WHS Plaque Project

This is a work-in-progress to (1) inventarize which WHS (components) have a plaque and where they are located, and (2) to display them in some form at this website (2025).

The provisional definition of a WHS Plaque is: has at least has several of the following elements: The UNESCO WH emblem, The official site name, The year of inscription , and The reason for inscription (OUV). It doesn't include WHS Inscription Certificates.

Inventory of WHS Plaque locations

Site Component Plaque location Coordinates
Aachen Cathedral2 metal plaques on stone marker next to entrance, including all elements50.77475853250239, 6.083459435262007
Aapravasi Ghatrusty brown metal plaque on wall near site entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-20.158648, 57.502998
Aapravasi Ghatblack engraved stone plaque inside the site proper marking the site's 10th year inscription anniversary, missing OUV element-20.158648, 57.502998
Aasivissuit - Nipisatinformation board plaque on rusty metal stand, including all elements66.93797853824118, -53.65836892303456
Abbey of St Gallgolden metal plaque on white wall of abbey, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.42351191569606, 9.377647576070517
Acropolismetal plaque on stone marker near the site entrance, including all elements37.9717036768159, 23.72614880469268
Aflaj irrigation systemFalaj Al-Katmeen Nizwa, Dakhiliya, Omanstone marker plaques near each component22.923250169763087, 57.667416875703616
Aflaj irrigation systemFalaj Al-Malki Izki, Interior, Omanstone marker plaques near each component22.93870633216536, 57.76333018658878
Aflaj irrigation systemFalaj Al-Muyasser Al Rustaq, Interior, Omanstone marker plaques near each component23.38571853867674, 57.44071634355991
Aflaj irrigation systemFalaj Daris Nizwa, Dakhiliya, Omanstone marker plaques near each component22.917111253696703, 57.53635542495705
Aggtelek and Slovak KarstComponent including Aggtelek HungaryBaradla cave, Aggtelek: stone marker just before the cave entrance, missing OUV element48.47172973472631, 20.49550310108203
Aggtelek and Slovak KarstDobšinská Ice Caveice plaque inside the cave, missing OUV element48.86814909402101, 20.30412346256183
Agra Fortmetal plaque with wooden frame by the main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.17937080307099, 78.02380988134738
Agrigentomarble plaque just before the wooden boardwalk leading towards the straight road to the Temple of Concordia; missing name, year of inscription and OUV37.29043336084073, 13.587255685044049
Ahmadabadround metal plaques in front of historical buildings of the city with the number of the site, the district in which it is located, and the classification of the level of the site, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements
Ahwar of Southern IraqUr Archaeological Cityinformation board plaque at the entrance to the archaeological site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements30.96993370918563, 46.11564004417077
Ajanta Cavesmetal plaque with wooden frame on the wall of the first cave when coming from the entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements20.55194674652597, 75.70705120754074
Aksumstainless steel plaque on wall next to the tomb of King Bazen, missing year of inscription and OUV elements14.12503117947872, 38.72588671016619
Al AinAl Ain Oasiscopper plaque on wall at the entrance to the Al Ain Oasis, missing OUV element24.218278138268843, 55.76413800965448
Al AinHili Archaeological Parkinformation board plaque near the entrance to the Hili Archaeological Park, missing OUV element24.29278992296011, 55.79255798787294
Al Zubarahwhite stone pyramidal monument with text engraved between fort and parking lot, including all elements25.976613047243127, 51.04502136179648
Alcala de Henaresstone plaque in green traffic island near Puerta de Madrid, missing OUV element40.4806682533054, -3.374204843818424
Alcala de Henaresbronze plaque on the wall of the town hall, missing OUV element40.48183878079388, -3.3643091304110584
Alcala de Henaresbronze plaque on the facade of the Hospital de Antezana, missing OUV element40.48219517816231, -3.3668970803238203
Alcala de Henaresbronze plaque in the Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso arcade which forms part of the university, missing OUV element40.48262801563086, -3.362892670989428
Aldabra Atollplastic white/blue certificate replica plaque next to the Vallee de Mai plaque, just after the Vallee de Mai entrance point, missing OUV element-4.331860269606256, 55.74019573325728
Alejandro de Humboldt National Parkwooden plaque near park entrance along the road to Baracoa from Paso de Toa, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements
Altamira CaveAltamira metal plaque near the cave entrance, missing OUV element43.376967593842885, -4.136101523693654
Altamira CaveMonte Castillo - El Castillometal plaque on wooden board on wall inside the cave, missing OUV element43.29078724727869, -3.965853560717825
Alto Dourobrown road sign near vineyards, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Amami-Oshima IslandIriomote IslandInfo panel at the port of Ohara, just outside the ferry waiting room (and outside of the core zone)24.272234193823685, 123.88319011983083
Amiens Cathedralmetal/perspex plaques inside the cathedral just after the entrance, missing OUV element49.89460462945186, 2.302995585010006
Ancient KyotoKamomioya-jinja (Shimogamo Shrine) metal plaque with all elements and map in front of shrine
Ancient KyotoNijo-jo metal plaque with all elements and map in front of castle
Ancient KyotoUjigami-jinja metal plaque with all elements and map in front of shrine
Ancient MervHistoric urban centre of the Merv oasis, Erk and Gyaur Kala and Sultan Kala Turkmenistanwooden plaque on metal board above the entrance to the Mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.6642705290761, 62.16366785252343
Ancient NaraGangô-ji metal plaque on stone marker at the entrance with all elements except OUV34.67779757650098, 135.83189091182456
Ancient NaraKasuga-Taisha and Kasugayama Primeval Forest metal plaque on stone marker at the entrance with all elements except OUV34.68090744710617, 135.84676881594183
Ancient NaraKôfuku-ji metal plaque on stone marker at the entrance with all elements except OUV34.68433345212887, 135.8319024570197
Ancient NaraTôshôdai-jimetal plaque on stone marker at the entrance with all elements except OUV34.675043983886624, 135.78476800039422
Ancient NaraYakushi-ji metal plaque on stone marker at the entrance with all elements except OUV34.66758404247699, 135.78430025290427
AngkorAngkor Siem Reap,metal plaque near entrance to Angkor Wat temple, missing year of inscription and OUV elements13.41247594219656, 103.87368816992448
Angra do Heroismowooden sign in front of fortifications at Monte Brasil, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.65036560623497, -27.225617527393503
Aniwooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing OUV element40.5120670693903, 43.575881797700745
Antigua GuatemalaAntigua Guatemalastone plaque on wall under arcades of the Palacio del Ayuntamiento in Parque Central de Antigua Guatemala, missing OUV element14.557317367307501, -90.73335559529971
AphrodisiasArchaeological sitewooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.70956640666492, 28.72741676901975
Aqueduct of Padre Temblequemetal plaque on glass wall on the rear side of the Convent of La Purissima Concepcion in Otumba, missing year of inscription element19.698687673764553, -98.75579593318139
Aquileiano plaque, brown road sign missing year of inscription and OUV elements upon entering/exiting Aquileia45.7637580708849, 13.374205848613903
Arab-Norman PalermoAdmiral's Bridgefacing the bridge, on the left hand side38.110971995467274, 13.35403561744922
Arab-Norman PalermoCefalu Cathedralfacing the cathedral, to right of the staircase leading towards the facade entrance area38.03982556055164, 14.022754906518744
Arab-Norman PalermoChurch of San Cataldofacing the 3 red domes, up the stairs and to the right next to the belfry
Arab-Norman PalermoMonreale Cathedralfacing the 3-arched cathedral facade, just on the right beneath the right belfry38.08229694930809, 13.292170148712351
Arab-Norman PalermoPalermo Cathedralfacing the 3-arched cathedral facade, just on the left38.11402105513028, 13.35592814615331
Arab-Norman PalermoRoyal Palace and Palatine Chapelfacing the Palazzo Reale entrance, on the left38.110971995467274, 13.35403561744922
Aranjuezgreen metal plaque in front of palace garden entrance, missing OUV element40.03650672024615, -3.6081525939771484
Archaeological Site of Delphi2 metal/stone plaques near site entrance and museum, including all elements38.48448089788334, 22.605342771357407
Archaeological Site of DelphiFree-standing plinth to left of entrance and ticket office into Archaeological Park
Archaeological site of Philippiperspex plaque on stone marker near site entrance, missing OUV element41.01706471561105, 24.211778274071047
Archipiélago de RevillagigedoIsla Socorrooxidised brass plaque placed underwater off Socorro Island, missing OUV info18.741718640267024, -110.97774857329804
Arlesperspex plaque on the wall near amphitheatre entrance, missing OUV element43.677765596915336, 4.630977282979073
Arslantepe Mound wooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing OUV element38.36649664085481, 38.34516560319681
Ashurwhite rectangular makeshift plaques and a makeshift plaque on white satellite dish with bullet holes, missing year of inscription and OUV elements35.45647469706317, 43.25952172489761
AssisiVille d'Assise, San Damiano, Eremo delle Carceri, Santuario di Rivotorto et paysage historiquemetal plaque on wall to the right facing Porta San Francesco43.07438785738608, 12.606451243934165
Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal UniversityKazan City Astronomical Observatory2 bilingual metal plaques in the courtyard on the wall of the main observatory building, missing year of inscription and OUV elements55.79114606586554, 49.11986453648199
Asturian MonumentsBasilica of San Julián de los Pradosmetal plaque in front of San Julian de los Prados43.36774916863248, -5.837022715755919
Asturian MonumentsCámara Santa de Oviedometal plaque can be found in the small cemetery near Cripta de Santa Leocadia43.36275714840955, -5.843799458245261
Asturian MonumentsLa Foncalada metal plaque just opposite the Fuente de Foncalada 43.365291745922065, -5.846122723637804
Asturian MonumentsSanta María del Narancometal plaque in front of Santa Maria del Naranco43.37906533078434, -5.866169623386676
Atapuercainformation board type plaque at archaeological site entrance, missing OUV element42.348781741291525, -3.5195789000913527
Atapuercaroad sign upon reaching the village of Atapuerca, missing OUV element
Australian Convict SitesBrickendon and Woolmers Estates (Brickendon- Woolmersmetal plaque just before the entrance to Brickendon Estate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-41.615510803110844, 147.1289727097486
Australian Convict SitesCascades Female Factory (Cascadesstainless steel plaque over rusty metal bars with locations near Cascades entrance, including all elements-42.89371258949221, 147.2998840252215
Australian Fossil Mammal SitesNaracoorte South Australia, Australia3 information board type plaques near Naracoorte Caves NP parking area, including all elements-37.0356886028474, 140.79692111652466
Australian Fossil Mammal SitesRiversleigh Queensland, Australiainformation board type plaque near Riversleigh Lawn Hill (now Boodjamulla) NP parking area-18.998248149644187, 138.6869440795432
Avignongreen metal plaque and golden metal plaque near entrance of Papal Palace, missing OUV element43.95142456174473, 4.794287017007907
AvilaTown of Avila intra-muros Avilametal plaque on fortification wall near Puerta del Rastro, missing OUV element40.654359646245105, -4.700877945587611
Ayutthayastainless steel plaque on stone marker monument close to the entrance of Wat Phra Sri Sanpeth, opposite the Wang Luang/Royal Palace, including all elements14.356453203639916, 100.55918256375149
BaalbekWhite glass plaque on the wall, including full name, emblem and year34.006592, 36.205119
Baekje Historic AreasRoyal Tombs in Neungsan-riblue metal plaque in stone marker at the Royal Tombs of Neunsan-ri near the Wangneung Parking Lot Bus Stop36.27647886798268, 126.945026197029
Bagerhathand-painted metal plaque near Shat Gambuj Mosque, missing OUV element22.674759668810733, 89.74214193075191
Bahla Fortsunburnt brass metal plaque with wooden frame on wall near fort entrance22.964358849008832, 57.2998839249023
Bale Mountains National Parkinformation board type plaques/billboards at the entrances to the NP, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Bambergmetal plaque on tourist information office wall with bronze map, including all elements49.89177960172389, 10.88713815830382
Ban ChiangBan Chiang Archaeological Sitemetal plaque on stone marker monument close to the museum entrance, including all elements17.407789245493337, 103.23789197231253
Banc d'Arguinstone marker at Iwik19.89111811992249, -16.299848769970346
Banc d'Arguinwelcome to the park-sign including emblem by the roadside before arriving at Mamghar19.354069, -16.481047
Banska Stiavnicaoriginal monumental plaque on wall just opposite St. Catherine's Church (4 Radnicne namestie), including all elements except OUV48.4590055146752, 18.89226036746483
Bardejov Townmetal plaque on the wall of 16 Radnicne namestie, missing year of inscription element49.29226062803606, 21.27646210939834
Baroque ChurchesChurch of La Nuestra Senora de la Asuncionmetal plaque on wall near church entrance, missing OUV element
Baroque ChurchesChurch of San Agustin (Paoay)metal plaque on wall near church entrance, missing OUV element
Baroque ChurchesChurch of Santo Tomas de Villanuevametal plaque on wall near church entrance, missing OUV element
Baroque ChurchesChurch of the Immaculate Conception of San Agustin (Manila)2 metal plaques on wall near church entrance, missing OUV element
Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-AynBatNo plaque
Bauhaus SitesADGB school in Bernauinformation board type plaque, including all elements, at UNESCO visitor centre52.706301488334105, 13.54342512273993
Beemster PolderBeemster: square information board plaque, missing OUV, UNESCO emblem and year of inscription52.54675949080098, 4.911871855367202
BelemTower of Belem Lisbon, Portugalround metal plaque on Belem Tower wall near entrance, missing OUV element38.691746711016734, -9.21573036977565
BelfriesBeffroi de Namur Namur, Namur, Wallonia, Belgiumgrey metal plaque on wall50.463808578556694, 4.867002187052301
BelfriesBelfort en Schepenhuis / Beffroi et maison Aalstgrey metal plaque on wall50.938588547039636, 4.038438779677703
BelfriesOnze-Lieve-Lievevrouwebasiliek met Stadstoren Tongerengrey metal plaque on wall 50.78071565777375, 5.464083080759335
BelfriesSint-Germanuskerk met Stadstoren Tienengrey metal plaque on wall 50.807719548087164, 4.937315114799029
BelfriesStadhuis en Belforttoren Liergrey metal plaque on wall (2x)51.13108231860049, 4.569676982311134
BelfriesStadhuis met Belfort Dendermondegrey metal plaque on wall 51.03116600544742, 4.098556338947169
BelfriesStadhuis met Toren Sint-Truidengrey metal plaque on wall 50.81546133184446, 5.185900598729392
Belize Barrier ReefHalf Moon Caye Natural Monument Belizeinformation board type plaques near Half Moon Caye quay, including all elements17.200674092088576, -87.53243385746934
BellinzoneCastelgrande2 stainless steel plaques near the lowest of the 3 castles, one missing OUV element and one missing OUV and year of inscription elements46.19333458182704, 9.022442262952167
Benedictine Convent of St. Johngolden metal plaque on white wall of convent by the entrance, missing OUV element46.629569279512616, 10.448101877039559
Berat and GjirokastraMuseum-City of Gjirokastra County and District of Gjirokastround metal plaque on wall at the beginning of main street near Mapo restaurant, missing OUV element40.074477571949856, 20.139444398451428
Berat and GjirokastraThe Historic Center of Beratbrass plaque on stone marker in front of Bachelors' mosque, missing OUV element40.70450425557239, 19.950219990042655
Berlin Modernism Housing EstatesSiedlung Schillerpark Berlin,grey metal plaque near Siedlung Schillerpark park area, including all elements and map52.560438958860864, 13.350023295319705
Białowieża ForestBialowieza Forest (Poland)information board type plaque near strict zone entrance, missing OUV element52.693465379717786, 23.89104244574725
Birka and HovgardenBirka Swedenone at the Birka ferry point to Hovgarden59.33489243969174, 17.54191483506536
Birka and HovgardenHovgarden Swedenone at the Hovgarden "Stromma" (ferry) point to Birka59.36130204835184, 17.538309586462745
Blaenavon Industrial Landscaperusty metal plaque near ironworks entrance, missing OUV element51.777275870069005, -3.082243028567307
Blenheim Palacered information board type plaque near parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV element51.84480488234728, -1.3564784454983878
Blue and John Crow MountainsEngraved black stone plaque in Moore Town, including all elements
Bom Jesus do Montemetal plaque on Bom Jesus do Monte sanctuary wall near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements41.55518280486773, -8.376946662239114
Bordeauxstainless steel information board near town hall, missing year of inscription and OUV elements44.85311565811062, -0.6632642773846018
BosraArea 1At the ticket desk, silver metal plate including all elements
Botanical Garden, PaduaIn the fence at the end of the bridge at the entrance (before the ticket kiosk 45.39944887107951, 11.879823924244837
Bourges Cathedralstone plaque outside near cathedral entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.08240839170801, 2.3984455944269696
Bourges Cathedralmetal plaque on the floor at the side of the cathedral, including all elements47.08182944473529, 2.3989232871986093
Boyana Churchmetal plaque facing the ground level entrance to the church, on the left (missing OUV); white info board style plaque with all elements to the left of the site's entrance gate42.64509336242446, 23.265470104337638
Bridgetownno plaque; 7 information boards, one at each location (Princess Alice, Dalkeith Road, Chelsea Road, Cheapside, Hastings, Kings Street on Baxter's Road, Garrison Historic Area), with all elements13.097188743300679, -59.619427138869
Brú na Bóinnemetal plaque certificate replica near Newgrange ticket booth, missing OUV element53.694978851812174, -6.4741888786413195
BruggeHistoric Centre of Brugge Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgiumwhite/red plaque (+ sculpture?), missing OUV and year of inscription51.2088541921368, 3.2240573987829992
Bryggenblack metal plaques and pillar near quay in front of Julehuset, missing OUV element60.39701177304142, 5.324565624331794
BudapestAndrássy Avenue and the UndergroundAt Vorosmarty Square, on the stairs to the first stop of old subway (yellow line) which runs under Andrassy Ave. Dark metal plaque on the wall, including emblem, full name, OUV and year of extension that included Andrassy Avenue.
BudapestBudapest, the Banks of the Danube and the Buda Castle Quarter Budapest, Hungarymetal plaques at Buda Castle and at Fishermen's Bastion, opposite the Church of Our Lady of Buda Castle, including all elements47.502127469384135, 19.034743709314643
BudapestBudapest, the Banks of the Danube and the Buda Castle Quarter Budapest, Hungarymetal plaques at Buda Castle and at Fishermen's Bastion, opposite the Church of Our Lady of Buda Castle, including all elements47.496305282732195, 19.041348913183963
Bukharabrass inscription certificate replica plaque just in front of the Hoja Nasruddin statue in the Lhabi Khause square, missing OUV element; some individual buildings have stone plaques on their walls, only including the UNESCO emblem (ex. the Mausoleum of Ismail Samani, the Kunjak Hammam and the Miri Arab Madrasah, Alim Khan Madrasah)39.77306041997269, 64.42099747420944
Burgos Cathedralmetal plaque on the floor in Plaza Santa Maria in front of the main facade and just next to the fountain, missing OUV element42.34046787034759, -3.7051620606571105
BurgundyLes climats du vignoble de Bourgognethere are UNESCO signs in every other village and along the scenic roads, but two identical marble UNESCO inscription plaques can be found on the wall outside the Hotel-Dieu and the Clos de Vougeot entrance gate, including all elements47.02197520116981, 4.837595340697925
BurgundyLes climats du vignoble de Bourgognethere are UNESCO signs in every other village and along the scenic roads, but two identical marble UNESCO inscription plaques can be found on the wall outside the Hotel-Dieu and the Clos de Vougeot entrance gate, including all elements47.17639160152975, 4.956368922496675
BurgundyLes climats du vignoble de Bourgogne - DijonDucal palace / place liberation 47.3214507, 5.0414559
Bursa and CumalikizikCumalikizik Villagealmost every location in Bursa and Cumalikizik has a UNESCO marker next to it and there even is a whole "square" dedicated to Bursa's inscription on the WH list, missing OUV elements40.17633587104368, 29.172301966096175
Bursa and CumalikizikKhans Area (Orhan Ghazi Külliye and its surroundings)almost every location in Bursa and Cumalikizik has a UNESCO marker next to it and there even is a whole "square" dedicated to Bursa's inscription on the WH list, missing OUV elements40.18170560873513, 29.075407223246415
Butrintinformation board on the road towards Butrint; missing OUV and year of inscription39.74540957347206, 20.01303308067596
Bwindi Impenetrable National Parkwooden plaque next to park entrance, missing year of inscription, UNESCO emblem and OUV elements-1.0471089462521546, 29.62820982063829
CaceresExact location unknown
Cahokia Moundsmetal plaque on wall inside the Cahokia Mounds Interpretive Center/Historic Site, missing OUV element38.655348270857225, -90.06030619465545
Calakmulmetal plaque on stone marker, a few metres after the ticket office and main entrance, missing OUV element18.114673693169284, -89.80121484279137
Camagüeymetal plaque near stairs in Plaza de los Trabajadores, including all elements21.38224774807194, -77.91869908943384
Camino RealCave of Las Mulas de Molinostainless steel plaque near the entrance to red volcanic rock church at Plaza San Domingo not far from the Zocalo, missing OUV element19.438173048169947, -99.13365032700423
Camino RealFormer Royal hospital of San Juan de Dios of San Miguel de Allendestone plaque in front of the former royal hospital of San Juan de Dios20.915613756398614, -100.74825094485271
Camino RealHistoric centre of the city of México stainless steel plaque near the entrance to red volcanic rock church at Plaza San Domingo not far from the Zocalo, missing OUV element19.438173048169947, -99.13365032700423
Camino RealHistoric centre of the city of Querétaro two big stone UNESCO WHS markers, one just opposite the Church and Ex Convent of Saint Francis of Assisi near the cute traffic lights with Muneca lamps and another one just near the big panoramic viewing platform overlooking the aqueduct (Mirador de los Arcos), both missing OUV element20.593156706202386, -100.38364013172202
Camino RealHistoric centre of the city of San Juan del Ríometal plaque on wall along Avenida Benito Juárez just east of Calle Ignacio Allende, on the right when traveling east, missing year of inscription20.386583, -99.996133
Camino RealHistoric centre of the city of Zacatecas (World Heritage, 1993)stone plaque beneath the stairs in the courtyard of the Baroque Museo de Guadalupe, missing OUV22.745926548854676, -102.5177792107349
Campechemetal plaque on the floor in the middle of the Cathedral Square garden, missing OUV element19.846030512431813, -90.53707400671045
Canadian Rocky Mountain Parksmetal plaque at Banff Avenue Square, including all elements51.17714481429973, -115.57072248787098
CanterburyCanterbury Cathedral Canterbury, Kentmetal plaques along the Queen Bertha's Walk which links the three components of this WHS; there are iron UNESCO signs on the floor in front of each inscribed site and a new inscription plaque just before the entrance to the cathedral past the ticket booth, missing year of inscription and OUV element51.27991115994388, 1.0831860354476228
Carlsbad Cavernsmetal plaque inside visitor centre near Natural Entrance trail, missing OUV element32.17558102834095, -104.44369646174265
Cartagenastone plaque under arcades of Royal Customs House, missing OUV element10.422136159142346, -75.54998341236919
CarthageEl Mbazaa Fieldwhite marble plaque on wall near entrance gate, missing OUV element36.85399482315861, 10.332737917119776
Castel del Monterusty plaque near shuttle dropoff point just a few steps from the site, missing year of inscription and OUV41.08494385855706, 16.27164163385107
Castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlustmetal plaque on wall next to entrance, including all elements50.813335378144316, 13.099142391804282
Çatalhöyükdifferent plaques around site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.66833167634584, 32.79107134709242
Cathedral of St. James in Sibenikmetal plaque to right of the facade when facing the cathedral, missing OUV element43.73592616784377, 15.888803232479242
Causses and Cévennesgolden metal plaques on stone markers with all elements at Mas de la Barque (Mont Lozère)44.38594469108385, 3.874822561207392
Causses and Cévennesgolden metal plaques on stone markers with all elements at Aigoual43.97962644586902, 3.624404871869243
Causses and Cévennesgolden metal plaques on stone markers with all elements at Hérault (Cirque de Navacelles)43.89166036404206, 3.518544244937441
Causses and Cévennesgolden metal plaques on stone markers with all elements at Aveyron, Millau (Viaduct)44.03411827201445, 3.0638980105250586
Caves of Yagul and MitlaYagul: rusty metal plaque on stone marker to the right of the site parking lot in the opposite direction of the ticket office, missing year of inscription and OUV elements16.957299292851474, -96.44862359545864
Centennial Hallperspex/glass plaque near entrance, missing OUV element51.106286215993705, 17.076798661137392
Central University City Campus of the UNAMstainless steel plaque on the terrace leading to the Rectory Tower building, just opposite the tunnel leading to the stadium, missing OUV element19.332750154373414, -99.18854941255768
Cesky Krumlovwhite metal plaque near bear pit at Castle area, missing year of inscription and OUV elements48.812697852699046, 14.312784951058578
Chaco CultureAztec Ruins National Monument Aztec, New Mexico, United States of Americametal plaque on stone marker near Aztec Ruins National Monument Visitor Centre, missing OUV element36.834726978939095, -108.00043633716638
Chaco CultureChaco Culture National Historical Park New Mexico, United States of Americametal plaque on stone marker in front of Chaco Canyon Visitor Centre, missing OUV element36.03069502621378, -107.90997140639301
Chaîne des Puysstone plaque near Gare du Panoramique des Domes, missing OUV element45.77169277516329, 2.9850882557015366
ChampagneCoteaux d'Hautvillersgrey information board type plaque at 82 Avenue de Champagne, including all elements + several perspex plaques sold for 90 euros to Champagne vendors and vineyard owners, missing year of inscription and OUV elements49.04133073415356, 3.969404905124433
Champaner-PavagadhPrimary Heritage Zonemetal plaque near Jama Masjid, missing year of inscription and OUV elements22.486196066246805, 73.53780239395047
Changdeokgung Palace Complexconcrete + metal plaque between Geumhomun Gate and Jinseonmun Gate, to the left37.57849654492981, 126.99001789891467
Chartres Cathedralstone plaque outside the cathedral entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements48.44788413837201, 1.485854669697073
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminusbrass plaque on the main gate and facade, missing year of inscription and OUV elements18.93986347741678, 72.83500470140378
Chichen-Itzametal plaque beneath a small tree after entrance and vendor stalls and before reaching the Kukulkan Pyramid, missing OUV element20.682948004490196, -88.56997553515187
Chinchorro CultureFaldeo Norte del Morro de Aricastainless steel plaque at street level a few metres away from the entrance to Faldeo Norte del Morro de Arica excavation site, missing OUV element-18.480771602399365, -70.32180958766965
Chitwan National Parkhand painted yellow and green sign near entrance gate
Chitwan National Parkhand painted yellow and green sign near Chitwan NP Gharial Conservation Breeding Centre (both missing year of inscription and OUV)27.55330088023221, 84.33921428253447
Chola TemplesThe Brihadisvara Temple Complex, Thanjavurmetal plaque with wooden frame and glass panel near main entrance to the temple, missing year of inscription and OUV elements10.78281465636519, 79.13169623712758
Church of AtlántidaEstacion Atlantida - Cristo Obrero churchmetal plaque on brick church wall, including all elements-34.74134078247958, -55.738175485063664
Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye2 metal plaques close to the Church of the Ascension, missing year of inscription and OUV elements55.66744058129324, 37.67131282622224
Churches and Convents of GoaSe Cathedralmetal information board type plaque with map to the side of the Se Cathedral, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements15.503024053716553, 73.9121282622964
Churches of ChiloéChurch of Tenaúnwooden plaque in front of Tenaun Church, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements-41.77737461132734, -71.56597485560377
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of St Nicholas and the Catholicon of the Monastery of ProbotaPink information panel, including all elements
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of St Nicholas and the Catholicon of the Monastery of ProbotaMetal plaque on wall, all elements except OUV
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Assumption of the Virgin of the former Monastery of HumorPink rose information panel with all elements
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Assumption of the Virgin of the former Monastery of Humorsmall purple road sign with emblem and name
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Beheading of St John the Baptist of ArboreShield with emblem at outer wall
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Beheading of St John the Baptist of ArborePink rose information panel with all elements
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Resurrection of Suceviţa MonasterySilver metal information panel indoors with all elements
Churches of MoldaviaChurch of the Resurrection of Suceviţa Monasterybrown information panel with all elements
Churches of PeaceLutheran Church of Peace under the invocation of the Holy Ghost Jawor, Polandmarble plaque on wall near entrance; 51.05375306698844, 16.18927948476577
Churches of PeaceLutheran Church of Peace under the invocation of the Holy Trinity information board type plaque, missing OUV element50.84648170750767, 16.492149660947682
Cidade VelhaFortaleza Real de Sao Felipe: metal inscription certificate replica by the fortification walls, missing OUV element15.279396823582315, -23.12929099876654
Cienfuegosmetal plaque in public garden in front of city hall, including all elements22.145593388539524, -80.45249490537334
Cilento and Vallo di DianoPaestum, Velia, the Certosa di Padula, Mount Cervati and the Vallo di Diano Province of Salerno, Campania, Italy2 different plaques in Paestum: one in marble with all the elements but barely visible with no black paint on carved letters (in front of the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum) and another in ceramic and handwritten with a design made by children along the Via Magna Graecia next to a "Multiple UNESCO site" plaque40.423366932099746, 15.006751854463573
Cilento and Vallo di DianoPaestum, Velia, the Certosa di Padula, Mount Cervati and the Vallo di Diano Province of Salerno, Campania, Italy2 different plaques in Paestum: one in marble with all the elements but barely visible with no black paint on carved letters (in front of the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum) and another in ceramic and handwritten with a design made by children along the Via Magna Graecia next to a "Multiple UNESCO site" plaque40.422269470349, 15.006507956970957
Cilento and Vallo di DianoPunta Licosa and the Mount Stella region Province of Salerno, Campania, Italy1 on the Castle walls of Castellabate, Cilento
Cistercian Abbey of Fontenaystone plaque on the wall near abbey entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.64010940750334, 4.389178031952704
City of Bathblack metal plaque on gate near Roman baths, including all elements51.38123528249232, -2.360999209856872
City of Luxembourgthere are 2 plaques with all elements: one has a pentagonal shape above Old Luxembourg City49.611014772500404, 6.135300353365763
City of Luxembourgthere are 2 plaques with all elements: one is made up of 6 plaques inside the Dent Creuse viewing area49.61182041718505, 6.136594780325191
Classical Gardens of SuzhouThe Humble Administrator's Garden Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Chinametal plaque on stone marker in front of stone monument, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Classical WeimarSchiller's Housemetal plaque on yellow painted wall of Schiller Museum, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.979136978134, 11.327479273091717
Coa Valley and Siega VerdeBroeirabrown road sign near Coa Valley Visitor Centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements; and wall panel inside the visitor centre, including all elements41.08012034578485, -7.111517524582488
Cocos Islandhand-painted wooden information board at Wafer Station, missing year of inscription and OUV elements5.545739039785897, -87.04738735946798
Coffee Cultural LandscapeZone Abrown road signs along the highways at Pacaro, Dosquebradas, Palestina, Alto de la Paz, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Coiba National Parkinformation board plaque at Isla Rancheria beach, missing year of inscription and OUV elements7.6436268104693585, -81.70290203154535
Cologne Cathedralmetal plaque on wall near cathedral entrance, missing OUV element50.94162848628784, 6.959311038799318
Colonia del Sacramentostone plaque on the floor (missing OUV element) at the "start" of the historic quarter of Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramentometal plaque on stone marker at Plaza 1811-34.47252310238425, -57.84998769477661
Convent of Christ in Tomarround metal plaque on convent wall near entrance, missing OUV element39.60349431229149, -8.41896914974374
Copánmetal plaque on stone marker just before ticket booth, missing OUV element14.837819075672094, -89.14123462938342
Cordobametal plaque to the left of the bridge if you cross the bridge facing the Mezquita, missing OUV element37.87756818211781, -4.7793496095536625
Corfumetal plaque on wooden frame hidden inside the main town hall building of (Platia) Dimarchiou Square, missing OUV element39.6234906402302, 19.922285725762958
Cornwall and West Devon Mining LandscapeSt Just Mining District white road sign plaque at St. Just, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.12442462983341, -5.678504828014703
Corveymetal plaque on floor in front of church, missing OUV element51.778219134273414, 9.409497730275763
Costiera Amalfitanaceramic map plaque and information board missing year of inscription and OUV upon exiting Positano40.63073875553993, 14.486256496822826
Crac des ChevaliersCrac des Chevaliers Al Hosn, Gouvernorat de Homs, Syrian Arab RepublicWhite glass shield with unesco emblem, commemorating the restorations during 2021-2023 supported by Hungary
Crespi d'Addametal plaque near UNESCO visitor centre, missing year of inscription element45.59801724864473, 9.535067991453552
CuencaRecinto Intramuros City and Province of Cuenca, Autonomous Community of Castile-La Mancha, Spainmarble plaque on the wall next to the bridge Puente de San Pablo, missing OUV element40.078339941293905, -2.1282061382413375
Cueva de las Manosmetal plaque beneath the flag post near the site entrance, missing OUV and year of inscription elements-47.155879065111534, -70.65687930264738
Curonian Spitgranite pyramid with elements engraved on it, in front of Vila "Kopyte" Nidoje55.300916992706185, 21.004919122056233
Cyrenestone plaque at archaeological site entrance (Roman theatre), missing OUV element32.82294916980887, 21.862351093938234
Dacian FortressesSarmizegetusa Gradistea de Munte, Orastioara de Sus, Hunedoara, Romaniabrown metal plaques, missing year of inscription and OUV elements45.622851025343, 23.310377162701403
Danube Deltagreen/white information plaque over water in Lacul Nebunu strict reserve area, including all elements45.25167959236211, 28.999063419805186
Danube Deltabrown road sign on the way to Tulcea, missing year of inscription and OUV45.17622389318018, 28.757529439623404
Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of ChiosMonastery of Daphni Greecemetal information board type plaques near monastery entrances, Daphni missing OUV element38.029122640934965, 23.38442553584135
Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of ChiosMonastery of Hosios Loukas GreeceRight-hand side of archway into monastery from plaza
Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of ChiosMonastery of Nea Moni of Chios Greecemetal information board type plaques near monastery entrances, Nea Moni of Chios missing OUV element38.38190195863703, 26.06710691066189
Darien National Parkinformation board plaque and wooden hand-painted sign at Darien NP entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Dazu Rock CarvingsBaodingshan Cliffside Carvingsstone plaque on stone stele, missing all elements
Decorated cave of Pont d'Arcbrown road sign on the way to Grotte Chauvet+ perspex information board type plaque, missing OUV element, near replica cave entrance44.40625641886067, 4.431866186072293
Decorated Farmhouses of HälsinglandErik Anders, Askestano plaque, but brown road sign with name and UNESCO emblem in front of Erik-Anders' Decorated Farmhouse61.27252265786006, 16.99380550834459
Delosmetal/stone plaque near site entrance, missing OUV element37.40292477232684, 25.269452233708986
Derbentmetal/stone plaque on Baya Mosque wall42.05451538089518, 48.283263227281985
Derbent3 metal/stone plaques on different parts of the fortress walls, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Derwent Valley Millswhite road sign plaque a few metres before reaching the car park of Masson Mills, missing OUV element53.11251558047347, -1.562521627635097
Desembarco del Granma National Parkwooden plaque along the road before entrance (close to the Sendero Arquelógico Natural El Guafe), missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Dilmun Burial MoundsMadinat Hamad 1 Burial Mound Field (Buri)8 grey plaques in front of royal mounds each with QR code for more info26.16034484921198, 50.51708131852142
Dinosaur Provincial Parkmetal plaque near visitor centre, including all elements50.75975546778183, -111.51873144738965
Divrigiwooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance to Mengujekid Monuments, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements39.376030610694556, 38.25683920464854
Diyarbakir Fortress and Hevsel Gardensinformation board type plaques in front of most components, missing OUV element37.925092003567606, 40.211822163505914
Djémilamonumental museum and archaeological site entrance gate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements36.31724164941976, 5.736142672251121
DjoudjA set of information panels right after the place where you have to pay for the park entrance, with year of inscription.16.360039, -16.274433
DolomitesDolomiti Settentrionali Cadorine, Sett Sass Trento, Bolzano Belluno, Trentino-Alto Adige/Veneto,brown road sign beneath Misurina road sign, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (just before reaching/leaving Lago di Misurina)46.5738492705672, 12.24863721401995
Donana National Parkmetal plaque under the wall lamp of the La Rocina visitor centre, missing OUV element37.12377105622694, -6.496264312811435
Dong PhayayenKhao Yai National Park Saraburi, Nakhon Nayok, Nakhon Ratchasima, Prach, ThailandLarge emblem and full name at wall at park entrance
Dong PhayayenKhao Yai National Park Saraburi, Nakhon Nayok, Nakhon Ratchasima, Prach, ThailandStone marker in the park at the Khao Yai 30 km View Point14.473857550977321, 101.39018026502276
Dong PhayayenPang Sida National Park Sra Kaew, Thailandstone plaque on stone marker monument close to the forest complex entrance, missing year of inscription
Dorset and East Devon CoastBowleaze Cove to Peveril Point stone plaque at Lulworth Cove Viewpoint, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.617992485058615, -2.250804223672952
Dougga/Thuggawhite marble plaque beside the Roman theatre, missing OUV element36.42343447019559, 9.220611442955793
DrottningholmNo plaque
DubrovnikOld City of DubrovnikNo plaque
Durham Castle and Cathedralmetal plaque on stone marker at Palace Green, missing year of inscription and OUV elements54.774846362403935, -1.5756227191507983
Dutch Water Defence LinesFort Everdingeninformation board plaque, missing OUV, UNESCO emblem and year of inscription52.6346348615855, 5.777682382901339
Early Christian Necropolis of Pécsstainless steel plaque on stone marker near the Cella Septichora Visitor Centre, including all elements46.07773178921403, 18.22438133155052
Echmiatsin and ZvartnotsArchaeological site of Zvartnots with ruins of the Temple, the Royal Palace, and other constructionsstainless steel plaques near main monuments, including all elements40.160544742583504, 44.33651060236604
Echmiatsin and ZvartnotsMother Cathedral of Echmiatsin and surrounding constructions stainless steel plaques near main monuments, including all elements40.16206525092772, 44.29164660975227
Edinburghmetal plaque at Well Court, missing year of inscription and OUV element55.952382133089046, -3.220507131874441
Edinburghmetal plaque at Wardrop's Court near the dragons, missing year of inscription and OUV elements55.94966732180602, -3.193213844700851
El EscurialPalace, monastery, subsidiary buildings and gardensmetal plaque on wall next to ticket office, missing OUV element40.58918414232969, -4.1468063350317355
El Fuerte de Samaipatametal plaque on stone marker, missing OUV element, and white stone marker with Unesco emblem, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-18.16974575901762, -63.849878499093464
El Pinacatemetal plaque on wall near Museo y Centro de Visitantes Schuk Toak entrance, missing OUV element31.571515531201367, -113.43873572355878
El Tajinmetal plaque on stone marker on the right just after passing by ticket control, missing OUV element20.444496837473285, -97.3773812496736
Elephanta Cavesmetal plaques, one on the jetty 18.97034274511443, 72.93098485429917
Elephanta Cavesmetal plaques, one by the public toilets, missing year of inscription and OUV elements18.962220094505174, 72.93158319930698
Ellora Cavesmetal plaque with wooden frame on the wall of the first cave when coming from the entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements20.026932901274066, 75.1769388180414
ElvasHistoric Centremetal plaque on Castelo de Elvas wall near entrance, missing OUV element38.88368376899111, -7.163059424719774
Engelsberg Ironworksblack info board like plaque on Falun red poles at the beginning of the walking trail59.966735275702675, 16.008393669412516
EphesusCukurici Moundwooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance of main remains and at every location of this WHS (sometimes more than once), except the Cukurici Mound; missing OUV element37.94459887443992, 27.34260089140689
Epidaurusstone plaque in front of archaeological museum entrance, missing OUV element37.59860500322229, 23.08701367472607
Erbil Citadel2 white metal plaques at both ramps leading up to the citadel, missing OUV elements36.19209155800981, 44.00719633141556
Erbil Citadel2 white metal plaques at both ramps leading up to the citadel, missing OUV elements36.18953077963543, 44.008996980615294
ESMA Site Museumstainless steel plaque on wall inside museum, missing OUV element-34.53658988198072, -58.465448768111706
Etruscan NecropolisesCerveteri, Etruscan Necropolis of Banditaccia one information board type plaque in front of Cerveteri entrance42.00605921329865, 12.10111200300307
Etruscan NecropolisesTarquinia, Etruscan Necropolis of Monterozzi 42.24978166760277, 11.767618470200443
Euphrasian Basilica in Porecplastic/glass plaque by the entrance to the basilica45.226977242222645, 13.595518830949544
Evergladesmetal plaque on stone marker near Ernest F. Coe visitor centre, missing OUV element25.39553540385447, -80.58260695032716
Evergladesmetal marker near tree before entrance to visitor centre at 40001 State Hwy 9336, Homestead FL 33034
Evorametal plaque near Porta de Alconchel, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.5704094248885, -7.914629792664945
Falun Great Copper Mountainno plaque, just a huge sign with name and UNESCO emblem before entering the parking area of the mine60.60167219223747, 15.619606486454913
Fasil GhebbiFasil Ghebbi palace compoundstone plaque with metal frame at the entrance to the Castle of Emperor Fasiledes, missing year of inscription and OUV elements12.607558793098923, 37.4697083244035
Fatehpur Sikrimetal plaque on wall by the main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.096947801395697, 77.66700448780394
Ferapontov Monasterystone plaque on outer wall of monastery, missing year of inscription and OUV elements59.95666678940346, 38.567732560129535
FerraraFerrarainformation board including all elements in front of Castello Estense44.83717488479322, 11.618474194766824
Fertö/Neusiedlerseemetal information board type welcome plaque upon arriving in Breitenbrunn, missing year of inscription and OUV elements46.07773178921403, 18.22438133155052
First Coffee PlantationsLa Gran Piedrametal plaque on wall near Cafetal La Isabelica staircase, including all elements; and wooden plaque near Cafetal La Isabelica museum, missing year of inscription and OUV elements20.00550407900887, -75.61790814065571
Flemish BéguinagesBéguinage de Bruges (Brugge)grey metal plaque on wall near door just before entrance/exit to/from Begijnhofbrug51.20175359413225, 3.2236192837023276
Flemish BéguinagesGrand Béguinage of Leuven (Louvain)one red plaque with map with all elements and one white/grey plaque without map but with all elements, one at each entrance/exit50.87167950260661, 4.69792419144215
Florencewhite marble plaque inside Florence's Palazzo Vecchio, missing OUV element43.76935058309177, 11.255855651241731
Fontainebleaudark green metal plaque on the wall inside the palace just after the entrance, missing name, year of inscription and OUV elements48.373061172093564, 2.9032413557880004
Fort and Shalamar GardensLahore Fort Lahore, Punjab, Pakistanbrown-white information panel with name and year of inscription at entrance31.589222, 74.312133
Fort and Shalamar GardensShalamar Gardens Lahore, Punjab, Pakistanmetal plaque at Shalimar Gardens, including all elements
Fort and Shalamar GardensShalamar Gardens Lahore, Punjab, Pakistanbillboard plaque before entering Shalimar Gardens, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Forth Bridgemetal plaque behind the North Queensferry South Bay bus stop next to the inscribed bridge, missing OUV element56.008805510610024, -3.394104010577304
Fortifications of VaubanL'enceinte et la citadelle de Mont-Louismetal plaque, missing OUV element
Fortifications of VaubanLa citadella d'Arrasmetal plaque, missing OUV element
Fortifications of VaubanLa citadelle, l’enceinte urbaine et le fort Griffon de Besançonmetal plaque, missing OUV element
Fortifications of VaubanLa place forte de Longwymetal plaque, missing OUV element
Fortifications of VaubanLa place forte de Mont-Dauphinmetal plaque, missing OUV element
Fortified City of Carcassonnemetal plaque at the entrance to La Cite from Porte Narbonnaise, missing OUV element43.20694318327537, 2.365358795047053
Fortress of Suomenlinnablack stone plaques including all elements near jetty and on barracks wall60.14569506427486, 24.988150441086194
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaNuestra Señora de la Luz de Tancoyolmetal plaque on stone marker just in front of perimeter entrance
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaSan Francisco del Valle de Tilacometal plaque on stone marker just in front of perimeter entrance
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaSan Miguel Concámetal plaque on stone marker oddly placed outside the mission's perimeter to one of its sides near a Camino Real pilgrims' bell
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaSanta María del Agua de Landametal plaque on stone marker just in front of perimeter entrance
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra GordaSantiago de Jalpan metal plaque on stone marker oddly placed outside the mission's perimeter to one of its sides near a statue of Fray Junipero Serra
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsFallingwatermetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements39.90620722228805, -79.46641193628597
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsHollyhock Housemetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements34.10080933815162, -118.29385206536662
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsSolomon R. Guggenheim Museummetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements40.783125798863814, -73.95845561905506
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsTaliesinmetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements43.14121895578945, -90.07012368031329
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsTaliesin Westmetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements33.60655124982577, -111.84459431751031
Frank Lloyd Wright BuildingsUnity Templemetal plaque in front or inside of 6 components, including all elements41.888685426590854, -87.79640164968824
Fraser IslandFraser Islandinformation board type plaque near Central Station Camping Area, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-25.476036400676804, 153.06089241593787
Frontiers of the Roman EmpireBirdoswald Roman fort and the section of Hadrian's Wall and vallum between the River Irthing and the field boundaries east of milecastle 50pink metal plaque near parking to Hadrian's Wall site, including all elements54.990003113740606, -2.601428082613705
Frontiers of the Roman EmpireFort site and civil settlement of Saalburg west of B 456 including watchtowers WP 3/56, 3/66, fortlets Heidenstock and Altes Jagdhausmetal plaques near entrance to museum/roman fort remains, including all elements;50.27178157988109, 8.566564551512881
Frontiers of the Roman EmpireFort site and civil settlement of Weissenburg eastern partmetal plaques near entrance to museum/roman fort remains, including all elements49.012657519948284, 10.98900317854372
Frontiers of the Roman EmpireKinneil Fortletblack metal plaque near parking to the Antonine Wall component at Kinneil, including all elements56.006741946831305, -3.6372329180347656
FujisanFujisan Moutain AreaInformation panel, dark metal, with WHS emblem, at all locations
Galapagos Islandsbrass plaque inside the Charles Darwin Research Station on the east side of the main town of Puerto Ayora-0.742218392716225, -90.30393632974551
Gammelstadmetal sheet plaque on stone opposite the main church, beside the Gammelstad Visitor Centre65.64606810470957, 22.02784399979266
Gamzigrad-Romulianametal plaque inside the site, shortly after the ticket booth43.89921513653052, 22.18504781384466
Garajonaymetal plaque at the bigger visitor centre outside the inscribed area near Villahermoso, missing UNESCO emblem28.17994207574542, -17.25972105424476
Garamba National Parkinformation board type plaque near main park entrance, missing OUV element4.163255005944448, 29.440139998325478
Garden Kingdom of Dessau-WörlitzParks of Wörlitzgreen metal plaque at garden entrance close to parking lot, missing year of inscription element51.844667306669756, 12.421204027890669
Gardens and Castle at KromerízCastle Garden and Castlemarble plaque on wall next to the flower garden entrance just before the Dutch garden49.29746202580644, 17.383004838159728
Gaya TumuliGimhae Daeseong-dong Tumuliblack and white stone plaque in front of main tumuli, missing year of inscription and OUV elements35.23743021110854, 128.87379241556724
Gedeo Cultural landscapestone plaque before approaching Tutu Fela, missing year of inscription and OUV elements6.296976820395677, 38.23313991181966
Gelati MonasteryGelati Monasteryinformation board type plaque, including all elements42.294874144280705, 42.768602123344195
Genbaku Domeblack stone marker in front of dome, including all elements34.39583600155508, 132.45370931236218
Genoastainless steel plaque on wall, next to the entrance leading to the gardens44.41109915820993, 8.933081486796928
Giant's Causewaystone plaque next to visitor centre entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV element55.2331270132765, -6.507619842375811
Glacier parksmetal plaque on stone marker near Kathleen Lake, including all elements60.57637015540304, -137.22230935536348
Glacier parksmetal plaque on wall inside the Wrangell-St. Elias Visitor Centre62.02063367911351, -145.3627715970084
Göbekli Tepewooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.224606905694564, 38.935233560616325
Gobustan Rock ArtBoyukdash mountain Baku,Midway between interpretation center and rock art site (just before turning right towards the Roman inscription); missing last two elements i.e. no year of inscription and no OUV description 40.099008, 49.383569
Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa DolmenKanghwa Dolmen Sitesmetal plaque behind railing in front of main dolmen37.7735535396887, 126.43751100541208
Gondwana RainforestsLamington National Park Queensland, Australia2 metal plaques near entrance to Lamington NP Green Mountains Section, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-28.227246427535594, 153.13287802568425
Gordionplaque wall near entrance to museum; missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.65275673180071, 32.17347848876924
Göreme NP and CappadociaGöreme National Parkwooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near all components, missing OUV element38.66341792285279, 35.1912845650905
Gorham's Cave Complexstone plaque on wall next Gorham's cave viewing platform, including all elements36.11552007575983, -5.343278332823726
GranadaAlhambra & the Generalife Spainmetal plaques, one near the Alhambra ticket office, missing OUV element37.17410813820257, -3.5844985864945538
GranadaAlhambra & the Generalife Spainmetal plaques, one near Alhambra's Puerta del Vino, missing OUV element37.176654349038934, -3.590792457424822
Grand Canyonmetal plaque on wall inside the Grand Canyon Association Park Store, missing OUV element36.05831507422674, -112.10939221828039
Grand Place, Brusselsbronze plaque inside the city hall + 7 UNESCO emblems in brushed bronze on the ground at the spots where the seven streets leading to the Grand-Place meet the square50.84671042999226, 4.352100586419044
Grand Place, BrusselsIn the archway underneath the tower of the Town Hall 50.84662975885776, 4.351963652005821
Grand Prémetal plaque on stone marker close to parking lot near flagpoles, including all elements45.11057560791583, -64.30049918607982
Grand-BassamLa ville historiquestone plaque near entrance to site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements5.210336058182955, -3.755000345099278
GrazCity of Graz - Historic Centre On the wall of the Town Hall, behind the colonnade 47.070700, 15.438435
GrazCity of Graz – Historic Centre and Schloss Eggenbergglass/perspex plaque on castle wall, missing OUV element47.073537041382316, 15.392134000365688
Great Barrier ReefGreen Island: wooden marker along sandy trail to the rocky part of the island, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-16.759321700324236, 145.97128156015725
Great Barrier ReefHeron Island: metal plaque on jetty bars, including all elements-23.441580176095144, 151.91479735558633
Great Smoky MountainsOn footpath below car park at Newfound Gap 35.61043266008461, -83.4257979600014
Great Smoky Mountainsmetal plaque on wall next to Newfound Gap parking lot stairs, missing OUV element35.610517, -83.425733
Great Spa Towns of EuropeVichywhite plastic plaque on pole under town name, missing year of inscription and OUV elements46.13618511195266, 3.4228584340119075
Great WallBadalingMutianyu: stone marker near entrance and ticket office, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Greater Blue Mountainsmetal plaque on stone marker near Govetts Leap Lookout just opposite the main marker, including all elements, and information board type welcome plaque, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-33.62789877278789, 150.3119372484468
Grimeton Radio Stationmetal plaque on stone just next to the visitor centre besides the water cooling 'fountains'57.11312347731649, 12.405301538922414
Gros Morne National Parkred metal plaque and perspex information board near visitor centre, including all elements49.57221459909777, -57.875211344777775
GuanacasteSanta Rosa NP: wooden information board type plaques at entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements10.847488542689957, -85.6791236540099
GuanacasteRoadsign with emblem and official site name pointing to Estacion Horizontes (4km away)
Guanajuatometal plaque on lawn of traffic island in Plaza de La Paz near the Basilica Colegiata de Nuestra Senora de Guanajuato, missing OUV element21.016795067801706, -101.2541741986657
Guimarãesperspex information board with map by the castle walls, missing year of inscription and OUV elements41.44789285659859, -8.29033018722165
Gulf of CaliforniaBalandra Zone of Ecological Conservation and Community Interestmetal plaque on stone marker by the Dove of Peace monument, missing OUV element24.16414174760921, -110.31583577575212
Gusuku of RyukyuNakagusuku-jôblack stone plaques near castle ruins and near tourist centre
Gusuku of RyukyuNakijin-jôblack stone plaque near Nakijin-jo ruins
Gusuku of RyukyuShuri-jô siteblack stone plaque next to the Stone Gate of the Sonohyan Shrine
Gusuku of RyukyuZakimi-jôgrey stone marker near Zakimi-jo ruins
Gwynedd CastlesBeaumaris Castle Beaumaris,, Angelseyblack metal plaques inside each location, missing year of inscription and OUV elements53.26490536031232, -4.08916266074446
Gwynedd CastlesCaernarfon Castle and Town Walls Caernarfonblack metal plaques inside each location, missing year of inscription and OUV elements53.13924184727026, -4.276296701231563
Gwynedd CastlesConwy Castle and Town Walls Conwyblack metal plaques inside each location, missing year of inscription and OUV elements53.280180853592164, -3.825028516565845
GyeongjuMt. Namsan Beltbig marble plaque at Namsan 35.81445028055553, 129.232762263156
GyeongjuTumuli Park Beltstone marker plaque near Royal Tomb of King Michu35.83762429661225, 129.21280883989363
Haeinsa Templestone marker + plaque opposite stairway leading to the temple35.79977393053351, 128.096070115385
Haghpat and SanahinMonastery of Haghpat stainless steel/perspex plaques near main monuments, including all elements41.09412009607631, 44.712727015341414
Haghpat and SanahinMonastery of Sanahinstainless steel/perspex plaques near main monuments, including all elements41.08752526358742, 44.666851444176785
Hahoe and YangdongHahoe Cluster: Hahoe Villagethere are 2 small UNESCO marble markers at the lane of cherry trees just next to the ferry point and a bigger UNESCO stone marker just next to the tourist information before entering Hahoe proper36.540546634200176, 128.52281887757889
Hahoe and YangdongYangdong Cluster: Yangdong Villagewhite marble plaque at the entrance to the folk village35.99966752441014, 129.25294697122595
Hal Saflieni HypogeumNo plaque. Huge UNESCO sign outside on side wall of museum at Triq ic-Cimiterju 35.869594250977784, 14.506703528430268
Hallstatt-Dachsteininformation board type plaque near Hallstatt town entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.55717418517629, 13.647118461701933
Hampi3 metal information board type plaques with map near Vitthala Temple, Virupaksha Temple and Hemkuta Temples, missing year of inscription and OUV elements15.335175860571145, 76.46223886116961
Harar Jugolstone plaque in front of fortified walls, missing year of inscription and OUV elements; information board type plaque on left hand side part of town entrance gate
Hatrablue metal plaque near the entrance to the archaeological site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements35.58800469135073, 42.720426304490616
HattushaHattousa [and Ibikçam Forest]wooden information board type plaques resembling Unesco emblem near entrances, missing OUV element40.014342444098276, 34.47523877031478
HattushaYazilikaya (rupestral sanctuary) wooden information board type plaques resembling Unesco emblem near entrances, missing OUV element40.025825179638296, 34.63071283371577
Hawaii VolcanoesMauna Loa and Kilauea Volcanoes Hawaii,metal plaque on stone marker at 1 Crater Rim Dr, Volcano HI 96785, missing OUV element19.429467, -155.257067
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jumpmetal plaque near interpretive centre, including all elements49.705651552674546, -113.6528079405595
Hedeby and DanevirkeMain Wall Area 1rusty plaque on the floor near Dannewerk trail54.471218678747114, 9.300303460029749
Heritage of MercuryIdrija – Old Towninformation board on wall at Anthony's Shaft entrance, missing OUV and year of inscription elements45.999643770588406, 14.022474142122265
Heritage of MercuryIdrija – Old Townmetal plaque on wall outside museum, with all elements46.000727474942046, 14.018564372398352
Heritage of MercuryIdrija – Old Townrusty metal/perspex plaques in front of museum and Gewerkenegg Castle "Mercury Route", missing OUV element46.000727474942046, 14.018564372398352
Heritage of MercuryRoyal Forced Labour Gaolrusty metal/perspex plaque at Real Carcel de Forzados, missing OUV element38.77514661384901, -4.84294807134456
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki RegionOura Cathedraldark green/black metal plaques with golden text at each component, missing OUV element
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki RegionSakitsu Village in Amakusadark green/black metal plaques with golden text at each component, missing OUV element
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki RegionShitsu Village in Sotomedark green/black metal plaques with golden text at each component, missing OUV element
Hierapolis-Pamukkalebillboard type plaques near both location entrances, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (Hierapolis)37.92518157808504, 29.124307793919936
Hierapolis-Pamukkalebillboard type plaques near both location entrances, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (Pamukkale)37.922837274139084, 29.130358857173384
High Coast / Kvarken ArchipelagoHigh Coast Swedeninformation board with all elements at Sörleviken viewing area62.87554881050514, 18.325673828483357
High Coast / Kvarken ArchipelagoThe Kvarken Archipelago - Zone A FinlandVaasa: black metal plaque near Saltkaret Observation Tower, including all elements63.35828903516615, 21.29134477585879
Hildesheim Cathedral and ChurchSt Mary's Catholic Cathedral Germanymetal plaque on wall next to entrance, missing OUV element52.148993491068005, 9.954700763794673
Hildesheim Cathedral and ChurchSt Michael's Lutheran Church Germanyglass/perspex anniversary plaque on wall near entrance, missing OUV element52.15347214296151, 9.942965857698297
Hill Forts of RajasthanAmber Fortstone marker plaque near fort's main entrance, missing OUV element26.9857407777762, 75.85064291680212
Hill Forts of RajasthanRanthambore Fortbrass plaque on stone marker near fort's main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements26.021805717831164, 76.4592621771377
Himeji-jostone marker in front of main castle, missing year of inscription and OUV elements34.838538865736496, 134.69373590307006
Holasovicegrey stone plaque (missing year of inscription and OUV) on the rear wall of the village bakery and a UNESCO WH inscription pillar just in front of it48.96992822406685, 14.272492748264483
Hollókömetal plaque down the main road in the village, on the left hand side, including all elements47.99780736947109, 19.54050213880166
Holy Trinity Columnmetal plaque on the floor just in front of the column chapel entrance, including all elements49.593827353513625, 17.25056010615881
Holy Trinity ColumnOn the ground just before the three small steps at the front of the column 49.593829671654134, 17.250557505395207
HopewellFort Ancient State Memorialmetal plaque near 4 components' entrance, including all elements39.406968827562885, -84.08872820377498
HopewellHopewell Culture National Historical Park metal plaque near 4 components' entrance, including all elements 39.374658142680595, -83.00591151542082
HopewellNewark Earthworks State Memorialmetal plaque near 4 components' entrance, including all elements (Octagon Earthworks)40.05212082953104, -82.44861328675847
HopewellNewark Earthworks State Memorialmetal plaque near 4 components' entrance, including all elements (Great Circle Earthworks)40.04213572780869, -82.42760566326652
Hortobágygranite plaque on stone marker close to the nine arched bridge, including all elements47.58177377792637, 21.14765528925665
Horyu-ji AreaHoryu-ji Area Ikaruga Town, Nara Prefecture, Japanstone marker in the temple premises, missing year of inscription and OUV elements34.61379005768555, 135.73435971030153
Hospicio Cabañasmetal plaque on the wall on the right just after the ticket office entrance, missing OUV element20.67655145948775, -103.33815598160953
Huanglongstone marker near five-color pond, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Huangshanstone monument and marker near summit, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Humayun's TombHumayun's Tombone metal plaque and one stone marker near the entrance to the site, both missing year of inscription and OUV elements while the latter also has the UNESCO emblem missing28.593603066851262, 77.25134968745839
Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Worksrusty metal plaque and round handwritten plaque near Humberstone entrance and opposite ticket booth, including all elements-20.20957200030998, -69.79687751340353
Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Worksmetal plaque and round handwritten plaque near entrance of Santa Laura before ticket booth, including all elements-20.211653844994512, -69.81221131854524
Hwaseong Fortressstone marker plaque (missing year of inscription and OUV) next to the Archery Range facing Dongbukgongsimdon Post37.287985138957076, 127.023802459886
IbizaDalt Vilametal plaque near drawbridge in front of Portal de ses Taules, missing OUV element38.90643046939667, 1.5024897113459053
Iguacuwooden plaque at the entrance, missing OUV and year of inscription elements-25.692435125055074, -54.434459957416394
Iguazu National Park1 wooden plaque at the administrative office of the falls, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-25.594107453507906, -54.57848479369428
Iguazu National Park2 wooden plaques at the entrance, missing OUV and year of inscription elements-25.683148655330964, -54.45478478172526
Ilulissat Icefjordbronze plaque on wooden boardwalk near Icefjord, missing OUV and year of inscription elements69.21265090232673, -51.13090450276361
Imperial PalaceThe Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in BeijingForbidden City: metal plaque on white wall after entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Imperial PalaceThe Imperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty in ShenyangShenyang Palace: stone marker near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Imperial TombsMing Tombs Beijing, Changping Dist., Beijing Province, Chinastone markers in front of Ming Tombs of Beijing + Dingling tomb entrances, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Independence Hallmetal plaque on wooden wall inside hall, missing OUV element39.9489000772123, -75.14999197660195
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaalround metal plaque in front of Steam Pumping Station (and certificate in office), missing OUV element52.84648586928698, 5.67942901779361
Ironbridge Gorgemetal plaque on wall near bridge, missing OUV element52.62733535328269, -2.485448646243166
Ischigualasto / TalampayaIschigualasto: metal information board type plaque near the Triassic Park entrance, missing OUV element-30.16372918995745, -67.84254290080288
Ischigualasto / TalampayaTalampaya: wooden plaque near park entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-29.888120608356367, -67.95853409351236
Island of GoréeRight off the ferry, you walk underneath a Welcome to Gorée-sign that doubles as a Plaque (inclusive year of inscription).14.668842, -17.398822
Island of GoréeAt the Town Hall, with emblem14.668214, -17.399542
Island of PatmosThe Historic Centre (Chorá) with the Monastery of Saint-John the Theologianmetal plaque on wall near monastery, including all elements37.30882964189008, 26.54710956264571
Island of Saint-Louisnone on the island, but one by the side of the road before entering the city on the mainland
Isole EolieIsland of Vulcano: no plaque, just a brown welcome sign stating WHS status in front of the ferry drop off point38.4154229195527, 14.96069132156868
Itchan Kalagrey engraved stone plaque on the west gate, on the right hand side when facing the gate, missing OUV element41.37867804918055, 60.35709337002867
Itsukushima Shrinemetal plaque on stone marker in front of famous Torii gate, including all elements34.29611923879506, 132.3196834104551
Ivreatwo UNESCO inscription boards, one in front of the ICO workshops and another next to the bus stop close the 'new' Olivetti office building45.45944980125099, 7.874156341119379
Iwami Ginzan Silver MineGinzan Sakunouchi (Silver Mine)metal plaque by the entrance to the Iwami Ginzan World Heritage Centre, missing OUV element35.10628320517981, 132.45218875153677
Iwami Ginzan Silver MineMiyanomae (Refining area)wooden plaque in front of the Mine Exhibit Hall of the Iwami Ginzan Museum, missing UNESCO emblem element35.122968136756455, 132.44941116717857
Iwami Ginzan Silver MineÔmori-Ginzan (Mining Town)At parking in town centre: blue plaque with emblem and inscription year35.1137629, 132.4452442
Jantar Mantarmakeshift plaque near city palace Jantar Mantar entrance gate, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements26.926374425464548, 75.82675878585138
Jantar Mantarstone marker plaque inside the city palace by the southwest corner of the astronomical monuments, missing OUV element26.926374425464548, 75.82675878585138
JejuSeongsan Ilchulbong Tuff Cone Seongsan-eup, Namjeju-gun,triple crown triple stone marker with UNESCO metal plaque in front of Seongsan Ilchulbong Peak Carpark33.46249758521917, 126.9364208855324
JellingJelling Mounds, Runic Stones and Church transparent glass plaque with white text, missing OUV element55.756895497068136, 9.418409922955826
Jesuit Block and Estancias of CórdobaJesuit Block Cordoba, Cordoba Province, Argentinastone plaque in front of the statue of Fray Fernando de Trejo y Sanabria in the centre of the Patio Mayor del Antiguo Rectorado de la Universidad, missing OUV element-31.41823514526298, -64.18680948549977
Jesuit Missions of the GuaranisNuestra Señora de Loretometal plaque near entrance, missing OUV element-27.332699366254957, -55.5194336973957
Jesuit Missions of the GuaranisNuestra Señora de Santa Anametal plaque near entrance, missing OUV element-27.389908772100263, -55.57977905636282
Jesuit Missions of the GuaranisSan Ignacio Ministone plaque on marker by the entrance, missing OUV element-27.255072647594076, -55.53074875821603
Jesuit Missions of the GuaranisSão Miguel das Missõesbrown road sign near parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-28.545396141969853, -54.55443920566092
Jewish-Medieval heritage of ErfurtStone HouseInformation shield in front of Stone House, temporary short after inscription 50.978281000000000, 11.029900000000000
Joggins Fossil Cliffsmetal plaque on stone marker before arriving at the visitor centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements45.69465836288198, -64.44978949106269
Jomon Prehistoric SitesKakinoshima siteSeveral of the sites on Hokkaido have an information panel with an unesco sign at the entrance
Jongmyo Shrineconcrete + green metal plaque to the right after passing through Oedaemun Gate37.57237842246847, 126.99449086713427
Joya de Cerenmetal plaque near entrance, missing OUV element and several other information board signs around the entrance area13.841386502729822, -89.27628809969924
KaesongKaesong Namdae Gateblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
KaesongKoryo Songgyungwanblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
KaesongManwoldae & Kaesong Chomsongdaeblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
KaesongMausoleum of King Kongminblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
KaesongSonjuk Bridge & Phyochung Monumentsblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
KaesongSungyang Sowonblack/white stone plaques/marker right in front of the mentioned site or at its entrance
Kahuzi-Biega National Parkinformation board type plaque and metal plaque on stone marker underneath, missing OUV element-2.314358856544395, 28.753206907127726
KairouanLa Médina et ses Faubourgswhite marble plaque on wall of Great Mosque of Kairouan, missing OUV element35.68189787879595, 10.103623267094893
Kakadu National ParkKakadu National Park Northern Territory,metal plaque on the wall inside the Bowali Visitor Centre, including all elements-12.688599181027561, 132.8038065853021
Kalwaria Zebrzydowskamarble plaque in alcove wall before "The Golgotha" hill to panoramic view of basilica, missing OUV element49.860311967344906, 19.673080689427163
KarlskronaKarlskrona and the Island of Trossjust in front of the main boulevard next to the main square there is a UNESCO flag and beneath it is the UNESCO plaque on the floor56.16165807500464, 15.58668358832336
Kathmandu ValleyBhaktapur Durbar Squaregrey and red stone plaque at Bhaktapur Durbar Square (in front of the Big Bell and the Golden Gate)27.67201530652396, 85.4283475640792
Kathmandu ValleyHanuman Dhoka Durbar Squaregrey and red stone plaque at Kathmandu Durbar Square (in front of Hanuman Dhoka and Nasal Chowk)27.7046183076277, 85.30737650840443
Kathmandu ValleyPatan Durbar Squaregrey and red stone plaque at Patan Durbar Square (between Taleju bell and Chyasin Dega)27.672903488894296, 85.32488883406683
Kaziranga National Parkhand-painted metal plaque near national park main entrance before Kathpora Observation Tower, including all elements26.607509818127106, 93.40802725197001
Keoladeo National Parkmetal plaque on stone marker by the main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.160477957870828, 77.52146994523991
KerkuaneArchaeological siteblack/white plaque near entrance gate, missing OUV element36.94779373032824, 11.098755900225834
Kernavėstainless steel plaque at the hill fort panoramic viewpoint54.88427090541111, 24.85260288940516
Kew Gardens2 metal plaques on stone marker, one near entrance and another next to the pond to the east of the Palm House, missing OUV element51.48374644832603, -0.2896308773828688
Khajuraho Group of MonumentsProtected Temple Area. Western Group.black stone plaque just after the entrance to the Western Group of Temples, missing year of inscription and OUV elements24.853258376584737, 79.92198911918891
Kii Mountain Range Jison-inInside the courtyard34.2951886, 135.5501462
Kii Mountain Range Kumano Hongu TaishaTanabe, Wakayama (Kumano Hongu Taisha - Kyushachi Oyunohara): metal plaque on stone marker near shrine, with all elements, at the beginning of the route
Kii Mountain RangeKoya SankeimichiKumano Sankeimichi Nakahechi: metal plaque on stone marker near shrine, with all elements, at the beginning of the route33.77550292871707, 135.50382193072357
Kladruby nad Labemmetal plaque near the stables entrance gate; including all elements50.05697392395962, 15.486028525753069
Koguryo TombsKangso Three Tombs Namphostone plaque/marker in front of tombs38.964722, 125.425000
Koguryo TombsTokhung-ri Tomb Namphostone plaque/marker in front of tombs38.960833, 125.449722
Koguryo TombsTomb of King Tongmyong and Jinpha-ri group of tombs PyongyangAt the tomb a newly inscribed stone states in Korean and English “This site was registered as the World Cultural Heritage in Juche 93”38.89507047466717, 125.92312700000001
Konsostone plaque near entrance gate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements5.331519366789353, 37.42522408955899
Koutammakoumetal plaque near main Tata castle, missing year of inscription and OUV elements10.067597557851505, 1.1355632976446965
Krzemionki prehistoric flint minesKrzemionki Opatowskie Mining Field brown road sign 1km away from flint mine parking area, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.971248595583, 21.479094710492404
Ksar of Aït Ben HaddouNo plaque
KujataaQassiarsukinformation board plaque on rusty metal stand near archaeological site of Qassiarsuk, including all elements61.149594451633384, -45.514722596917814
Kuldigacopper plaque on the floor in front of Baznicas iela 556.96776771596125, 21.9707859467912
Kunta Kinteh IslandJames Island Lower Niumi District, Gambiametal plaque attached to wall of fort, missing year of inscription
Kunta Kinteh IslandMaurel Frères Buildingmetal plaque on blue wooden gate, missing year of inscription13.317517447259487, -16.361396722664363
Kunya-UrgenchSouthern section comprising the minaret and most of the monuments Turkmenistanyellow metal plaque in front of the Mausoleum of Turabek Khanym, missing OUV element42.31102961735588, 59.13708832855293
Kutna HoraCathedral Our Lady at Sedlecmetal plaque near entrance to the Sedlec Cistercian Monastery Sedlec - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin49.96030670737428, 15.289062741938189
Kutna HoraKutnà Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St. Barbarametal plaque near entrance to the Church of St Barbara, Kutna Hora49.94484468072823, 15.263202443101148
Kutna HoraKutnà Hora: Historical Town Centre with the Church of St. Barbarametal plaque outside the main entrance to the Italian Court - each including all elements49.948427, 15.268952
Kyiv Cathedral and LavraSaint-Sophia Cathedralmetal plaque beneath St Sophia Bell Tower, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.45282376758658, 30.515169637136186
L'Anse aux Meadowsmetal plaque on wall before entrance to visitor centre51.59664114162862, -55.53284677403555
L'vivVysokyi Zamok and Pidzamche, Seredmistia Ukrainemetal plaque on exterior wall of the Lviv City Hall, missing OUV element49.84180163495761, 24.031050703566443
La Chaux-de-Fonds / Le LocleLe Locle Commune du Locle, Neufchgrey/black metal plaque near Le Locle old town hall, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.084939235721166, 6.554313375918253
La Fortaleza and San JuanLa Fortaleza and San Juan NHSmetal plaque on wall next to the main offices of the San Juan National Historic Site behind Castillo San Cristobal, missing OUV element18.46748457920273, -66.11046907297595
La Lonja de la Sedamarble plaque on the wall under the wall lamp in front of the orange tree in the Lonja courtyard, missing OUV element39.474634603623315, -0.37851638818002403
Lagoons of New CaledoniaZone Côtière Ouestinformation board type plaques at each location, including all elements-21.566711747706695, 165.79264401521837
Lake BaikalBajkalski Biosphere Reserve: information board type plaque along wooden boardwalk trail, missing year of inscription and OUV elements51.41315894719109, 105.16598526511204
Lake Districtstone plaque at Crow Park near the Keswick Launch Ticket Office, missing year of inscription and OUV elements54.595671226362434, -3.1399039238195314
Lakes of OuniangaOunianga Kebir: information board type plaque by the road before reaching the site proper, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Lalibelastone plaque at the entrance, missing OUV element12.034422171334235, 39.03977117579394
Land of FrankincenseArchaeological site and natural environment of Khor Rori plastic stone looking markers and/or metal plaques near entrances to each component17.039335997917505, 54.43467962457275
Land of FrankincenseArchaeological site of al-Balid plastic stone looking markers and/or metal plaques near entrances to each component17.0093955044842, 54.13572056837252
Land of FrankincenseArchaeological site of Shisrplastic stone looking markers and/or metal plaques near entrances to each component18.2550669525951, 53.64866925278201
Land of FrankincenseFrankencense Park of Wadi Dawkah plastic stone looking markers and/or metal plaques near entrances to each component17.338806561674037, 54.07651927970653
Laponian AreaStora Sjöfallet National Parkno plaque; just a brown road sign with name and UNESCO emblem 70 km from Gallivare on the way to Ritsem and a brown road sign with Stora Sjofallets NP and UNESCO emblem; there's also an information board with all elements on the side of the road to Stora Sjofallets NP (as per DutchHorn's review)67.52803190001019, 18.19473685295359
Le Havremetal plaque on the floor next to the main church, including all elements 49.470507451927915, -0.21389283803132916
Le Havrewhite road sign upon entering Le Havre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements49.48989258273391, 0.11969942080286852
Le Mornemetal plaque on stone marker near International Slave Route Monument, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-20.452090282906823, 57.31481053789328
Lednice-Valtice Cultural LandscapeValtice: metal plaque on wall in the tunnel next to the ticket booth on your way to the cellar, including all elements48.73942350582534, 16.75545204880311
Lednice-Valtice Cultural LandscapeLednice: metal plaque on the wall before heading towards the entrance hall to the castle, including all elements48.8017320599533, 16.805180449434232
Leptis Magnastone plaque at archaeological site entrance, missing OUV element32.63362691718275, 14.301209082581599
Levukablack stone plaque on the lawn near the harbour, missing OUV element-17.68335146837455, 178.83375882975605
Litomysl Castlemetal plaque on wall on the side of the garden's entrance, including all elements49.87349717419566, 16.31368591341394
Loire Valleystainless steel plaque on wall near Villandy Castle and Gardens entrance, including all elements47.34038789332742, 0.4340552970160456
Loire ValleyJargeau: metal plaque at base of pole monument, missing year of inscription and OUV elements47.866629497202624, 2.122430962452872
Longobards in ItalyThe basilica of San Salvatorerusty metal plaque to the left, when facing the entrance to the Basilica di San Salvatore (Spoleto)42.74147265259741, 12.74327768942252
Longobards in ItalyThe monumental area with the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giuliarusty metal plaque inside the Museo di Santa Giulia (Brescia) just after the main door leading to the ticket office45.53919929949581, 10.229120883097492
Lopé-Okandainformation board type plaque near site entrance, missing OUV element-0.43846973902027686, 11.578910776295242
Lord Howe Islandmetal plaque on stone marker near Lord Howe Island Museum, including all elements-31.52772174760684, 159.06709333565792
Los Alerces National Parkwooden/plastic plaque at Los Alerces Park Visitor Centre (Villa Futalaufquen), missing year of inscription and OUV elements-42.96970616645415, -71.58017570616134
Los Glaciaresmetal plaque on wooden boardwalk at Perito Moreno Glacier upper viewpoint, including all elements-50.46899138976994, -73.03013204766232
Los GlaciaresWooden sign at El Chalten Town entrance, missing full name, year, OUV-49.333696732405556, -72.8840162331857
Los Katios National Parkinformation board type plaque near main park entrance, including all elements7.672843332826041, -76.97757322210784
Lower German LimesRemagenUNESCO Lower German Limes white/blue sticker logo next to Remagen Roman Museum main entrance
Lower German LimesWoerden-Centrumred sticker logo on main glass door of the Woerden City Museum, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements52.08628060182546, 4.8845111386098665
Lower Valley of the Awashstone plaque near entrance to site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Luang Prabang2 wooden plaques inside Wat Xieng Thong, one missing year of inscription and OUV elements and one missing OUV element19.897599866297163, 102.14311429269328
Luang Prabangcommemorative stele of 12th anniversary since inscription, missing OUV element
LübeckZone 1: Burgkloster - Aegidienstrasse Germanyround metal monumental plaque at tourist information office, missing year of inscription and OUV elements53.86582678181071, 10.677839063162368
Luis Barragán House and Studiowhite stone plaque on wall outside near no. 14, missing OUV element19.411029412368137, -99.19233631795562
Lumbinibrass plaque on box hedge just after the security gate to the Maya Devi temple, missing year of inscription and OUV27.469963635694214, 83.27568053663668
Luther MemorialsThe Castle Church. Wittenburg.information board plaque near main church, missing year of inscription and OUV elements51.866454697350306, 12.637910692572408
Luther MemorialsThe house in which Luther died. Eisleben.information board plaque near Luther statue in Marktplatz, missing OUV element51.52844115370865, 11.546582866657443
Lyonmarble plaque inside town hall + information board outside town hall, missing OUV element45.76802263025087, 4.845584872230311
M'Zab ValleyMosque Sidi Brahim metal plaque by the entrance to Sidi Ami Brahim Mausoleum, missing year of inscription and OUV elements32.47435789286734, 3.7478205046400586
Macquarie Islandwooden plaque near nature reserve station lookout point, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-53.129050391735696, 163.62469678704093
Madara Riderno plaque; just a white World Heritage Convention sign with the UNESCO emblem before the long stairway43.27691462043415, 27.116887364098613
Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valleywooden plaques, missing year of inscription and OUV elements: Entremesaigues42.49763873214896, 1.5734271307493448
Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valleywooden plaques, missing year of inscription and OUV elements: Escaldes-Engordany42.517199508699996, 1.5443792534880754
Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valleywooden plaques, missing year of inscription and OUV elements: Borda de l'Estall42.542543694498036, 1.5516411810179536
Mafracobblestone UNESCO emblem in front of the Basilica
Maframetal plaque markers in front of each component (Mafra Palace, Basilica, Convent, Cerco Garden and Hunting Park (Tapada)), missing OUV element 38.93501076555309, -9.327413181954489
Mahabalipuram[main complex of Mahabalipuram] Indiametal plaque by the main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements12.616768922607717, 80.19918081880144
Mahabodhi Temple Complexmetal plaque near main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements24.696156119117223, 84.99178407500725
Maison Carrée of NîmesIn front. Left side of stairs (stairs from the road down)43.8384081, 4.3562632
Major Town HousesHôtel Tasselround bronze plaques on the pavement near site entrances50.8278819485217, 4.36190427987027
Major Town HousesMaison & Atelier Horta round bronze plaques on the pavement near site entrances50.824260819801914, 4.3556051681564965
Makli, Thattametal plaque in front of main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Makli, Thattatwo metal plates displaying inscription year, name and emblem in front of the Sultan Ibrahim Khan Tomb24.758158, 67.903153
Makli, Thattaseries of information panels at all main restored tombs, displaying the emblem
Malbork Castlemetal plaque on the brick wall on the outer side of the covered wooden drawbridge from where your tickets are checked, missing OUV element54.040705855455634, 19.029547913293044
Mammoth Cavemetal plaque on wall of the visitor center entrance in Kentucky, missing OUV element37.187067, -86.101217
Manas Wildlife SanctuaryInformation panel with OUV, inscription year at the newly built Heritage Centre, overlooking the border with Bhutan. The emblem is also displayed widely at that center.26.780453815525057, 90.95703669433567
Manas Wildlife Sanctuarystone marker right behind Bansbari entrance gate, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements26.659531235852377, 91.00125022684561
Mantua and SabbionetaMantoueChiseled into the wall of the Podestà Palace at the Piazza Broletto, next to the niche with the Virgil statue45.158848059324946, 10.795497831303221
Margravial Opera Housemetal plaque on wall near entrance, missing OUV element49.94433071451954, 11.578253666806484
Maritime Greenwichrusty metal plaque on floor near observatory, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Maritime Greenwichinformation board type plaque
Maritime Greenwichmetal/stone sundial monument plaque near Old British Navy College
Materaceramic artisanal handwritten plaque on side wall of Caffè Lanfranchi near Belvedere of Piazzetta Pascoli40.663278378655264, 16.610202775550402
Maulbronn Monasterymetal plaque on stone marker in front of glass door of tourist information office, missing OUV element49.00115134328913, 8.812655264786132
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawiinformation board type plaque with aluminium frame near main mausoleum entrance, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements43.29762438105961, 68.2712707740637
Maymandmarble certificate replica plaque near entrance, missing OUV element30.231774510321774, 55.37769561643757
Mazagantower-like stone monument with plaque at entrance gate, including all elements although UNESCO emblem is upside down; plus 2 road sign plaques along the highway when entering/exiting El Jadida, missing OUV, UNESCO emblem and year of inscription33.256127783963066, -8.503637253413316
Mbanza Kongometal plaque on wall near Cathedral of the Holy Saviour of Congo remains, missing OUV element-6.264412726587407, 14.245965108036101
Medici Villas and GardensJardin de Bobolistone plaque on the rear wall of Palazzo Pitti inside the garden43.764396082717354, 11.249587293081756
Medici Villas and GardensVilla Medici de Fiesolestone plaque on the wall, to the right when facing the old entrance at Via Beato Angelico 243.80510264717725, 11.29224269780395
Medieval Monuments in KosovoDečani Monasteryblack metal plaques with brass writing, missing OUV elements in front of both monasteries42.54684029238603, 20.266069493681393
Medieval Monuments in KosovoPatriarchate of Peć Monasteryblack metal plaques with brass writing, missing OUV elements in front of both monasteries42.66140486006822, 20.265636867542646
Medina of EssaouiraLa médina d'Essaouirastone plaque at the intersection of Avenue Mohammed V and Avenue du Caire, on the right when traveling west on Avenue Mohammed V, including all elements31.510575780739337, -9.768975086595804
Medina of FezFès El BaliNo plaque
Medina of MarrakeshMédina et le jardin d'AgdalNo plaque
Medina of Soussewhite marble plaque and stone plaque near ribat, missing OUV element35.827708606480996, 10.638691615970851
Medina of Tétouangreen/white tiled plaques on the city wall.. missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements35.57087819170726, -5.363609890545971
Medina of Tétouangreen/white tiled plaques on the wall of El-Fasi Zaouia .. missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements35.57266679438814, -5.371463912757251
Medina of Tétouangreen/white tiled plaques on the wall of Sidi Abdellah El Haj Zaouia .. missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements35.571093552077905, -5.369051841250491
Medina of Tuniswhite marble plaque near Ez-Zitouna Mosque, missing OUV element36.79724108787258, 10.170921129787612
Megalithic Temples of MaltaNo plaque; but by wall by the entrance to the ticket booth (36.049092, 14.267802) or by the exit of the site (36.047715, 14.266897) there is a concrete panel including the first two elements mentioned above. The other two elements are covered by an information panel
Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridgeblack stone plaque near bridge on Ive Andrica side, with all elements43.78324335538004, 19.28733409086988
MeknesNo plaque
Memorial Sites of GenocideBiseseroperspex/glass plaque in front of centre entrance, including all elements-2.1918650098314627, 29.341262737842005
Memorial Sites of GenocideGisoziperspex/glass plaque in front of palm tree near memorial entrance, including all elements-1.9268465424485794, 30.126262188338288
Memorial Sites of GenocideMurambiperspex/glass plaque in front of centre entrance, including all elements-2.4557537646596694, 29.567769599956847
Memorial Sites of GenocideMurambiperspex/glass plaque in front of memorial entrance, including all elements-2.1490739551815787, 30.093689622588535
MéridaLos Milagros Aqueduct metal plaque near the National Museum of Roman Art entrance, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV element38.91682122342453, -6.339495038007073
Mesa Verdemetal plaque on wall near Chapin Mesa Archaeological Museum entrance, missing OUV element37.18490618008656, -108.48776683825668
Messel Pitinformation board type plaque, including all elements, at observation platform49.91504942383277, 8.754643890305015
Meteorainformation board type plaque on stone marker along the narrow round leading the highest monastery, including all elements39.71646828646498, 21.784943133096792
Mexico City and XochimilcoHistoric Centre of Mexico Citymetal plaque to the right of the ramp leading down to the Templo Mayor entrance, missing OUV element19.434283626042358, -99.13203291736272
Miguasha National ParkFleurant Componentmetal plaque near visitor centre with huge UNESCO emblem on red wall, including all elements48.10428159303856, -66.34836249221637
Mining Cultural Landscape ErzgebirgeAnnaberg-Frohnau Mining Landscapestainless steel plaque on the wooden part of the side wall of the Technisches Museum Frohnauer Hammer, missing OUV element50.58173977739269, 12.995705445882749
Mining Cultural Landscape ErzgebirgeSchneeberg Mining Landscape stainless steel plaque on the wall by the entrance to the Blaufarbenwerk Museum, missing OUV element50.54065890481088, 12.657332232376762
Mining Sites of WalloniaBois-du-Lucwhite plastic plaque near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.47046314358817, 4.150138532167112
Mir Castlemetal plaque on brick wall near entrance, including all elements53.4512912984815, 26.472369657342952
Mistaken Pointinformation board type plaque and blue road sign near the interpretive centre entrance, missing year of inscription and UNESCO emblem element46.625743449937, -53.161497758155704
Modenaoval metal plaque on the wall above the portico and beneath the Statue of the Bonissima44.64575232981478, 10.92590437034905
Moenjodaroinformation board/banner type plaque near main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.328577847168756, 68.14490295656509
Mogao Cavesblack stone plaque on stone marker near entrance, missing OUV element
MoidamsThere is no plaque yet as of November 2024
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere ReserveChincua-Campanario-Chivati-Huacalmetal plaque on wall in Ocampo's central Plaza Principal, missing OUV element19.58323842428473, -100.3395871793871
Monastery of Alcobaçaround metal plaque on monastery wall near entrance, missing OUV element9.54831733507161, -8.980181387939671
Monastery of Batalharound metal plaque on monastery wall near entrance, missing OUV element39.65903849170456, -8.826246914731144
Monastery of Horezured metal plaque, including all elements45.16984253796688, 24.007826968278646
Mont-Saint-MichelLe Mont Saint-Michel et sa baie metal plaque on the wall next to the staircase midway along Grande Rue, missing OUV element
Monte San Giorgiostainless steel plaque next to entrance of the Museo dei Fossili del Monte di San Giorgio, missing OUV element; 45.89051510246396, 8.952900624687643
Monte San Giorgioinformation board at Porto Ceresio with all elements at the start of the walking trail leading to the core zone of Monte San Giorgio from the Italian side of the border45.90222487219512, 8.905478008149426
MonticelloMonticello Charlottesvillemetal plaque near Monticello ticket booth entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.00929132406936, -78.45211437893663
Moravian Church SettlementsChristiansfeldmetal plaque on the wall near the entrance to the Christiansfeld Museum, missing OUV element55.356256947103844, 9.486467150990633
Moreliametal plaque on stone marker at the edge of Plaza de Armas and near the pedestrian crossing opposite Cafe Catedral, missing OUV element19.702737942662267, -101.19321593157665
Morne Trois Pitons2 metal plaques near entrance to Emerald Pool, missing OUV element15.397070493092272, -61.311197001352646
Mostarplaque on wall at bridge viewpoint, missing OUV element43.337682949023346, 17.815321635263835
Mount Athosstone plaque on stone marker and information board type plaque near the Athos Border and Holy Monastery of Zygos entrance, including all elements40.315340884128055, 24.001602711195112
Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant BuddhaMount Emei Scenic Area Emeishan City, Sichuan Province, Chinastone plaque on stone marker near summit, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Mount Etnavolcanic rock plaque in front of ex Monastero Benedettino di San Nicolò La Rena a Nicolosi37.630752676010815, 15.022548030805108
Mount Hamiguitaninformation board type plaque on summit, missing year of inscription and OUV elements6.740208102415359, 126.19041320114214
Mount Nimbametal plaque near entrance to Aire Centrale on Guinea side, missing year of inscription and OUV elements7.724102242349097, -8.807946526603942
Mount Taishanstone marker near entrance, missing OUV element
Mount WuyiMount Wuyi (Part 1)stone plaque on stone marker in a flower field with painted inscription certificate replica, missing OUV element27.645656, 117.967492
Mount WuyiMount Wuyi (Part 2)painted stone in Chinese with emblem at the Han City Ruins site27.547197, 118.047744
Mount WuyiMount Wuyi (Part 2)information panel in English at the access road to Han City Ruins27.521425, 118.048256
Mountain Railways of IndiaNilgiri Mountain Railway shiny brass plaque, exact location unknown
Mozu-Furuichi KofunMagodayuyama Kofunbrown welcome board at Mozu Mounded Tombs Visitor Centre, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements34.5598185586712, 135.48667388218382
Mozu-Furuichi KofunMagodayuyama Kofunmetal board plaque near kofun, with all elements34.56023403908759, 135.48447933283902
Mozu-Furuichi KofunOsamezuka Kofunmetal board plaque near kofun, with all elements34.558688, 135.488260
MtskhetaMtskhetis Jvari (The Church of the Holy Cross - Mtskheta)information board type plaque, including all elements41.838679343370586, 44.73375990982952
Mudejar Architecture of AragonIglesia parroquial de Santa Tecla At (non-inscribed) Church of San Felix in Torralba de Ribota: ceramic tile plaque church facade wall, missing OUV element41.4162628121528, -1.6829703262835871
Mudejar Architecture of AragonRestos mudéjares de palacio de la Aljaferíametal plaque on wall near Aljaferia entrance, missing OUV element41.654171222308236, -0.8649087973626717
Museumsinsel (Museum Island)information board type plaques in front of each component of the Museuminsel, including all elements52.513272228759185, 13.474992326479127
Muskauer Parkmetal plaque close to the 295 bridge connecting Germany to Poland, including all elements51.547627022884434, 14.72887105376819
Muskauer ParkPark Muzakowskimetal plaque close to the 295 bridge connecting Germany to Poland, including all elements51.547627022884434, 14.72887105376819
Mycenae and TirynsArchaeological Site of Mycenae Province of Argolid, Peloponnese, Greecemetal information board type plaque near entrance, including all elements37.73082976343706, 22.75773244190476
Mystrasstainless steel plaque in front of the Byzantine Metropolis Church, including all elements37.074662638511995, 22.36935510550586
Nahanni National Parkmetal plaque along the Virginia Falls Waterdome trail, including all elements61.61369967269905, -125.7005044880313
Nalandametal plaque along the path from the site entrance to the walled monastic complex, missing OUV element25.135475613303797, 85.44413937921279
NamhansanseongArea 1metal plaque on stone just next to the tourist information booth near the Emergency Palace37.47803667702809, 127.1840057800631
NamhansanseongArea 1another stone marker near the Jwaingmun East Gate 37.47803667702809, 127.1840057800631
Namib Sand Seastone plaque on stone marker next to entrance to Deadvlei, including all elements-24.757288635903976, 15.296354460362968
Nancyperspex plaque on Tourist Information Office wall in Place Stanislas, on the left when facing the office and next to the Grand Hotel de la Reine, missing OUV element48.69335982807132, 6.184058149314758
Nanda Devi and Valley of FlowersValley of Flowers National Park Indiahand-painted red/green flat stone marker at the valley proper and a metal UNESCO sign at the start of the trek to get there, both missing year of inscription and OUV elements and the flat stone marker also missing the UNESCO emblem30.7282931404054, 79.6091478311271
NaplesHistorical Centre of Naplesmarble plaque on wall of Istituto Comprensivo Statale (facing the entrance, to the right) in 1, Piazza del Gesù Nuovo40.84720998060202, 14.251623702169484
Nemrut Daginformation board plaque beneath tumulus, including all elements; and huge UNESCO emblem near shuttle parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.98176763185985, 38.74005804722885
Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennesinformation board type plaque inside museum near new ladder leading down to the mine, including all elements50.420000413926566, 3.9822695219661868
Neolithic OrkneyMaes Howe Mainland Orkney2 stone plaques near the entrance to Skara Brae and Maes Howe, missing year of inscription and full name58.99606153901717, -3.188834435123578
Neolithic OrkneyRing of Brogar Mainland Orkney2 information board type plaques near the entrance to Stenness and Brodgar, missing year of inscription59.001948782103874, -3.229589705322477
Neolithic OrkneySkara Brae Mainland Orkney2 stone plaques near the entrance to Skara Brae and Maes Howe, missing year of inscription and full name59.04941958118356, -3.322567520788079
Neolithic OrkneyStones of Stenness Mainland Orkney2 information board type plaques near the entrance to Stenness and Brodgar, missing year of inscription58.994343146917466, -3.2078754365898536
Nessebarmarble plaque on the lawn before the old city gate entrance, missing official full name, year of inscription and OUV42.658752115478045, 27.73040969843955
New Lanarkseveral information board type plaques near parking lot and near open components, missing year of inscription and OUV elements55.664330502614376, -3.79491650371637
Niceplaques and totems have been placed in front of 10 must-see places in the listed area according to the Nice Côte d'Azur (UNESCO) app
Nikkostone marker just after the entrance before reaching the Rinnoji temple, missing year of inscription and OUV36.7544176376038, 139.5993655091783
Ningaloo CoastMetal signs with emblem and site name, close to Vlamingh Head Lighthouse-21.80784432957628, 114.11108897044213
Niokolo-Koba National ParkDeep inside the park, there's a road sign pointing to two other Senegalese WHS: Goree and Bassari Country (with emblems)13.044583, -13.319372
Niokolo-Koba National ParkPretty road sign (part of the Senegalese series) showing Kobs and the text Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO right before the main park entrance at Dar Salam13.261153, -13.202789
NisaOld Nisablue canvas plaque near site entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.95021557501379, 58.21316444362854
Nord-Pas de Calais Mining BasinCompagnie des Mines d’Anzin: Ensemble commémoratifbrown road sign + information board type plaques at each location
NovgorodHistoric Centre of Novgorod (west) and the Novgorod Kremlin Novgorod, Oblast and District of Novgorod, Russian Federationstone plaque/bench close to Povroskaya Tower, missing OUV element, and information board type plaque on brick fortification wall, missing year of inscription and OUV elements58.520868071171094, 31.271446462105725
Novodevichy Conventmetal plaque on outer wall of convent near main entrance gate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements55.72640800543899, 37.55696216246618
Nubian MonumentsAbu Simbelhand-painted metal plaque behind main temple, missing official title, year of inscription and OUV elements22.33912495376823, 31.626282978116308
Oaxaca and Monte AlbanArchaeological Site of Monte Alban metal plaque just a few steps after the Monte Alban entrance/exit, both missing OUV element17.04602042695781, -96.76622226688674
Oaxaca and Monte AlbanHistoric Centre of Oaxaca metal plaque on the right corner of the raised agave terrace in Plaza Alameda de Leon17.061192398524774, -96.72566331722567
Ogasawara IslandsSome parts of Chichijima and peripheral reefscute site logo in front of World Heritage Center in town (outside core zone), missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements27.09381791918857, 142.19098969614748
Ogasawara IslandsSome parts of Hahajima and peripheral reefswooden board/plaque near whale sculpture in front of Hahajima Tourist Information Center at Oki Port, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements (more like a site logo)26.638843691886112, 142.1595524512368
Ohrid RegionNorth Macedonian componentblue/yellow road sign before entering Ohrid City from Monastery of St Naum just before Albanian border41.097302009401524, 20.812132990763317
Ohrid RegionNorth Macedonian componentmetal plaque in Old Bazaar street41.113654619302736, 20.79969366605417
Okavango Deltabrass/wooden plaque on wall at the Moremi Game Reserve entrance gate, including all elements-19.268565674073933, 23.186333909253193
Old City of Berneat least 11 silver grey plaques at the main attractions of Berne (including Rathaus, Zytglogge), missing OUV elements46.948623213775875, 7.452338224362148
Old Raumablack stone plaque with map on Market Square floor, missing year of inscription and OUV elements, opposite ATM and small kiosk61.12816998715614, 21.51127742980004
Old Town Lunenburgmetal plaque underneath UNESCO monument, including all elements44.37785734389263, -64.308524202318
Old Town of LijiangDayan Old Town Lijiang, Yunnan,metal plaque on stone monument, missing OUV element
Olympiablue metal plaque on gate near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements37.783760136657314, 20.16604120052144
Olympic National ParkOlympic Mountains Washington,metal plaque on green wooden wall of the Hoh Rain Forest visitor center, missing OUV element47.86094293951207, -123.93417521501048
Oportoseveral historical metal markers at Episcopal Palace, Se Cathedral, Infante D. Henrique monument, Rua das Flores, Estacao de Sao Bento, Pillars of the Suspension Bridge, Igreja da Ordem do Terco, Cerca Primitiva, Civil Government Building, etc.
OrangeThéâtre antique Arlesinformation board type plaque in front of triumphal arch, missing year of inscription and OUV elements44.142181613309646, 4.804758208704674
Painted Churches in the Troödos RegionChurch of Archangelos Michael (Archangel Michael) Pedhoulas, Troodos, CyprusOn wall to left of doorway of church
Palau de la Musica Catalana & Hospital de Sant PauHospital de Sant Pau marble plaque on the floor in front of the Hospital de Sant Pau main entrance, missing OUV element41.415034173783575, 2.1730875503025366
Palenquemetal plaque just after the top entrance to the site, missing OUV element17.484814435155105, -92.04820837093115
Palmeral of Elcheround metal plaque near the Huerto de San Placido entrance, missing official name, year of inscription and OUV elements38.26341642671592, -0.6931614539587243
Palmeral of Elchemetal plaque on wall inside the Elche Town Hall, missing OUV element38.26542488882342, -0.6988599724070329
PanamáArchaeological Site of Panama Viejometal plaque on the lawn near archaeological site entrance, missing OUV element9.006688499282083, -79.48499036846147
Pannonhalmametal plaque near the gate to the main entrance to the archabbey reserved for the monks, including all elements47.552329278954765, 17.761971098331518
PaphosKato Paphos necropolis (Tafoi ton Vasileon) Kato Paphos, District of Paphos, CyprusRight-hand side of entrance archway to Nea Pafos Archaeological Site (not sure if this is 'the' plaque or not - has symbol and name)
Paquimémetal plaque on small roundabout near parking lot, missing OUV element30.368561350215153, -107.94901900038805
Par force hunting landscapeStore Dyrehaveinformation board inside the Danish Museum of Hunting and Forestry in Horsholm, including all elements 55.67449963818983, 12.574631754006502
Paramariboblue road sign, missing year of inscription and OUV elements5.851699959505773, -55.196677484610575
Paris, Banks of the Seinemetal information board type plaque on railings along the Seine
PattadakalTemple Areametal plaque with wooden frame by the main temple entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements15.949979385373632, 75.81518060965661
PearlingHayr Bū-l-Thāmahbig information board type plaque at Old Souk area, Pearling Path Visitor and Experience Center, missing year of inscription and OUV elements26.249657091841964, 50.6090584747302
Peking Man SitePeking Man stone monument and marker near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Peninsula Valdesinformation board type plaque on wall inside the Istmo Carlos Ameghino Visitor Centre, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements-42.46064677223339, -64.43249308984802
PergamonPergamon, the Multi-Layered Citywooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem or brown metal plaques near most components' entrances, missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.128749682612195, 26.993930577315886
Petrablack information board type plaque next to entrance, including all elements30.327771694220676, 35.46785234648016
Piazza del Duomo (Pisa)brass plaque on the floor next to the Putti Fountain in Piazza del Duomo, missing OUV element43.72253362871489, 10.39647799968298
Pico Islandpart I Moinho do Frade: stone plaque on the floor next to windmill, missing OUV element38.51461904062903, -28.535947663081743
Pico Islandpart II perspex plaque on warehouse wall in the Vineyard Culture Interpretation Centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.56318811039105, -28.3972731992425
Pienzastone plaque near town hall in the main square43.07663645150439, 11.679078926005124
Pilgrimage Church of St. John of Nepomukmetal plaque on outer wall surrounding church, including all elements49.58015547001408, 15.941332721131953
Pirin National Parkwooden plaque at the beginning of a forest walking trail by the Visitor Centre of the Pirin NP, missing OUV41.817726030363666, 23.473199291076412
Pitons Management Areametal plaque with big stone marker and piton in the background13.835533507332594, -61.05393939942362
Pitons of Reunionbrass plaque in La Plain des Palmistes, including all elements-21.137021798308652, 55.627470770593725
Plain of JarsSite 1 information board type plaque near the entrance, missing OUV element19.426072915405978, 103.15993465678535
Plantin-Moretus Museumgrey/white plaque near entrance including all elements + brass plaque on letterbox with name and UNESCO emblem51.218395345221786, 4.3982327053228
Plitvice Lakesstainless steel plaque on stone marker in front of ticket office44.88080646919137, 15.6210745803258
Poblet Monasterymetal plaque to the right of Porta Daurada when entering the monastery, missing OUV element41.38044309905272, 1.081358045312159
PompeiHerculaneum metal plaque in front of ticket office of Herculaneum40.80591934980407, 14.349078573238996
PompeiTorre Annunziata: Villa A metal plaque in front of Villa Oplontis ticket booth40.76192358056976, 14.454774075043801
Pont du Gardperspex plaque by the ticket office near the Rive Droite parking lot, mentioning it's a Grand Site de France but missing name, year of inscription and OUV elements43.94851111788225, 4.541058216971389
Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal stainless steel plaque on stone marker near top part of canal, including all elements52.970431856891565, -3.0880357871292157
Popocatepetl monasteriesrusty metal plaque on stone marker in the monastery courtyard, missing OUV element18.935396313944505, -98.89834812704251
Popocatepetl monasteriesTemple and Former Convent of Saint Mathhew the Apostle Municipality of Atlatlauhcan, State of Morelos,rusty metal plaque on stone marker in the monastery courtyard, missing OUV element18.935396313944505, -98.89834812704251
Portobelo-San LorenzoPortobelo Panamagreen road sign with UNESCO emblem on the way to Portobelo9.554892450789376, -79.65545707920012
Portobelo-San LorenzoSan Lorenzo Panamablue information board type plaque near the fort of San Lorenzo, including all elements9.322828502003794, -80.00126651239373
Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the IslandsCinque Terre and Portovenere Province of La Spezia, Liguria, Italy2 information boards in Porto Venere (one of which includes all elements) + road signs at each location installed in 2022 and missing year of inscription and OUV
Potala PalacePotala Palace Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, Chinastone marker with inscription certificate replica near entrance, missing OUV element
Potsdaminformation board type plaque near entrance to the Sanssouci park, including all elements and map52.403137189219834, 13.031081756051904
Poverty Pointmetal plaque in front of visitor centre, missing OUV element32.635817803328756, -91.40375939555646
PragueHistoric Centre of Prague Prague , Central Bohemia,blue road signs upon entering the core zone, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.09127151323064, 14.401662575891782
PraguePrůhonice Park Průhonice, metal plaque on wall at the chateau entrance gate to the park (missing year of inscription)50.001115, 14.558773
Preah Vihear Templeinformation board plaque with map near entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements14.390876320141848, 104.68240516103548
Prehistoric Pile DwellingsMolina di LedroNo plaque (Italian locations)
Primeval Beech ForestsHainichwooden plaque near parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV elements51.08421686255896, 10.437719329454875
Primeval Beech ForestsMonte Ciminowooden plaque near parking lot, missing OUV and year of inscription42.39896685438517, 12.192176141571974
Primeval Beech ForestsMonte Raschioplaque in front of observation tower in the middle of Monte Raschio location42.17532968638785, 12.154985910866623
Primeval Beech ForestsVihorlatMorske oko: black stone plaque near start of trail, missing OUV element48.91175577293204, 22.198766028783357
Provinsstone plaque on town hall wall, including all elements48.560208788976674, 3.299369176832581
Pueblametal plaque on a yellow marker beneath the highest flag pole in the cathedral square garden, missing OUV element19.043614652536125, -98.19860878399848
Pueblain front of the San Cristobal Church there's also an information board type marker with a replica of the UNESCO WHS inscription certificate, missing OUV element19.045349603145763, -98.19430047540129
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean Rivermetal plaque next to subterranean river entrance, includes all elements10.192616725066284, 118.92616140916233
Purnululu National Parkmetal plaque on stone marker near Purnululu NP entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-17.493036534962656, 128.38200233244294
Pyrénées - Mont Perdumetal replica inscription certificate plaque on stone marker near Gavarnie city hall, missing OUV element42.73314624856585, -0.009115707368449614
Pyrénées - Mont Perdumetal replica inscription certificate plaque in Ordesa Valley trail, missing OUV element42.650301899426445, -0.058978774349293044
Pythagoreion and Heraion of SamosPythagoreion of Samosmetal certificate replica plaque on marble in Pithagorio city center, missing OUV element
Qadisha ValleyForest of the Cedars Becharre District, Governorate of North Lebanon, LebanonInformation panel at the entrance, only includes year of inscription.
Qal'at al-BahrainQal'at al-Bahrain one perspex plaque near Bahrain Fort museum, missing year of inscription and OUV elements, and another information board type plaque near entrance including all elements and map of components26.235153889982318, 50.52313031446724
Qalhatbrown road sign along highway before turn to Qalhat, missing year of inscription and OUV elements22.695912452509074, 59.36762946096475
Qhapaq ÑanPE-CD-02/CS-2011brass plaque in front of Portada de Rumicolca, missing OUV element-13.621688898935412, -71.70767645824105
Québecround metal plaque on the floor east of City Hall's main entrance at the intersection of rue Desjardins and rue De Buade, on the right when traveling south on rue Desjardins, including map and missing year of inscription and OUV elements46.813836593167586, -71.20797872912125
Québecmetal plaque in front of UNESCO Monument, including all elements46.81276597290912, -71.20491720694334
QuedlinburgOld and new towns of Quedlinburg metal plaque on wall near Collegiate Church of St. Servatius, missing OUV element51.78627339174722, 11.136617051773856
Querétarometal plaque on stone marker in front of the Unidad de Informatica Secretaría de la Contraloria building, missing OUV element20.593447127297893, -100.38958854372149
Quiriguaround wooden plaque near entrance opposite site museum, missing OUV element15.274075062482911, -89.04168119435491
Quitomarble plaque on side wall of Metropolitan Cathedral of Quito in Plaza Grande-0.22032241623963644, -78.51250714246558
Quseir Amrastone plaque on visitor centre wall, missing year of inscription element31.80340576202234, 36.5879986730451
Qutb Minarmetal plaque near Qutb Minar Ticket Centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements28.525472312168326, 77.18816685325442
RabatVille nouvelle, Qasba des Oudaïa, Jardin d'Essais, Médina, Remparts et portes almohades, Site archéologique du Chellahgreen/white road sign along the highway before entering Rabat, missing year of inscription, UNESCO emblem and OUV34.034047253081894, -6.782503253057835
Rammelsberg and GoslarMines of Rammelsberg and Historic Town of Goslarmetal plaque on town hall wall, missing OUV element51.90617292527481, 10.42901850948331
Rapa Nuithe only mention of UNESCO is its symbol next to the national park's symbol at the 4 single entry sites, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (there used to be an old stainless steel inscription plaque at Tahai but it has been removed as of 2023)-27.126015610895028, -109.27684319603988
Rapa Nuithe only mention of UNESCO is its symbol next to the national park's symbol at the 4 single entry sites, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (there used to be an old stainless steel inscription plaque at Tahai but it has been removed as of 2023)-27.186340900782813, -109.44315412858428
Rapa Nuithe only mention of UNESCO is its symbol next to the national park's symbol at the 4 single entry sites, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (there used to be an old stainless steel inscription plaque at Tahai but it has been removed as of 2023)-27.12342492528783, -109.28622005327233
Rapa Nuithe only mention of UNESCO is its symbol next to the national park's symbol at the 4 single entry sites, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (there used to be an old stainless steel inscription plaque at Tahai but it has been removed as of 2023)-27.112646355477935, -109.39609484426403
RavennaMauseoleum of Theodoric no real plaque for all components, just a rusty plaque with UNESCO emblem in front of Mausoleo di Teodorico44.42422314788396, 12.20916706689619
Red Bay Basque Whaling Stationmetal plaque near visitor centre, including all elements51.73036507463989, -56.42791530781444
Red Fortmetal plaque near main gate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements28.652006049312124, 77.23985526252568
Redwoodmetal plaque on wall under the overhang of the Crescent City Information Center courtyard, missing OUV element41.75305699802717, -124.19439151541017
Regensburgmetal plaque on floor near bridge, missing UNESCO emblem element49.0213003420098, 12.096976818651495
Regensburgmetal plaque on floor near St Stephen's Cathedral, missing OUV element49.019499675919484, 12.099093891986504
Reichenauone white plaque and 2 orange plaques at Church of St George (and at Church of St Peter and St Paul), each missing OUV element47.69041640839773, 9.082273789270818
Reichenauone white plaque and 2 orange plaques (at Church of St George and) at Church of St Peter and St Paul, each missing OUV element47.70779198939344, 9.044670764658772
ReimsAncienne abbaye Saint-Rémi et palais de Taustone/metal plaques in front of Abbey Museum, Palace of Tau and the Cathedral of Reims, missing year of inscription and OUV elements49.25387906219713, 4.034165300657757
ReimsCathédrale - Notre Damestone/metal plaque in front of the Cathedral of Reims, missing year of inscription and OUV elements49.25352737998925, 4.034774381705213
Residences of the Royal House of SavoyCastello del Valentinobrass plaques at each sublocation, missing OUV and year of inscription
Residences of the Royal House of SavoyZona di Commandobrass plaques at each sublocation, missing OUV and year of inscription5.07331349075492, 7.6865707927898494
Rhaetian Railwayred metal plaques including all elements are found outside in front of the Filisur station; inside the station, as in most stations and viaducts in Switzerland and in Italy (ex. Landwasser viadukt, Pontresina, Tirano, Viadotto elicoidale di Brusio, St. Moritz, etc.) there are small red metal plaques but all have year of inscription and OUV elements missing46.67509419047341, 9.68228426553575
Rhodesone metal plaque with wooden frame at Amboise Gate, missing year of inscription and OUV elements, and one information board type plaque on wall, including all elements36.44603413024683, 28.223214222556706
Rice Terraces of the Philippine CordillerasRice Terrace Clusters of Banaue: Battad Philippineshand-painted metal plaque near Banaue rice terraces viewpoint, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Rideau CanalRideau Canal Province of Ontario,metal plaque near Vimy Memorial Bridge, missing year of inscription and OUV elements45.27036559823143, -75.70347392036643
Rietveld Schröderhuisround metal plaque + metal information board, including all elements52.08522842165011, 5.147605214278453
Rietveld SchröderhuisAt the entrance to the small garden 52.08528335344708, 5.147681889983908
Rigaround metal plaque on the floor of the main sqare in front of Doma laukums 8; missing year of inscription and OUV elements56.94964422400918, 24.10550869791258
Rila MonasteryRila Monastery Complexwhite info board style plaque with all elements; facing the main entrance gate by the parking lot, on the left.42.13308195458402, 23.339615448753687
Rio Platano Biosphere Reservestone plaque near Biosphere Reserve entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements15.533619427805531, -84.79492792577786
Rjukan / Notoddenmetal plaque on red wooden wall of Mael railway station, missing OUV element59.87921641888513, 8.619214422451419
Rock Art of AltaHjemmeluft Alta, Finnmark, Norwaybrown road sign 500 metres before museum parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV elements69.94750269555858, 23.187357114053803
Rock Art of the Mediterranean BasinCantos de la Visera I (monte Arabcanvas information board type plaque on the way to Cantos de la Visera I and II, Monte Arabi rock art components, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.699729269872385, -1.278286930937802
Rock Carvings in TanumFalun red wall converted into a big plaque inside the Tanum Archaeological Museum / Vitlycke Museum58.701649978012746, 11.340693367637167
Rock Drawings in ValcamonicaParco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Capo di Ponte/ Riserva Naturale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Ceto, Cimbergo e Paspardowhite information board near park entrance with no year of inscription or OUV46.02830719288108, 10.350751692314677
Rock Shelters of BhimbetkaLarger groupmetal plaque opposite parking lot just before the first rock shelters, missing year of inscription element22.937868427461922, 77.61414861122405
Rock-hewn Churches of IvanovoChurch dedicated to the Mother of God: at the beginning of the stairway leading to the church, more of a white information board with all elements except year of inscription43.69482255903489, 25.986980615977277
Rohtas Fortmetal billboard plaque near fort parking lot, including all elements32.964089, 73.574547
Roman Walls of Lugonext to the Santiago Gate is a white vertical slab with a metal plaque, including all elements43.00392235018534, -7.491705847265859
RomeHistoric Centre of Rome ItalyNo plaque
Roșia Montanăinformation board plaque opposite ticket booth, including all elements46.30456181486894, 23.11488208481308
Roskilde CathedralRoskilde Cathedral Island of Sjaelland, Denmarkbronze plaque near cathedral entrance with all elements55.64262987921627, 12.079651878560862
Route of Santiago de CompostelaSanta María Cathedral - Burgosmetal plaque on the floor along the Calle de Fernan Gonzalez between the Palacio de Castilfale and the Burgos Cathedral side portal, missing OUV element42.3410224079947, -3.704826560394847
Route of Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de Compostela Cathedral - Santiago de Compostelametal plaque on stone marker before the pedestrian crossing at Calle de Aller Ulloa leading to the cathedral, missing OUV element42.881875416993275, -8.54008765767735
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceBasilique Saint-Seurin (Bordeaux)metal plaque on the floor near church entrance, missing OUV element44.84339247134471, -0.5841212669708858
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceCathédrale Saint-André (Bordeaux)metal plaque on the floor near church entrance, missing OUV element44.83805296034181, -0.5775168929469913
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceCollégiale Saint-Etienne-anciennement collégiale Saint-Jacques (Neuvy-Saint-Sépulchre)metal/perspex plaques on wall near monuments, including all elements46.595372656734746, 1.806984561757494
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceEglise Notre-Dame-du-Port Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-DTiny plaque right at the entrance. 45.7806233, 3.0892929
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceEglise Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand (Poitiers)metal/perspex plaques on wall near monuments, including all elements46.57748027865696, 0.3323419075280905
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FrancePont d’Artigues ou de Lartigues (Beaumont-sur-l'Osse et Larresingle)metal/perspex plaques on wall near monuments, including all elements43.95352908203241, 0.11475964651100945
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in Francepont Valentré Cahors, Lotmetal/perspex plaques on wall near monuments, including all elements44.44491028040643, 1.4310680696829208
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FrancePorte Saint Jacques (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port)metal information board type plaques near monuments, missing OUV elements43.16367106211478, -1.23437869988975
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in FranceTour Saint-Jacques-vestige de l'église Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie (Paris)metal information board type plaques near monuments, missing OUV elements48.85805374331771, 2.348908027248547
Royal Exhibition BuildingRoyal Exhibition Building: stainless steel metal plaque near building entrance, including all elements-37.80412608562262, 144.9714883259249
Royal Exhibition BuildingCarlton Gardens: metal plaque near gardens, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-37.80526875558431, 144.97138314586803
Royal Joseon TombsSeolleung Cluster Seoul,plaque and stone marker are just in front of King Seongjong's tomb37.50864895708209, 127.04592589885627
Royal Palace at CasertaNo plaque
Royal Palaces of AbomeyAire du roi Akabahand-painted metal plaque above Abomey Historical Museum entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements7.186759761999919, 1.9943398033691682
Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-SenansRoyal Saltworks Arc-et-Senansmetal plaque outside Arc-et-Senans saltworks, missing OUV element47.022842915415076, 5.856974577280074
Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-SenansSalins-les-BainsInside the visitor center46.9379677, 5.8763384
RørosTownmetal plaque on stone marker near mine viewing platform close the wooden church, missing year of inscription and OUV elements + huge UNESCO emblem62.57730367474935, 11.391291714119077
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) TempleStone sign with full name (in Telegu, Hindi and English) and WH emblem right before the entrance18.259522, 79.941383
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) TempleMetal sign with name, inscription year and emblem right after the entrance18.259522, 79.941383
Ruins of Loropéni 2 green metal information board type plaques near entrance, one including site map, missing OUV element10.251905265755521, -3.5728478359896427
Rwenzori Mountainsmetal plaque 17.5 kms before Mihunga Gate; missing year of inscription and OUV elements0.2912773315975762, 29.949910097652815
Rwenzori Mountainsmetal plaque near Rwakingi Park Offices, missing year of inscription, UNESCO emblem and OUV element0.323727511061383, 29.91719256270015
Rwenzori Mountainsmetal plaque near Kilembe Route entry point, missing year of inscription, UNESCO emblem and OUV element0.23627335918243822, 29.98147490464006
Sabrathastone plaque at archaeological site entrance, missing OUV element32.804031482595036, 12.494024784445994
Sacred Ensembles of the HoysalasKeshava Templemetal sign on a stone column just to the left before you enter the temple courtyard, with emblem + name in Hindi, Kannada and English12.275831, 76.882028
Sacri Monti of Piedmont and LombardySacro Monte del Rosario di Varese Varese, Lombardy, Italymetal plaque at the base of the Sacro Monte of Varese (some others in different locations)45.85104225386024, 8.796259782654639
SafranboluÇukurblack and gold monument plaques with replica UNESCO certificate at opposite viewpoints, missing OUV element41.24357257156355, 32.69471734603301
SafranboluÇukurblack and gold monument plaques with replica UNESCO certificate at opposite viewpoints, missing OUV element41.2461011888257, 32.69034294606037
Sagarmatha National Parkyellow metal handwritten plaque at the Jorsalle Entrance Gate, opposite the ticket counter27.77373314984395, 86.72220868446777
Saint-Emiliongolden metal plaque on the wall next to the main church, missing OUV element44.893428141166076, -0.16521599032466075
Saint-Savin sur Gartempestone plaque on the floor near church entrance, missing OUV element46.56494580463745, 0.8658484232485416
SalamancaOld Quarter of the City Spainmetal plaque on the floor at the very centre of the Plaza Mayor, missing OUV element40.9650216396655, -5.664137611643387
Saloum DeltaIn the main street of Toubakouta
Saloum DeltaPretty road sign already far before entering the core zone, with year of inscription14.414053, -16.661000
Saltaireinformation board type metal plaques, one red at Roberts Park, missing OUV element53.84076885383644, -1.7885930392992218
Saltaireinformation board type metal plaques, one black one next to the United Reformed Church, missing OUV element53.838939746480065, -1.7894627590190302
Saltaireinformation board type metal plaques, one red at Roberts Park, missing OUV element53.84076885383644, -1.7885930392992218
Saltaireinformation board type metal plaques, one black one next to the United Reformed Church, missing OUV element53.838939746480065, -1.7894627590190302
Salzburgmetal/stone plaque on the floor at Residenzplatz in front of Mozart's bronze statue, missing OUV element47.798528959122685, 13.046161886411726
SamarkandMedieval Timurid and European Citiesblack metal plaque in the shape of an open book a few metres away from the fountain, missing OUV element39.650387028595205, 66.96600068357641
Sammallahdenmäkiinformation board type plaque near the cairns trail, including all elements61.12019144020615, 21.775100038235305
San Antonio MissionsMission San Josémetal plaque on wall of Mission San Jose, missing OUV element29.360317138243154, -98.47989498088371
San Cristobal de La Lagunametal plaque on wooden board inside the Casa de los Capitanes Generales now housing the tourist information office, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements28.48758880829547, -16.31477912970918
San Gimignanono plaque, just a brown road sign opposite the Palazzo Comunale with no year of inscription or OUV elements (this sign might not exist anymore as I couldn't see it in Google street view)43.467969611092336, 11.04320646583192
San Marino and Mount Titanometal plaque at the city entrance beneath Porta di San Francesco, missing year of inscription element43.93528359404656, 12.44687294775511
San Miguel de AllendeProtective town of San Miguelbrass certificate replica plaque on the floor between Jardin Allende and the main Gothic church, missing OUV element20.913994418706398, -100.7437812059
San Miguel de AllendeProtective town of San Miguelmetal plaque on the floor in front of the sanctuary, missing OUV element21.004807020961707, -100.7944065180878
San Pedro de la Roca Castlemetal plaque on wall near castle entrance, missing OUV element19.96857042267998, -75.86996274376123
Sanchione small metal plaque and one big black stone plaque near the entrance to the site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements23.481227969602266, 77.74034820563854
Sangay National ParkNo plaque
Sangha TrinationalParc National de Dzanga-Ndoki hand-painted white/black wall near park entrance, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV element2.954269363546883, 16.340984408824596
Sangha TrinationalParc National de Nouabalé-Ndoki large black stone/metal plaque at park entrance, including all elements
Sansa, Buddhist Mountain MonasteriesTongdosa. Yangsan-si. Gyeongsangnam-do ProvinceEmblem and short text on a big rock along the entrance road35.488614, 129.069917
Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuencametal plaque in Calderon Park in front of Mariscal Sucre 817-2.897783646113409, -79.0046083083627
Santa Cruz de Mompoxstone plaque on Alcaldia Municipal wall, on the right when facing the main door, missing OUV element9.24159423426723, -74.42529333069292
Santa Maria de GuadalupeNo plaque
Santa Maria delle Graziemetal plaque facing the entrance to the Museo del Cenacolo Vinciano, to the left45.466175235517284, 9.170552817080353
Santiago de CompostelaHistoric Centre of Santiago de Compostelametal plaque near parador, missing OUV element42.880427594274565, -8.546062588340916
Santiniketancontroversial white stone plaques near Visva-Bharati University, missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements
SantiniketanAt the roadside near the gate of the Tagore museum (Rabindra Bhavana). Text says that it is a temporary one, which will be replaced. 23.682134410121858, 87.684062338586
Santo Domingometal plaque on stone marker at Plaza de la Hispanidad, including all elements18.477026342591365, -69.88307333953264
SaryarkaKorgalzhyn State Nature Reserve 2 wooden information board type plaques, one oval one near the museum and one rectangular hand-painted one near the reserve proper, both missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements
Sceilg Mhichílmetal plaque near the first flight of stairs, missing OUV element51.77429496575036, -10.532114286254714
Schoklandround metal plaque (and certificate) in small museum, missing OUV element52.6346348615855, 5.777682382901339
Schönbrunnglass plaque near Schonbrunn Palace ticket booth, including all elements48.18589163501373, 16.31425163993594
Segoviametal plaque on stone marker beneath the aqueduct, to the left when facing the aqueduct in Plaza del Azoguejo, missing OUV element40.94808909864475, -4.118017789765796
Segoviametal plaque on wall inside the city hall arcades, missing OUV element40.950493128315244, -4.124211485982138
Segoviametal plaque on wall near the entrance to the Alcazar, missing OUV element40.95247543720359, -4.131299765359164
Selimiye Mosqueperspex/metal plaque near mosque, missing OUV element41.67934924416665, 26.351312837025056
Semmering RailwayOn a rock, Semmering Station 47.640180, 15.830860
Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa TempleBulguksa Templestone marker + info board at Bulguksa (including all elements), when facing the entrance gate by the ticket office, to the left
Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa TempleSeokguram Grottostone marker + info board at Seokguram entrance (including all elements), when facing the entrance gate, to the left
Serra da Capivarayellow plastic plaque near burrow, missing OUV and year of inscription elements
Serra de TramuntanaSelva: brown road signs at the entrance to village inside the core zone, missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.75536960121939, 2.8967114959663567
Serra de TramuntanaSoller: brown road signs at the entrance to village inside the core zone, missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.76486565031514, 2.7097279164404706
Serra de TramuntanaSa Calobra: brown road signs at the entrance to village inside the core zone, missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.85036616992974, 2.799882112289995
SevilleArchivo de Indias3 metal plaques on wall near the entrance to each location, missing OUV element37.384832569216734, -5.992871866677853
SevilleCatedral de Sevilla3 metal plaques on wall near the entrance to each location (for cathedral: Puerta de la Ascunsion), missing OUV element37.38545466032489, -5.993921462244362
SevilleReales Alcázares3 metal plaques on wall near the entrance to each location, missing OUV element37.38436852889389, -5.992246098766442
Sewell Mining Townmetal plaque opposite the entrance to the Musuem of Copper Mining, including all elements-34.08431444973826, -70.38058064309902
SGang GwaayNo plaque
Shakhrisyabzbrass plaque on wall near Complex of Dor Ut-Tilovat entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements39.04961718366083, 66.8277526467837
Shark Baymonumental welcome wall and information board type plaque on the way to the Shark Bay World Heritage Visitor Centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-25.927941907161422, 113.53512037253314
Shekifacing Sheki castle wall entrance, to the right on the lawn; stainless steel plaque missing OUV element 41.202765, 47.195794
Shirakami-Sanchimetal plaque replica of UNESCO inscription certificate, including all elements, in front of Anmon Tourist Information Centre in Nishimeya40.52240894488476, 140.17825070896146
Shirakawa-go and GokayamaOgimachi Villagemetal plaque and stone marker at village entrance, including all elements36.25791878060333, 136.90621339232243
Shiretokowooden plaque/board on grass in front of Shiretoko National Park Nature Center, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements44.09132323107798, 145.0231604682603
ShUM SitesSpeyer Jewry-Courtwhite perspex information board type plaque on wall near entrance to Jewish courtyard museum49.31644785562057, 8.439439005946365
Sian Ka'anwooden information board type plaque at the beginning of the Muyil's Sendero Canan Ha, missing year of inscription and OUV elements20.07896807520712, -87.61153636033744
Sian Ka'anmetal plaque on wall just after the Arco Maya between Tulum and Punta Allen, missing OUV element
SienaNo plaque
SighisoaraBrown metal plaque, including all elements, at School on the Hill, Evangelical Church on the Hill, Clock Tower, Town Hall
SighisoaraBrown metal plaque, including all elements, at School on the Hill, Evangelical Church on the Hill, Clock Tower, Town Hall
Silk Roads: Chang'an-Tianshan CorridorCity of Balasagun (Site of Burana)black stone plaque near site of Burana Tower, missing OUV element42.74540516204057, 75.25791566643926
Simien National Parkstone plaque at the entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements13.214198555175454, 37.88541447718582
Singapore Botanic Gardens metal plaques near Tanglin (1) and Nassim (2) Gates, missing OUV element1.3085600662209684, 103.8212730171204
Singapore Botanic Gardens metal plaques near Tanglin (1) and Nassim (2) Gates, missing OUV element1.3151557320184604, 103.8164372700074
Sintrawhite metal plaque on lamp post near Camara Municipal, missing year of inscription and OUV elements38.799061461605966, -9.38804406957092
Site of Xanadustone plaque near entrance, missing OUV element
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionHagi Proto-industrial Heritage/ Ebisugahana ShipyardEnd of the site (free entry) where the wave shock breakers are 34.4302917, 131.4121146
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionHagi Proto-industrial Heritage/ Hagi Reverbatory FurnaceAt the base of the steps at the parking34.4283984, 131.4180124
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionHagi Proto-industrial Heritage/ Ohitayama Tatara Iron WorksAt the entrance to the site. There is even a visitor center here with a free guide.34.5054487, 131.5382867
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionHagi Proto-industrial Heritage/ Shokasonjuku AcademyDirect left after entry into academy after parking34.4120338, 131.4169902
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionOnga river Pumping StationAt the viewing platform33.8110616, 130.7063597
Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial RevolutionTakashima Coal Mine/ Hashima Coal Minegrey metal information board attached to white railings near mine observation area, including all elements32.62630066588511, 129.73782064205608
Skocjan Cavesstone plaque on wall at the cave exit, missing OUV element + stone plaque at entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements45.66580357160863, 13.989977506679093
Skogskyrkogardenjust before the cemetery main entrance, opposite the wall with columns and cascading water59.27939596903813, 18.097651962239613
Southern Ölandno plaque, just a white sign on the side of the road near Gettlinge Burial Ground with no year of inscription and no OUV56.38826110904267, 16.435242656965674
Speyer Cathedralone metal plaque on stone marker with 3d model of cathedral on the side, including all elements49.316683747427064, 8.442048262139096
Speyer Cathedralone brown road sign just in front of main facade, missing year of inscription and OUV elements49.31737820334121, 8.441003737623475
Spissky Hrad and LevocaLevoča and the work of Master Paul in Spišplaque near St. James' Cathedral in Levoca49.026157258867606, 20.588919771978336
Spissky Hrad and LevocaSpišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monumentsstone plaque outside the main gateway of the Spis Chapter House, missing OUV element;49.00019473607657, 20.740747104899764
Spissky Hrad and LevocaSpišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monumentsstone plaque outside the main gateway of the Spis Castle, missing OUV element48.998383534157696, 20.765963083695386
Spissky Hrad and LevocaSpišský Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monumentsstone plaque under a small turret of the wall surrounding the Church of the Holy Spirit in Zehra, missing OUV element48.97853562344423, 20.793026607648365
Splitplastic/glass plaque underground at the substructures and cellars of the Roman Historical Complex of the Palace of Diocletian43.50755710768516, 16.439943937518045
Srebarna Nature Reservemetal plaque on the natural science museum door, missing all elements except the UNESCO emblem44.101609018877824, 27.06199666212983
Srebarna Nature Reservewhite info board with all elements, just after what's left of the first wooden observation tower44.11485216761168, 27.057427863056574
St. George, BermudaHistoric Town of St George St GeorgePilot Darrell's House: information board type plaque on the wall near the entrance, missing OUV element32.381692033688076, -64.67818687974864
St. George, BermudaHistoric Town of St George St GeorgeMitchell House: information board type plaque on the wall near the entrance, missing OUV element32.38204688214075, -64.67684644738308
St. Kildaplaque on stone marker near harbour arrival/departure point, missing year of inscription and OUV elements57.811272579780415, -8.56537473058727
St. PetersburgHistoric Centre of Saint Petersburgmetal plaque on stone marker close to the river near the Peter and Paul Fortress, missing OUV element59.94817416592548, 30.309714315403337
Stari Grad Plaininformation board near the marina with map, components and all elements except OUV43.18430895246639, 16.598928278777397
Stari Ras and SopocaniMediaeval Town of Ras Serbianear rear entrance to the monastery
Stari Ras and SopocaniSopoćani Monastery Serbiabarely visible information board + brown sign, both missing year of inscription and OUV elements43.118822232601666, 20.37453788580998
Statue of Libertymetal plaque on wall inside statue pedestal, missing OUV element40.689329154057624, -74.04461675282532
Stećci Radimlja, Stolacbrown sign just in front of the site missing year of inscription and OUV elements43.09246554464581, 17.924006208254276
Stevns Klintbronze plaque near car park before reaching Hojerup Gamle Church, including all elements55.279386033525704, 12.44448856328587
Stone Circles of SenegambiaWassu Central River Division, Gambiahand-painted metal plaque near site entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements13.69720203645093, -14.848212111473181
Stone Spheres of the DiquísFinca 6stainless steel plaque on stone marker and information board type plaque near entrance to the site, including all elements8.910471859186567, -83.47881961595832
StonehengeAvebury and Associated Monuments Wiltshiremetal plaque on wooden frame on wall near entrance, including all elements51.42898671455585, -1.8548887831604939
StonehengeStonehenge and Associated Monuments Wiltshireinformation board type plaque near visitor centre car park, missing year of inscription and OUV elements51.184806971489124, -1.8590232039279642
Stralsund and WismarStraslund Germanyframed round metal plaque in Stralsund town hall, including all elements54.26984544033325, 14.391815837686384
Strasbourgbrass plaque on St Nicholas Bridge opposite St Nicholas Church, missing year of inscription and OUV elements48.578599086868365, 7.748543933771665
Struve Geodetic ArcFUGLENAES Fuglenes metal plaque beneath monumental stone pillar, including all elements70.67011191369969, 23.663887678960055
Struve Geodetic ArcLILLE-REIPAS Raipas metal plaque on stone marker, including all elements69.93872256692389, 23.36065629610283
Struve Geodetic ArcPERRA-VAARA Perävaarano plaque
Struve Geodetic ArcRUDY Rudiblack granite plaque on stone marker in the middle of a corn field48.318889, 27.876667
Studenica Monasteryperspiglass plaque with map and all elements except OUV on fortified wall at entrance43.48654923417048, 20.530998948832917
Studley Royal ParkStudley Royal Park including the Ruins of Fountains Abbey green information board type plaque before reaching car park, missing year of inscription and OUV elements54.11865746039267, -1.5823255680755366
Su Nuraxi di Baruminimetal plaque on stone towards the right hand side as soon as you reach the stone structures39.70552138469231, 8.991585562680617
SukhothaiSukhotai Historical Park Thailandbig red and gold monumental plaque next to site entrance, missing name, year of inscription and OUV elements17.01845603796039, 99.79705707299357
Sulaiman-Toowhite plaque near the infamous Soviet-era museum, missing year of inscription and OUV elements40.53100546909851, 72.80223613476107
Summer Palacestone plaque and marker, including all elements
Sun Temple, Konarakmetal plaque by the main entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements19.88773515924056, 86.09748429045642
Sundarbans National Parkmonumental stone plaque at Netidhopani Observation Tower, missing year of inscription element 21.919045412729908, 88.7473408094257
SurtseyOn a rock on Heimaey island (outside Surtsey core zone) 63.412780, -20.288270
Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletschinformation board, canvas banner and stainless steel plaque inside the Jungfraujoch Sphinx Observatory, missing OUV element46.54758559584185, 7.985509612071646
Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardonainformation board type plaque along the trail from Cassonsgrat, precisely at the panoramic viewpoint opposite the Tschingelhorner, missing OUV and year of inscription elements46.877087654431506, 9.237991605114145
Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardonared information board type plaque and small metal plaque on red stone marker, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements47.0757631114223, 9.2376689875761
Sydney Opera Housemetal information board type plaque just in front of one of the lamp-posts before reaching the Sydney Opera House itself (when coming from the Circular Quay Station), including all elements-33.85818116674529, 151.21393504488134
SyracuseOrtygia Italy2 limestone plaques: one missing OUV element outside the City Hall (Palazzo del Vermexio) and one inside the city hall on the left just after the entrance37.368308374133775, 14.333063783476828
Tak'alik Ab'ajjade plaque on wood currently inside the archaeological park but sometimes taken to the museum, including all elements14.66975659772919, -92.03646309788284
Takht-i-BahiTakht-I-Bahi Takht-I-Bahi, District Mardan, Northwest Frontier, Pakistanblue/white metal information board type plaque near the main entrance, missing OUV element34.287511, 71.946669
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reservesmetal plaque on stone marker along the Chirripo NP trail, missing year of inscription and OUV elements9.458537996733371, -83.50858266713784
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reservescanvas banner near NP entrance, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements9.467688668024802, -82.8143879721793
Tallinnstone plaque on the Gothic town hall wall, inside the porticoes59.437063810895374, 24.74543190162948
Tanbalyred glass information board type plaque inside site museum, missing UNESCO emblem and year of inscription elements + black engraved stone information board type plaque near Group II, missing year of inscription and OUV element43.778786, 75.579164
Taos Puebloinformation board type plaque near Taos Pueblo Heritage Centre, missing UNESCO emblem, year of inscription and OUV elements36.43848996345625, -105.54677358890666
Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Minestone plaque near museum entrance, missing OUV element50.42549746234573, 18.84940414774056
TarracoAqueduct 4 km N of Tarragona, Tarragona, Catalunya, Spainmarble milestone type plaque near the aqueduct viewing platform (mirador), missing OUV element41.14537964999272, 1.2423469131337936
Tasmanian Wildernessrusty metal plaque outside Lake St Clair Visitor Centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-42.11581979582999, 146.17168085210128
Tasmanian Wildernessmetal plaque on stone benches near Snake Hill Ranger Station, missing OUV element-41.588037016658504, 145.96089569010203
Tauric ChersoneseAncient city of Tauric Chersoneseperspex/glass plaque near state museum entrance gate, missing OUV element44.61134160640889, 33.492151179876025
TaxilaBhir Mound Punjab, PakistanTaxila Museum: hand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.74622685898729, 72.81830927231347
TaxilaDharmarajika stupa and monastery Punjab, Pakistanhand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.74391254036114, 72.8414740733488
TaxilaJandial complex Punjab, Pakistanhand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.76418350791162, 72.82883915565982
TaxilaJaulian stupa and monastery Punjab, Pakistanhand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.765185470723374, 72.87517070243393
TaxilaPippala stupa and monastery Punjab, Pakistanhand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.76594154961129, 72.86631574845441
TaxilaSirkap (fortified city) Punjab, Pakistanhand-painted blue/white metal plaque at the entrance, including all elements33.7583209274667, 72.82948240306648
Te Wahipounamuinformation board type plaque along the Milford Road - World Heritage Highway, including all elements. The plaque can be reached from Te Anau-Mossburn Highway (State Highway 94) half a kilometer west of Lagoon Creek Road, on the left when traveling west. It is in the Wilderness Scientific Reserve pull-off, on a viewing platform about 300 meters from the parking lot.-45.53344997106875, 167.85306669576318
Tehuacán-Cuicatlán ValleyZapotitlan-Cuicatlánmetal plaque on stone marker at the botanical garden parking lot, including all elements18.332158002675737, -97.45781047756033
Teide National Parkat the beginning of the TF-21 and TF-38 main roads, on either direction, there are UNESCO WHS markers; and each mirador has a number of different information boards bearing the UNESCO emblem
Telcbrass plaque on town hall wall just under the porticoes, missing OUV49.184401687947556, 15.45300211266967
Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassaemetal plaque next to the temple "tent" entrance, missing OUV element37.42961249699582, 21.900209931673704
Teotihuacanmetal plaque just next to the Gate 1 entrance, missing OUV element19.683191704401626, -98.85028146761388
TequilaZona nucleo 01, Valle de Tequila y Amatitántiled information board and map at Mirador La Puerta de Agave, missing year of inscription and OUV elements20.792155741037057, -103.7020072059582
TequilaZona nucleo 01, Valle de Tequila y Amatitánoval red painted plaques on stone markers in the central plazas of Amatitan and Tequila, missing OUV element
The Architectural Work of Le CorbusierChapelle Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamprusty metal plaque on stone marker near parking lot47.70347063642499, 6.621021957051593
The Architectural Work of Le CorbusierMaison du docteur Curutchetblack stone plaque in front of house, missing OUV element-34.911318468044804, -57.94185686289089
The Architectural Work of Le CorbusierMusée National des Beaux-Arts de l’OccidentNo plaque (only an inscription certificate indoors)
The Flow CountryA’Mhoine Hope-Loyalgreyish black stone plaque in front of the Forsinard Flows visitor centre58.356890816685045, -3.8972348870762663
The Four Liftsblue sign with UNESCO emblem only on machine room near lift no. 350.48124008672193, 4.135852306922013
The Porticoes of BolognaPortici residenziali Santa Caterina12 metal plaques including all elements except year of inscription; the first one was unveiled under the portico of Palazzo d'Accursio44.49395939585085, 11.342418145168262
The Prosecco Hillsmetal plaques in front of most town halls close to inscribed area45.90125048706877, 11.995532261732325
The Slate Landscape of Northwest WalesBryneglwys Slate Quarry, Abergynolwyn Village and the Talyllyn Railway.slate plaque on stone memorial, missing OUV element 52.64470407826099, -3.95416498775727
The Slate Landscape of Northwest WalesPenrhyn Slate Quarry and Bethesda, and the Ogwen Valley to Port Penrhynseveral round slate plaques at other components, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
The SundarbansSundarbans West Wildlife Sanctuarymonumental stone plaque in the shape of mangroves, missing year of inscription and OUV elements (exact location unknown)
The trulli of AlberobelloCasa d'Amorestone plaque on wall above La Lira Focacceria (Largo Martellotta, 67)40.78291499634675, 17.237758756474513
ThessalonikaRotundametal/glass information board type plaque at Rotunda entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements40.632999956888725, 22.95241790422168
Thingvellirrusty metal plaque next to visitor centre before wooden boardwalk, including all elements64.27988484408182, -21.0873815571429
Thracian tomb of Kazanlakmetal plaque behind the barred entrance gate of the original tomb, missing OUV42.625749616762484, 25.399163535633487
Thracian tomb of Sveshtariinside the original vault-like tomb where photos are not allowed; missing OUV43.744659853257865, 26.76746247169645
Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaengwooden marker welcome plaque at Thungyai close to the entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements15.381057662596907, 98.64323674381171
Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaengwooden marker welcome plaque close to the entrance at Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Tikal National Parkhand-painted plaque just after the NP entrance, including all elements17.223957476044912, -89.61624828915073
TipasaMausoleum Kbor er Roumia green metal plaque near Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania, missing OUV element36.578445096581966, 2.5653835063822226
TipasaTipasa: Parc archaéologique ouestgreen metal plaque at Tipasa archaeological site entrance (1), missing OUV element36.59414182698936, 2.4438655296771468
Tiwanakumetal plaque on stone marker just a few metres after entrance and parking lot, missing OUV element-16.55505674851818, -68.67223275736502
Tiyastone plaque near entrance to site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements8.435957022131104, 38.60841513289402
Tlacotalpanmetal plaque on stone marker in Parque Zaragoza in the main square just next to the central kiosk, missing OUV element18.611964355691207, -95.66126477357435
Tlacotalpanstainless steel plaque near the Tlacotalpan letras, missing year of inscription and OUV elements18.611339674483567, -95.6606164142139
Tokaji Wine RegionTokaj Wine Regionmetal plaque in the small main square of Tokaj (precisely on the wall of no. 15 Boraszuk winery), including all elements48.12585025031603, 21.408372630103205
Toledoceramic tile plaque on wall of Toledo Cathedral, missing OUV element39.857093403250566, -4.023056616812
Toledometal plaque at panoramic viewpoint Mirador del Valle39.85032453243373, -4.02255359214014
Tombs of Buganda Kingsmetal plaque next to main tomb, missing year of inscription and OUV elements0.3291637507544401, 32.553206485658855
Tomioka Silk MillTomioka Silk MillA moveable panel standing in the plaza behind the gate, where you can adjust the date and have your picture taken against the background of the mill building36.256072, 138.887206
Tomioka Silk MillTomioka Silk Millmetal plaque made up of 3 boards including all elements in front of mill entrance under a cherry tree36.2557949318728, 138.888655627005
Tongariro National ParkFirst componentblack stone plaque on stone marker, missing OUV elements
Torunmetal plaque on the brick wall of the town hall in front of the Copernicus statue and another one on the floor, missing OUV element53.0102665716333, 18.60407628015277
Tower of Herculesmetal plaque at the base of the tower, missing OUV element43.38592699729421, -8.406472799317504
Tower of Londonmetal/plastic information board type pillar, missing OUV element 51.50869130974978, -0.07861406073222874
Tower of Londonbig metal sign on welcome centre wall, missing year of inscription and OUV elements51.50869130974978, -0.07861406073222874
Town Hall and Roland, Bremengrey information board type plaque on old town hall wall, including all elements53.07596855981548, 8.807827629460041
TrebicSt Procopius' Basilicametal plaque next to the ticket booth for the basilica guided tour, including all elements; plus other plaques around the main sites not including all elements49.21682975816057, 15.872941936697533
TrierAula Palatina (Basilica) Germanyseveral metal plaques (at components as mentioned above) on walls next to entrances, missing OUV element49.75375662724302, 6.644256983978322
TrierImperial Baths Germanyseveral metal plaques (at components as mentioned above) on walls next to entrances, missing OUV element49.74959519029687, 6.642317932798616
Trinidad and the Valley de los IngeniosCiudad de Trinidad Cubametal plaque on wall of Palacio Cantero entrance, missing OUV element21.80469257356011, -79.98530797554257
Trogir2 plaques in city centre: one plaque on the town hall wall in the main square43.516846917696526, 16.25139547461521
Trogir2 plaques in city centre: another on a stone marker near the marina43.517726712296344, 16.25078214078454
Troywooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance and brown road sign, missing OUV element39.95777429635351, 26.240212065565345
Tugendhat Villastainless steel plaque on the floor next to the villa back entrance, including all elements49.20725213616068, 16.61615456405618
Twyfelfonteinrusty metal plaque on stone marker next to entrance, missing OUV element-20.589566841084853, 14.374813119454979
TyreShield on the fence near the entrance, with (weathered) emblem, name and inscription year in Arabic, French and English.
TyreAl-BassShield on the fence near the entrance, with emblem, name and inscription year in Arabic, French and English.
Úbeda and BaezaÚbedametal plaque (with no mention of Baeza) on the right hand side (closest to the fountain) of the Vazquez de Molina Palace, missing OUV element38.008066571403, -3.3672830629636152
Uluru2 metal information board type plaques by the road at the entrance and exit, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-25.323484479377097, 131.1005500935792
Um er-RasasCastrum Jordanblack information board type plaque next to visitor centre entrance, including all elements31.507643387013957, 36.02921920310548
Upper Middle Rhine ValleyBad Salzig: green metal plaque near Rhine parking lot, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.206927335585, 7.634876380879819
Urbinometal plaque on wall beneath the left tower staircase, when facing the Ducal Palace facade43.7242634590941, 12.635777159313403
Urnes Stave Churchmetal plaque near church, missing year of inscription and OUV elements61.29809568454343, 7.323619885755894
UxmalUxmal metal plaque on stone marker in front of the Pyramid of the Magician and by the ticket office, missing OUV element20.360686459272817, -89.76897642162093
Val d'Orciastone plaque on tourist office wall (33, former Palazzo Pretorio), on the left hand side when facing the entrance43.060207321468404, 11.603558327885006
Val di NotoModica Modica, Ragusa, Sicily, Italyproper marble plaque in centre36.85900789683359, 14.76108042401475
Val di NotoNoto Noto, Siracusa, Sicily, Italyproper marble plaque in centre36.890848347026974, 15.070604710813448
Val di NotoScicli Scicli, Ragusa, Sicily, Italyproper marble plaque in centre36.79375676054593, 14.7072120887243
Vall de BoiEglésia de la Nativitat Durroopaque glass plaque on door at Eglesia de la Nativitat, missing year of inscription and OUV elements42.52097572018087, 0.8434922949445463
Vall de BoiEglésia de Sant Climent Taüllbrown road sign on the way to Sint Clement de Taull church, missing year of inscription and OUV elements42.52097572018087, 0.8434922949445463
Vallée de Maibrass plaque on red/pink stone marker, including all elements, next to plastic white/blue certificate replica plaque of Vallee de Mai and Aldabra Atoll, just after the Vallee de Mai entrance point-4.331860269606256, 55.74019573325728
VallettaAbove the ditch, just before the City Gate causeway leading to Renzo Piano's Parliament of Malta building (reason for inscription missing!) 35.896075, 14.508675
Valongo WharfValongo Wharfblack metal plaque on wall in front of the standing column, missing OUV and year of inscription elements-22.89659034657777, -43.18719264780745
Valparaisoseveral rusty plaques, missing OUV and year of inscription, close to the Lutheran church and the Cathedral of St. Paul, Paseo Atkinson, Paseo Yugoslavo and Paseo Gervasoni
Vatnajökull National Parkmetal plaque on stone marker opposite the various information boards near the Skaftafell Visitor Centre next to the glacier hike starting point, including all elements
Vegaøyanmetal plaque on yellow wooden wall, missing OUV element; brown road sign near visitor centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements65.71391736881368, 11.913844729464083
Venetian Works of DefenceCity Fortress of Palmanovafixed canvas banner, missing year of inscription and OUV, on the left just before passing through Porta Aquileia45.901057049428005, 13.309388171505034
Venetian Works of DefenceFortified city of Bergamomain information board type plaque with all elements in garden next to Porta San Giacomo45.70201247579381, 9.661540129504472
Venice and its LagoonNo plaque
Verla Groundwood and Board Millwhite information board type plaque in front of mill museum, including all elements61.06207229150824, 26.64020813430866
Veronasquare metal plaque in front of the fountain in the middle of Piazza Bra45.438498880229645, 10.992918999690396
Versaillesmetal plaque on the wall just after the entrance to the park, missing year of inscription and OUV elements48.80503799733805, 2.1199135576870005
VézelayColline de Vézelaystone plaque on the wall near church entrance, missing OUV element47.466278186038316, 3.7477220585670232
Vézère ValleyAbri de Cro-Magnon Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuilmetal plaque on gate in front of site, missing year of inscription and OUV elements44.94028951827306, 1.009760257194295
Vézère ValleyLascaux (Montignac)metal plaque on fence in front of original Lascaux cave, missing year of inscription and OUV elements45.053701637417454, 1.1710039641854704
Vicenza and the Palladian VillasCity of Vicenza (including 23 buildings constructed by Palladio) At the Porta Castello when you enter the city center.45.545975115954576, 11.540761722278248
Vicenza and the Palladian VillasCity of Vicenza (including 23 buildings constructed by Palladio) exactly the same marker that stands in the courtyard of Teatro Olimpico, right after the arch and beside the tourist office.
Victoria Fallsmonumental black stone plaque on Zimbabwe side, missing OUV element; orange/green wall on Zambian side, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-17.92724800979402, 25.856425392953717
Victoria Fallsorange/green wall on Zambian side, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-17.926404543690005, 25.867071572192078
Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Mumbai1) CSMVS; 2) Elphinstone College Building; 3) University of Mumbai; 4) Swastik Court; 5) Shiv Shanti Bhuvan; 6) Rajesh Mansion: stainless steel plaques in front of above components installed by Federation of Residents Trust (apparently out of a total of 77 signs), missing OUV element
Vigan3 metal plaques, missing year of inscription and OUV elements, namely at Vigan Conservation Complex, Donato Ancestral House and Calle Crisologo
ViganWorld Heritage City UNESCO monument in Burgos Street, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Villa Adriana (Tivoli)round metal and stone plaque on the lawn in front of the olive trees past the fence just after the entrance to the site41.945894122339816, 12.772280645711978
Villa d'Estestainless steel plaque on wall just after entrance41.9639127701754, 12.797079889188755
Villa Romana del Casalered information board with wooden frame with all elements, near parking area37.368308374133775, 14.333063783476828
Villages with Fortified ChurchesVillage of Biertan Biertan, Biertan, Sibiu,brown/white plaques in front of all components, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Vilniusmetal plaque on town hall wall, to the left of the facade columns when facing the town hall; missing OUV element54.67808745274489, 25.286457426880634
Viñales Valleywooden plaque at the Mirador near the visitor centre, missing year of inscription and OUV elements22.597271385498193, -83.71657137702428
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontCanelli and Asti Spumanterose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaque with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found at the main square
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontGrinzane Cavour Castlerose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaque with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found next to the castle entrance
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontHills of Barbaresco6 rose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaques with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found in front of the town hall
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontHills of BarbarescoUNESCO plaques in Barolo next to the castle and before La Morra next to touristy Cappella del Barolo44.611173417097746, 7.944106459029416
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontLanga of Barolorose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaque with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found in front of the town hall
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontMonferrato of the Inferotrose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaque with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found at the main square
Vineyard Landscape of PiedmontNizza Monferrato and Barberarose gold/copper looking UNESCO inscription plaque with detailed descriptions of the 6 locations which can be found at the main square
Virunga National Parkinformation board type plaque near DRC entrance to the park, missing year of inscription and OUV elements-0.04816106663622355, 29.53763113784557
VisbyNo plaque
Vizcaya Bridgewooden boardwalk piece "plaque" on bridge, missing OUV element43.323381739957995, -3.017132399168091
Vlkolineccarved wooden plaque half way up the stairs to the mini visitor centre and the certificate facsimile inside49.03967343139139, 19.278502974880844
Völklingen Ironworksinformation board type plaque, including all elements except OUV, along The Paradise walking trail49.248681501418005, 6.841384454325808
Volubilis stone plaque on Museum of Volubilis wall just after ticket booth, including all elements; plus one brown road sign before arriving at the site and a brown sign near the parking lot, both missing year of inscription and OUV34.07118878378008, -5.553292360693648
Wachau Cultural Landscapestone/metal plaque next to Melk Abbey entrance, missing OUV element48.25094456970092, 15.259368637456406
Wadden SeaKey Planning Decision (PKB) Wadden Sea, part Ibrown road sign with UNESCO emblem and site name in Northern Netherlands
Wadi Al-Hitanstone/tile plaques on stone marker near site entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements29.264117635068942, 30.02254497131034
Walled City of BakuJust beneath the Maiden Tower entrance is a 3d bronze model/plaque with all required elements! 40.36611224562671, 49.83706579551375
Warsawone plaque on the floor near the Old Town Market Square (15, Zapiecek Street), missing UNESCO emblem and OUV elements52.249246860507114, 21.012239289826766
Warsawstone markers with a bronze miniature of the old town were placed near the Barbican as well as near Sigimund's column, missing OUV element52.250774847924994, 21.010117721000146
Wartburg Castleperspex/glass plaque at entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.96613026837709, 10.306411286621351
Waterton Glacier International Peace ParkWaterton Lakes NPmetal plaque, missing OUV element
West Norwegian FjordsGeirangerfjord Areametal plaque on stone marker at Dalsnibba Viewpoint skywalk, missing OUV element 62.0487829754362, 7.270271025116371
West Norwegian FjordsNærøyfjord Areametal plaque on stone marker near Flamsbana waterfall stop, missing OUV element60.8895856309052, 6.997497396693196
Western GhatsKudremukh National Parkmonumental plaque at Kudremukh Wildlife Refuge/NP entrance before trek to peak, missing year of inscription and OUV elements13.21099598380286, 75.26814213750139
Western GhatsPushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuaryinformation panel including full name and emblem at jeep parking Mandalpatti viewpoint12.541813888888889, 75.703575
Wet Tropics of QueenslandMain component Queensland,2 green metal plaques at Red Peak Station and at Barron Falls Station, including all elements-16.849029866509756, 145.67024523826905
Whale Sanctuary of El VizcainoLaguna San Ignacio information board type plaque at La Freidera (near Antonio's Ecotour departure point), missing year of inscription and OUV elements26.829797954374055, -113.16829549352438
Whale Sanctuary of El VizcainoLaguna San Ignacio information board type plaque at San Zacarias, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.136906733196934, -112.90419827893085
Whale Sanctuary of El VizcainoLaguna San Ignacio information board type plaque at San Juan de las Pilas, missing year of inscription and OUV elements27.067239358478172, -112.9552220333433
Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt MinesSalt Mine in Wieliczkaseveral commemorative plaques (one iconic one hewn from salt rock) but one information board type plaque near Wieliczka mine entrance includes all elements49.98399661379181, 20.053062389551187
Willandra Lakesblue metal road sign 33km from the Mungo NP Visitor Centre; missing year of inscription and OUV elements-33.79928085356872, 142.82498392809256
Willandra Lakesmetal plaque on Mungo NP Visitor Centre wall, including all elements-33.72300894426245, 143.02640172352528
Willemstadstone plaque on yellow wall opposite the Yellow House behind the Bronze bust of Kolonel Carel N. (Shon Chi) Winkel, missing OUV element12.105481627988034, -68.93462491699151
Wood Buffalo National Parkmetal plaque near information centre, including all elements58.713792106628524, -111.14982743455914
Wooden Churches of MaramuresChurch of the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, Barsanabrown metal plaques (road signs) at all locations, missing year of inscription and OUV elements
Wooden Churches of Southern MalopolskaChurch of St Philip and St James the Apostles, Sękowametal plaque on wooden wall near entrance door, missing OUV element49.63062032738179, 21.186080373749935
Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansHervartovbrown road signs near most components, missing OUV and year of inscription elements 49.24661131440396, 21.205733518704488
Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansHronsek (church)brown road signs near most components, missing OUV and year of inscription elements 48.64900764563496, 19.15523206893975
Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansKezmarokbrown road signs near most components, missing OUV and year of inscription elements 49.133134790735404, 20.428504022723608
Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansLestinybrown road signs near most components, missing OUV and year of inscription elements 49.188633671951216, 19.34948796243431
Wooden Churches of the Slovak CarpathiansTvrdosininformation board type plaque near the entrance to the wooden church of Tvrdosin, missing OUV element49.336389993972126, 19.55874861272012
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian RegionZhovkva-Tserkva of the Holy Trinitywooden information board near tserkva entrance, missing year of inscription and OUV elements50.05541124708832, 23.98219849614311
Works of Antoni GaudíCasa Milà "La Pedrera"copper/golden plaque on wall outside of Casa Pedrera41.3951889930551, 2.161809241881882
Writing-on-Stone / Áísínai’piÁísínai’pi red metal plaque in front of visitor centre, including all elements49.08503761802675, -111.61547713124102
Wudang Mountainsstone plaque on stone marker near Purple Heaven Palace bridge, missing OUV element
Würzburg ResidenceResidenzno plaque; only the UNESCO certificate at giftshop
Xanthos-LetoonLetoonwooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing OUV element36.33193403995725, 29.290082589226376
Xanthos-LetoonXanthos wooden information board type plaque resembling Unesco emblem near entrance, missing OUV element36.35631865126544, 29.32193945617995
Xidi and HongcunHongcunbig stone marker with all elements except OUV30.00162090853777, 117.98999182189604
Xochicalcometal plaque on stone marker to the left just after the ticket office, missing OUV element18.80359588346104, -99.29500849743738
Yakushimano plaque; but there should be a certificate displayed somewhere public
YakushimaJomon Sugi Trail: at the "entrance of the national park", after 3,5hours of hiking30.360056, 130.535972
Yellowstonemetal plaque on wall inside the Albright Visitor Center at Mammoth Hot Springs, missing OUV element44.97653882470631, -110.69864183844594
Yosemite National Parkmetal plaque on wall near Yosemite Valley Welcome Centre entrance, missing OUV element37.74968219290019, -119.58552617096886
Yuso and Suso MonasteriesSuso Monastery and Archaeological Sitesmetal plaque on the wall of the main entrance of the Suso Monastery, missing OUV element42.32926912043849, -2.8727830546943776
Zacatecasjust outside the Rafael Coronel Museum, adjacent to the remaining church facade, is a small square with a black stone plaque22.72982907578119, -102.28570998292072
Zacatecasin the courtyard of the UNESCO regional institute there's another white stone plaque on the wall22.77956429772932, -102.57152137106482
Zacatecasfurther down the street near the Fuente de los Faroles there's another manhole-like marker sponsored by INAH, missing year of inscription and OUV elements 22.77335526300581, -102.57283814287644
Zamośćstone plaque can be found just beneath the town hall clock tower, missing OUV element50.717453685148605, 23.252518013001758
Zollvereinalmost transparent glass plaque in front of the industrial complex, including all elements51.48773631638958, 7.044125319429409