAfor iconic Waterfall
204ViennaAfor Habsburg heritage development and its 19th century Ring
205Villa Romana del CasaleAmosaics depicting everyday life in Ancient Rome
206Virunga National ParkAexceptional (bio)diversity, first national park on the continent of Africa, significant number of rare Mountain Gorrilas plus chimpanzees
207Viñales ValleyAfor tobacco cultivation, which is closely associated with Cuba
208Volcanoes of KamchatkaArepresenting the Pacific Ring of Fire
209Vredefort DomeArepresents a larger meteorite impact structure
210Vézère ValleyAmost iconic and well preserved rock art
211Wachau Cultural LandscapeAfor its imposing abbeys
212Wadi RumAexcellent example of an Arabian desert, iconic scenic and historic value
213West LakeAfor its influence on Chinese culture in general (from gardening to literature); also a quintessential CL
214West Norwegian FjordsAclassic example of fjords, among the world's longest and deepest, from the northern hemisphere
215WestminsterA"Mother of Parliaments"
216Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt MinesAiconic salt mine & representation of early tourism
217Works of Antoni GaudíAbreadth of spectacular imaginative modernist architecture
218YellowstoneAbest variety of geothermal features on the World Heritage list, plus Rocky Mountain park home to bison, wolves, and grizzly bears
219Yosemite National ParkAglaciated continental landscapes post-glaciers
220ÇatalhöyükAwell preserved dwellings from the earliest periods of man's "settlement"
221Abu MenaBCoptic church (oriental rites), frescoes
222Aggtelek and Slovak KarstB
223AgrigentoBone of the best preserved Greek sites outside of Greece
224Alto DouroBhistoric wine-growing region in Portugal; known for Port wine
225AmbohimangaBrepresentative of royal site in an African context
226Amiens CathedralBexample of N. European Gothic
227Amphitheater of El JemBAmphitheater is most recognizable monument in Roman Africa
228Ancient MervB
229Ancient villages of Northern SyriaBnot only highlights the transition from the Roman period to early Christianity, but also show how conflicts put cultural treasures in danger
230Andrefana Dry ForestsB
231Antigua GuatemalaB
232AnuradhapuraBimpressive gigantic stupa architecture, cradle of Buddhism in Sri Lanka
233Arab-Norman PalermoBrepresenting Kingdom of Sicily & Normans
234Archaeological Site of AigaiBfor its royal tombs and wall paintings, and for representing the late Classic period and Macedonians
235Archaeological Site of DelphiB"religious centre and symbol of unity of the ancient Greek world"
236Asante Traditional BuildingsBrepresentative of Western African vernacular art
237AssisiBbest site to illustrate the veneration of saints, also impressive frescos
238AyutthayaBImportant city of SE Asia history with gigantic temple ruins and palace, a showcase of regional civilization
239Bahla FortBperfect example of fortified oasis
240Bam Cultural LandscapeB
241BambergBreally stunning overall medieval preservation with very few later additions
242Baroque ChurchesBrepresents a fused Filipino-Hispanic architectural style of churches in the Philippines
243Bassari CountryB
244Bauhaus SitesBfor its contribution to modern architecture
245BelemBone the most iconic sites in the Iberian peninsula and important also for travel and trade history
246Belize Barrier ReefB
247Berat and GjirokastraBone of the best examples of Ottoman architecture
248Biblical TellsBfor water management in the desert, representatives of their cultures/period and the cultural role of "Armageddon"
249Blenheim PalaceBrepresentative of British palaces and manor houses and lanscape gardening
250Blue and John Crow MountainsBfor the remnants of a society of escaped slaves.
251Brazilian Atlantic IslandsBAtlantic rainforest off the northeast coast of Brazil, with representative marine and bird life
252BryggenBto represent a late mediaeval port and the Hanseatic League
253Brú na BóinneBfor pre-historic burial traditions mixed with astronomic considerations
254BurgundyBvineyard CL with good architecture
255Bursa and CumalikizikBOttoman Mixture of Mosques, Tombs, Khans and "Kulliyes".
256Bwindi Impenetrable National ParkBFor its mountain gorillas
257Cahokia MoundsBthe major pre-Columbian site in North America; iconic site of the Mississippi culture
258Canaima National ParkBHighest Waterfall, "unique" formations and biota.
259CanterburyBseat of the spiritual head of the Church of England; also the site where Christianity was introduced to England
260Carlsbad CavernsB
261Castel del MonteBiconic medieval castle with mystical undertones
262Caves of Yagul and MitlaB
263Centennial HallBimportant in terms of modern architecture and sporting events
264Central Suriname Nature ReserveBa well maintained representation of Amazonian forest
265Central University City Campus of the UNAMBfor its modernist architecture, murals, and status as an active campus
266Cerrado Protected AreasB
267Cesky KrumlovBmedieval feeling, nicely preserved
268Chartres CathedralBincredibly beautiful Gothic-style cathedral in France
269ChavinB1500 to 300BC, precedes Nazca and Tiwanaku
270Chengjiang Fossil SiteB
271Chhatrapati Shivaji TerminusB
272Chief Roi Mata's DomainBto represent Pacific customs
273China DanxiaBrepresents a unique type of landscapes: the Danxia landform
274Churches and Convents of GoaBPortuguese colonial architecture + introduction of Catholicism to Asia
275Churches of ChiloéBrepresents the tradition of Jesuit and mestizo wooden architecture constructed on islands on the west coast of Chile
276Churches of MoldaviaBgreat exterior wall paintings
277Churches of PeaceBlarge wooden churches built as refuges for Protestants in Silesia
278Cilento and Vallo di DianoBfor the Greek temples in Paestum
279City of BathBa unique example of thermal architecture from various periods
280Cologne CathedralBiconic Gothic-style cathedral in Germany
281CopánBrepresentative site of of Mayan civilization
282Cornwall and West Devon Mining LandscapeBfor its picturesque remains in the landscape, impact on mining technique worldwide
283Costiera AmalfitanaBvisually beautiful Italian terraced landscape with coastal villages, vineyards, and orchards located on steep hillsides
284Cueva de las ManosBfor its quirkiness and age
285Darien National ParkB
286DengfengBChinese monuments, including the Songyang Academy of Classical Learning, at the base of a sacred mountain
287Derwent Valley MillsBearly weaving Enterprise, start of the production process, early Industrial housing
288Dinosaur Provincial ParkB
289DivrigiBAnatolian "Seljuk" mosque and hospital with fine carvings
290Dja Faunal ReserveBrainforest in west-central Africa which includes wildlife like the western lowland gorilla and the forest elephant
293Dong PhayayenBSoutheast Asian forest home to elephants, tigers, leopard cats, and the Siamese crocodile
294Durham Castle and CathedralBexample of Romanesque cathedral
295East RennellB
296Echmiatsin and ZvartnotsBOldest cathedral in the world, in the first country to formally adopt Christianity as national religion
297EdinburghBGreat city of many beautiful architecture from many periods, medieaval to Georgian
298El EscurialBfor the concept of combining a palace with a monastery
299El TajinBthe Pyramid of Niches alone is worthy of inclusion
300EvergladesBsubtropical North American wetlands with a diversity of wading birds and other wildlife
301Falun Great Copper MountainBfor its long and influential history as a copper mine
302Fasil GhebbiBfortress city formerly home to the Ethiopian royal family, and it represents east Africa
303Fatehpur SikriBAnother beautiful Mughal city-palace
304First Coffee PlantationsBremains of 171 historic coffee plantations, representing the traditional way coffee was produced
305Flemish BéguinagesBfocus on female religious worship
307Fort and Shalamar GardensBfor Mughal gardening
308Forth BridgeB
309Fortifications of VaubanBquintessential site for European fortress building
310Fortified City of CarcassonneB
311Forts and Castles Gold CoastB
312Fossil Hominid SitesBFor the Taung Skull, a specimen of the species Australopithecus africanus (first of an early ape-form species to be classified as hominid)
313Fray BentosBto represent the worldwide impact of industrialisation/trade
314Frontiers of the Roman EmpireBmainly for Hadrian's Wall
315GhadamesB"the pearl of the desert", unique functions based on levels/terraces
316Giant's CausewayBbasalt formation formed by volcanic activity at a fine location
317Golestan PalaceB
318Gough and Inaccessible IslandsB
319Grand Place, BrusselsB
320Grand-BassamBSub-Saharan colonial architecture
321Great Himalayan National ParkBW Himalayan flora and fauna
322Greater Blue MountainsBfor the eucalypts
323Grimeton Radio StationBfor how we started "communicating" wirelessly
324GuanajuatoBarchetypal "Mexican" town from 18C which has developed beyond its purely Spanish colonial roots
325GyeongjuBMassive Tombs, Astronomical Observatory, and sacred mountain filled with carved buddhas and several pagodas.
326Hal Saflieni HypogeumBone of the oldest buildings
327HampiBruined city of Hindu Kingdom with many great art and unique location
328Hani Rice TerracesB
329HattushaBmost important city of an Anatolian culture, Hittite empire
330Heard and McDonald IslandsBrepresenting the sub-Antarctic, no record of alien flora or fauna species and volcanically active
331Hierapolis-PamukkaleBgeothermal features
332Hoi AnB
333HuanglongBFor its travertine features
334HuangshanBscenic beauty
335Huascaran National ParkBdiversity of the Andes
336HuéBtraditional architecture of SE Asia
337IguacuBBrazilian side
338Ischigualasto / TalampayaB
339Island of GoréeB
340Itchan KalaBimpressive architecture
341JejuBfor its Lava Tubes
342Jesuit Missions of the ChiquitosBunique vernacular style, representative for missions
343Jiuzhaigou ValleyBfor its scenic beauty
344Kahuzi-Biega National ParkB
345Kakadu National ParkBunique artwork of the Aboriginals
346Kaziranga National ParkBhigh bio-diversity, Indian one horned Rhino
347Keoladeo National ParkBimportant nesting area in South Asia for migratory birds from Siberia and China, including the rare Siberian crane
348Kii Mountain RangeBfor its Shinto pilgrimage route
349KinderdijkBquintessential Dutch landscape
350Koguryo KingdomBIconic example of step pyramid shaped tomb architecture, tomb murals are exquisite.
351KonsoBdry stone terraces still in use by the Konso people of Ethiopia
352KukBa bit niche, but is about agriculture & only representation of PNG on the list
353Kutna HoraBsilver mine in an European setting (also for its historic town)
354Kyiv Cathedral and LavraBSaint Sophia is a beautiful Eastern Orthodox cathedral with Byzantine art
355L'Anse aux MeadowsBremains of earliest example of European presence in North America
356Lagoons of New CaledoniaB
357Lake MalawiBfor its closed system study of evolution
358Lakes of OuniangaBunique series of freshwater lakes in the desert
359Laponian AreaBRepresents pastoralism and reindeer husbandry
360Laurisilva of MadeiraBbest example of relict laurel forest, also representing the biodiversity of Macaronesia
361Lavaux, Vineyard TerracesBbeautiful Swiss vineyard terraces on the shores of Lake Geneva
362Lena PillarsBunique example of a frost-derived karst
363Loire ValleyBvalley filled with architecturally unique châteaux and towns
364Longmen GrottoesBone of the best examples of Chinese art during Tang Dynasty
365Lopé-OkandaBhome to the western lowland gorilla
366Los Katios National ParkBCentral American park with high biodiversity and high regional endemism
367Luang PrabangBcolonial architecture in Asia
368LumbiniBbirthplace of Buddha as well as spiritual place for several Eastern cultures
369Lushan National ParkB
370Luther MemorialsBRepresenting the Protestant Reformation of 1517
371LübeckBrepresenting the Hanseatic League
372M'Zab ValleyBwalled town and concentric streets plus its Date groves and other cultural factors
373MacaoBColonial architecture in a Chinese setting
374MahabalipuramBRock cut Dravidan Architecture,Monolith
375Major Town HousesBexcellent example of Art Nouveau-style residences
376Malbork CastleBmost impressive brick castle in the world
377Mammoth CaveB
378Manovo-Gounda St. FlorisBpark in central Africa, home to the black rhinoceros
379MasadaBFortress, Palace, amazing location, oodles of "History"
380MateraBOne of the best examples of cave dwelling on the list
381Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed YasawiBresting place for one of the most prominent religious figures in the history of Sufism
382Medina of FezBrepresenting the North African medina
383Megalithic Temples of MaltaB
384Messel PitBfor variety of fossilized creatures
385Mijikenda Kaya ForestsB
386Minaret of JamBoutstanding example of Islamic architecture in central Asia; beautiful brick and tile work
387Monarch Butterfly Biosphere ReserveBSpectacular butterfly migration
388MonticelloBarchitecture and design, as well as the combined faculty and student learning environment of the University of Virginia
389MostarBFor its bridge
390Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant BuddhaBLocation of the first Buddhist Temple in China, and largest Buddha statue in the world
391Mount EtnaBthe definitive volcano
392Mount KenyaBstrato volcano, giant flora etc similar to Kilimanjaro
393Mount TaishanBTaoist sacred mountain
394Mount WutaiBChinese sacred mountain
395Mountain Railways of IndiaBFor their quirkiness
396Mountain Resort, ChengdeBrepresents Chinese integration of buildings into the natural environment
397MtskhetaBone of the best regional examples of churches
398MystrasBRepresenting the Late Period of Byzantine Art and Architecture
399Nahanni National ParkBunspoiled North American river
400NaplesBLots of beautiful monuments
401National History ParkBrepresents an extraordinary piece of Haitian history during its first phase of an independent nation
402Neolithic Flint Mines at SpiennesBpretty unique site in terms of its age
403Neolithic OrkneyBfor Skara Brae with its amazingly "complete" representation of a Neolithic dwelling in a fine setting
404NikkoBexceptional architecture
405Ningaloo CoastB
406Noel Kempff Mercado National ParkBcontender to represent the Amazon
407NovgorodBTo represent Russian mediaeval towns.
408Oaxaca and Monte AlbanBmost significant Zapotec site
409Ogasawara IslandsB
410Okapi Wildlife ReserveB
411Old Town LunenburgBthe best British example in North America/Caribbean
412Old Town of LijiangBunique Naxi ideal city and sophisticated water management
413Olympic National ParkBcombi of mountains and coast
414Orkhon ValleyBshowcases Mongolia's nomadic history and culture
415Osun-OsogboBto represent the Yoruba cultural traditions
416Painted Churches in the Troödos RegionBone of the best examples of painted churches on an island
417PalenqueBMaya site with "exquisite architecture"
418ParamariboBwooden architecture, Transatlantic Dutch colony
419PattadakalBrepresenting Badami Chalukya architecture
420Peking Man SiteBPrime example of Homo erectus site (many individuals plus tools
421Peninsula ValdesBrepresentative Patagonian landscape by land; marine habitat for right whales, elephant seals, sea lions, and orcas by sea
422PergamonBhighlights a city at a crossroads between cultures, with ruins from Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman periods of history
423Phoenix IslandsB
424Phong Nha - Ke BangBwith the new discovery of Hang Son Doong Cave, the world's largest cave
425Pirin National ParkB
426Pitons of ReunionBvolcanic plugs
427Plantin-Moretus MuseumBfor its importance in printing
428Plitvice LakesBearly WHS, also for its karst features and travertine pools
429Pont du GardBbest example of Roman aqueduct
430Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the IslandsB
431PotsdamBone of the finest landscape gardens/parks in Europe
432Poverty PointBto represent the Mississipi culture, important representation of a hunter-gatherer society
433Purnululu National ParkBsandstone karst
434Putorana PlateauB
435Pyrénées - Mont PerduBvisually dramatic landscape, alpine flora, best example of European transhumance
436Qadisha ValleyBLebanese Mediterranean landscape with cedar forests and terraces for grain, grapes, and olives; home to Maronite monks
437QuitoB"largest, least-altered and best preserved historic centre" in Latin America
438Rainforests of the AtsinananaBhighlights wildlife endemic to Madagascar, including lemurs
439Rammelsberg and GoslarBGerman mediëval town
440RhodesBfor its Crusader architecture
441RichtersveldBGreat example of current nomadic lifestyle
442Rietveld SchröderhuisBrepresents the modern movement of architecture well; excellent use of space inside the house
443RigaBfor its Art Nouveau parts
444Rila MonasteryBbest example of an orthodox monastery in the Balkans outside Greece
445Rio Abiseo National ParkBfor the unique Chachapoya sites of Gran Pajatén and Los Pinchudos
446Rio Platano Biosphere ReserveBto represent biodiversity in Central America
447Rio de JaneiroBiconic landscape in South America, with the natural setting retained and incorporated into the growth of the city
448Rjukan / NotoddenBshowcases the 20th century power industry through the harnessing of waterfalls and rivers for hydroelectric power
449Rock Art of AltaBfor the remote location - it's the northernmost cultural WHS and represents polar culture well.
450Rock Shelters of BhimbetkaB600 rock shelters (Asian unique rock art)
451Royal Joseon TombsBNot only a living tradition of ancestral worship, most complete dynastic burial remains in East Asia
452Royal Palace at CasertaBbiggest palace in Europe
453Royal Palaces of AbomeyBrepresentative of West African kingdoms
454Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-SenansBideal industrialized landscape, underground salt extraction
455Sacri Monti of Piedmont and LombardyB
456Safi al-Din Ensemble in Ardabil Bshrine of a prominent Sufi master; represents Sufism
457SafranboluBEarly Ottoman site par excellence
458SalamancaBbest of the European University cities
459Salvador de BahiaBfor its impressive european architecture with african feeling in Brazil
460SalzburgBBeautiful setting. Demonstrates continuity from mediaeval to Baroque.
461San Cristobal de La LagunaBinfluence on Spanish colonial cities in the Americas
462San GimignanoBfor its iconic towers are really stunning, a great repetitive of medieval village.
463San Pedro de la Roca CastleBBest preserved Spanish Fortress in the Caribbean
464SanchiBoldest Buddhist sanctuary in existence, one of the masterpieces of Indian art, important for Ashoka connection
465Sangha TrinationalBfor the Congo basin
466Santa Maria delle GrazieBhome to Leonardo da Vinci's iconic The Last Supper
467Santiago de CompostelaBfor the cathedral and religious significance
468Santo DomingoBoldest colonial city in the Americas
470SegoviaBbest example of aqueduct still integrally forming part of a modern historic centre
471Selous Game ReserveBone of the largest fauna reserves in the world
472Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa TempleBto represent the Far Eastern / Korean tradition in Buddhist art
473Serra da CapivaraBfor being one of the oldest cultural sites in the Americas and the earliest one of this scale
475Shark BayBfor the ancient and important Stromatolites
476Shirakawa-go and GokayamaBunique architecture apart from other Japanese villages
478ShushtarBstunning, dates from the 3rd century and "It bears witness to the know-how of the Elamites and Mesopotamians as well as more recent Nabatean expertise and Roman building influence."
479Singapore Botanic Gardens Btropical colonial botanic garden, with research into tropical botany and horticulture
480Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionBGives you a feeling how backwards Japan was and how much catching up they did in the 1900s.
481Socotra ArchipelagoBoutstanding endemic flora and fauna on this island group near the Arabian Peninsula
482SoltaniyehBRepresenting important stages in Islamic architecture (for its dome/cupola)
483Speyer CathedralB
484St. KildaBpicturesque and iconic
485Stone Town of ZanzibarBfor its 19th century sights
487Summer PalaceB
488Sundarbans National ParkBIndian part
489Swiss Tectonic Arena SardonaBfor the overthrust
490Tadrart AcacusBSignificant for study as paintings reflect the changing environment of the Sahara desert
491TallinnBvery nice/authentic mediëval core
492Taos PuebloBoldest continually inhabited village/town in the United States
493Tasmanian WildernessBfor its size and representing Australian species
494TaxilaBimportant archaeological site, ancient place of learning. major Gandharan site
496Temple of Apollo Epicurius at BassaeBfor its excellent preservation of a Greek temple
497TequilaBagave-growing region of central Mexico where tequila is distilled
498The trulli of AlberobelloBA nice example of vernacular architecture
499ThessalonikaBRepresenting the Early Period of Byzantine Art and architecture
500Thracian tomb of KazanlakBrepresents Thracian culture, artistic value
501TierradentroBholds the largest concentration of Pre-Columbian monumental burials
502TimbuktuBfor its historic significance
503TiwanakuBcovers a major culture spreading across 300BC – 300AD
504Tombs of Buganda KingsBExample of African Royalty burial practice
505TrierBbest example of several Roman sites within the same city and iconic
506Trinidad and the Valley de los IngeniosBbest Spanish architecture in the Caribbean
507Trinity Sergius LavraBspiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church
508TroyBfor its importance in the history of archaeology
510Tubbataha ReefsB
511Tugendhat VillaBmost important and representative modernist site currently on the List
512Ujung Kulon National ParkBvolcanic eruption (Krakatau); Javan Rhinoceros
513Upper Middle Rhine ValleyBlandscape of towns, castles, and vineyards built along a European route of transportation in use for over 2,000 years
514Upper SvanetiBfor the tower houses
515Urnes Stave ChurchBiconic example of Scandinavian wooden architecture
516Uvs Nuur BasinBWildlife, inland salt lake, Steppe, Forest
517UxmalBMaya site with distinctive architectural style
518Val di NotoBvery coherent late Baroque townscape
519Vall de BoiBone of the best regional painted churches in a spectacular environment
520Vallée de MaiBfor its unique variety of flora and birds
521Vat PhouBfor its Khmer architecture
522ViganBimportant South-East Asian trading city
523Villa Adriana (Tivoli)Bbest example of a "Roman Villa"
524Villa d'EsteBbeautiful mixture of water and architecture that influenced other European gardens
525Völklingen IronworksBepitomizes the modern iron-making industry
526Wadden SeaB
528Wartburg CastleB"the ideal castle" Central-European style, also connected to the evolution of Protestantism
529Waterton Glacier International Peace ParkB
530Western GhatsBrich in biodiversity on the Indian subcontinent
531Wet Tropics of QueenslandBrepresenting Australia
532White City of Tel-AvivBBauhaus in a "living context"
533White Monuments of Vladimir and SuzdalBfor Russian architecture in general
534Willandra LakesBvery early homo sapiens findings, including the world's oldest cremation site
535WillemstadBrepresent all of the Lesser Antilles
536Wooden Churches of MaramuresBexcellent representative example of vernacular wooden architecture in Europe
537Wrangel IslandBArctic + Polar Bears
538Wudang MountainsBimpressive in terms of architecture
539WulingyuanBsandstone karst landscape
540Yin XuBimportant for the origins / development of Chinese writing
541Yungang GrottoesBthe only grottoes that show various styles of Chinese art development
542ZollvereinBto represent the heavy industries in the Ruhrgebiet
543iSimangaliso Wetland ParkBto represent South African wetlands
544Aapravasi GhatC
545Abbey and Altenmünster of LorschC
546Abbey of St GallC
547Aflaj irrigation systemC
549Al AinC
550Al Qal'a of Beni HammadC
551Al ZubarahC
553Alcala de HenaresC
554Ancient ksoursC
555Angra do HeroismoC
557Aqueduct of Padre TemblequeC
562Armenian Monastic EnsemblesC
564Asturian MonumentsC
566Atlantic Forest South-EastC
567Australian Convict SitesC
568Australian Fossil Mammal SitesC
571Baekje Historic AreasC
573Bahá’i Holy PlacesC
574Bamiyan ValleyC
575Ban ChiangC
576Banska StiavnicaC
577Baptism Site "Bethany Beyond the Jordan"C
578Bardejov TownC
579Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-AynC
581Beemster PolderC
584Benedictine Convent of St. JohnC
585Bergpark WilhelmshöheC
586Berlin Modernism Housing EstatesC
587Białowieża ForestC
588Bikini AtollC
589Birka and HovgardenC
591Blaenavon Industrial LandscapeC
595Botanical Garden, PaduaC
596Bourges CathedralC
597Boyana ChurchC
599Brimstone Hill FortressC
600Buddhist Vihara at PaharpurC
601Burgos CathedralC
607Camino RealC
609Canal du MidiC
610Castles of Augustusburg and FalkenlustC
611Cathedral of St. James in SibenikC
612Causses and CévennesC
613Caves of Maresha and Bet GuvrinC
614Central HighlandsC
615Central Sikhote-AlinC
618Chitwan National ParkC
620Chongoni Rock ArtC
621Church of the Ascension, KolomenskoyeC
622Cidade VelhaC
624Cistercian Abbey of FontenayC
625Citadel of the Ho DynastyC
626City of LuxembourgC
627Ciudad Universitaria de CaracasC
628Classical WeimarC
629Coa Valley and Siega VerdeC
630Cocos IslandC
631Coiba National ParkC
632Colonia del SacramentoC
633Comoé National ParkC
635Convent of Christ in TomarC
638Coro and its PortC
640Crespi d'AddaC
642Curonian SpitC
644Dacian FortressesC
645Danube DeltaC
646Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of ChiosC
647Decorated Farmhouses of HälsinglandC
650Desembarco del Granma National ParkC
652Discovery CoastC
653Diyarbakir Fortress and Hevsel GardensC
655Donana National ParkC
656Dorset and East Devon CoastC
659Durmitor National ParkC
660Dutch Water Defence LinesC
661Early Christian Necropolis of PécsC
662El Fuerte de SamaipataC
663Elephanta CavesC
665Engelsberg IronworksC
668Erbil CitadelC
669Euphrasian Basilica in PorecC
671Fagus FactoryC
672Ferapontov MonasteryC
674Fort JesusC
675Fortress of SuomenlinnaC
676Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaC
681Garamba National ParkC
682Garden Kingdom of Dessau-WörlitzC
683Gardens and Castle at KromerízC
684Gebel BarkalC
685Gelati MonasteryC
687Gobustan Rock ArtC
688Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa DolmenC
690Golden Mountains of AltaiC
691Gonbad-e QâbusC
692Gondwana RainforestsC
693Grand PréC
695Great Burkhan Khaldun MountainC
696Great Smoky MountainsC
697Gros Morne National ParkC
700Gulf of PortoC
701Gusuku of RyukyuC
702Haeinsa TempleC
703Haghpat and SanahinC
704Hahoe and YangdongC
705Harar JugolC
707Henderson IslandC
708Heritage of MercuryC
709High Coast / Kvarken ArchipelagoC
710Hildesheim Cathedral and ChurchC
714Holy Trinity ColumnC
716Horyu-ji AreaC
717Hospicio CabañasC
718Humayun's TombC
719Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter WorksC
720Hwaseong FortressC
722Ichkeul National ParkC
723Imperial TombsC
724Incense Route of the NegevC
725Independence HallC
726Ir. D.F. WoudagemaalC
727Island of MozambiqueC
728Island of PatmosC
729Island of Saint-LouisC
730Iwami Ginzan Silver MineC
732Jesuit Block and Estancias of CórdobaC
733Jesuit Missions of Trinidad and JesusC
734Jesuit Missions of the GuaranisC
735Jongmyo ShrineC
736Joya de CerenC
738Kaiping DiaolouC
739Kalwaria ZebrzydowskaC
742Kasbah of AlgiersC
743Kazan KremlinC
746Khami RuinsC
747Koguryo TombsC
750Kronborg CastleC
751Kunta Kinteh IslandC
754La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le LocleC
755La Fortaleza and San JuanC
756La Lonja de la SedaC
757Lake TurkanaC
758Lamu Old TownC
759Land of FrankincenseC
760Las MedulasC
761Le HavreC
762Le MorneC
763Lednice-Valtice Cultural LandscapeC
764Lenggong ValleyC
766León CathedralC
768Litomysl CastleC
769Longobards in ItalyC
770Lord Howe IslandC
771Lower Valley of the OmoC
772Luis Barragán House and StudioC
774Macquarie IslandC
775Madara RiderC
776Madriu-Perafita-Claror ValleyC
777Makli, ThattaC
778Maloti-Drakensberg ParkC
780Mana PoolsC
781Manas Wildlife SanctuaryC
782Mantua and SabbionetaC
783Manu National ParkC
785Margravial Opera HouseC
786Masjed-e Jâme'C
787Matobo HillsC
788Maulbronn MonasteryC
791Medieval Monuments in KosovoC
792Medina of EssaouiraC
793Medina of SousseC
794Medina of TunisC
795Medina of TétouanC
796Mehmed Paša Sokolović BridgeC
798Miguasha National ParkC
799Mining Sites of WalloniaC
800Mir CastleC
802Monastery of AlcobaçaC
803Monastery of BatalhaC
804Monastery of GeghardC
805Monastery of HorezuC
806Monte San GiorgioC
807Moravian Church SettlementsC
809Morne Trois PitonsC
810Mount Carmel CavesC
811Mount HamiguitanC
812Mount NimbaC
813Mount Qingcheng and DujiangyanC
814Mount SanqingshanC
815Mount WuyiC
816Mudejar Architecture of AragonC
817Muskauer ParkC
818My SonC
822Necropolis of Bet She'arimC
825Niokolo-Koba National ParkC
827Nord-Pas de Calais Mining BasinC
828Notre-Dame Cathedral in TournaiC
829Novodevichy ConventC
830Ohrid RegionC
831Old City of AcreC
832Old City of BerneC
833Old HavanaC
834Old RaumaC
835Old Town of GalleC
839Palau de la Musica Catalana & Hospital de Sant PauC
840Palmeral of ElcheC
846Par force hunting landscapeC
849Petroglyphs of the Mongolian AltaiC
850Petäjävesi Old Church C
852Pilgrimage Church of St. John of NepomukC
853Pilgrimage Church of WiesC
854Pitons Management AreaC
855Poblet MonasteryC
857Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal C
858Popocatepetl monasteriesC
859Portobelo-San LorenzoC
860Preah Vihear TempleC
861Prehistoric Pile DwellingsC
862Primeval Beech ForestsC
864Pythagoreion and Heraion of SamosC
865Pyu Ancient CitiesC
866Qal'at al-BahrainC
867Quebrada de HumahuacaC
871Quseir AmraC
873Rangiri Dambulla Cave TempleC
875Red Bay Basque Whaling StationC
876Red FortC
880Residence of Bukovinian & Dalmatian MetropolitansC
881Residences of the Royal House of SavoyC
882Rhaetian RailwayC
883Rideau CanalC
884Robben IslandC
885Rock Art in the Hail RegionC
886Rock Art of the Mediterranean BasinC
887Rock Carvings in TanumC
888Rock Drawings in ValcamonicaC
889Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San FranciscoC
890Rock-hewn Churches of IvanovoC
891Rohtas FortC
892Roman Walls of LugoC
893Roskilde CathedralC
894Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceC
895Royal Exhibition BuildingC
896Ruins of León ViejoC
897Ruins of Loropéni C
898Rwenzori MountainsC
902Saint-Savin sur GartempeC
903Salonga National ParkC
904Saloum DeltaC
907San Antonio MissionsC
908San Marino and Mount TitanoC
909San Miguel de AllendeC
910Sangay National ParkC
911Sangiran Early Man SiteC
912Santa Ana de los Rios de CuencaC
913Santa Cruz de MompoxC
914Santa Maria de GuadalupeC
918Semmering RailwayC
919Serra de TramuntanaC
920Sewell Mining TownC
921Shahr-i SokhtaC
924Sian Ka'anC
926Simien National ParkC
927Sinharaja ForestC
928Site of XanaduC
930Solovetsky IslandsC
931Southern ÖlandC
932Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus DistrictC
933Spissky Hrad and LevocaC
935Srebarna Nature ReserveC
936St. George, BermudaC
937Stari Grad PlainC
938Stari Ras and SopocaniC
939Stevns KlintC
940Stoclet HouseC
941Stone Circles of SenegambiaC
942Stone Spheres of the DiquísC
943Stralsund and WismarC
945Struve Geodetic ArcC
946Studenica MonasteryC
947Studley Royal ParkC
948Su Nuraxi di BaruminiC
954São Francisco SquareC
955São LuisC
956Tabriz BazaarC
957Tajik National ParkC
958Takht-e SoleymanC
960Talamanca Range-La Amistad ReservesC
963Tassili n'AjjerC
964Tauric ChersoneseC
965Taï National ParkC
966Thang LongC
967The Four LiftsC
968Thracian tomb of SveshtariC
969Thungyai-Huai Kha KhaengC
974Tokaji Wine RegionC
975Tomb of AskiaC
976Tomioka Silk MillC
977Tongariro National ParkC
979Tower of HerculesC
980Tower of LondonC
981Town Hall and Roland, BremenC
982Trang AnC
985Tusi SitesC
988Um er-RasasC
989University of CoimbraC
991Val d'OrciaC
994Van NellefabriekC
996Verla Groundwood and Board MillC
998Vicenza and the Palladian VillasC
999Villages with Fortified ChurchesC
1001Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontC
1002Virgin Komi ForestsC
1004Vizcaya BridgeC
1008W-Arly-Pendjari ComplexC
1009Wadi Al-HitanC
1010Walled City of BakuC
1011Western CaucasusC
1012Whale Sanctuary of El VizcainoC
1013Wood Buffalo National ParkC
1014Wooden Churches of Southern MalopolskaC
1015Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansC
1016Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian RegionC
1017Würzburg ResidenceC
1019Xidi and HongcunC
1020Xinjiang TianshanC
1024Yuso and Suso MonasteriesC
1028Úbeda and BaezaC