Mexico City and Xochimilco

Mexico City and Xochimilco
Photo by Els Slots.

The Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco represents the historical continuity from the city as Aztec capital to the capital of New Spain.

The area in the Centro Historico includes an Aztec archeological site, Spanish colonial constructions and 19th and 20th century public buildings. Mexico City was built on top of the ruins of an old Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, of which the Templo Mayor remains. The Spanish added their own colonial churches and public buildings on a checkerboard street plan. At Xochimolco, a network of canals and artificial islands can be found built by the Aztecs.

Community Perspective: There is plenty to see in Mexico City, where the Templo Mayor and the Palacio Bellas Artes are among the highlights. A trip to Xochimilco nowadays is mostly an encounter with “Mexican Kitsch”, although Frédéric and Els found ways to experience the canals of the Aztecs and the floating gardens that are still in use.

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Els Slots

The Netherlands - 12-Feb-22 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Els Slots

In 3 trips over the years to Mexico City, spending in total some 15 days there, I never had the urge to visit Xochimilco. There seem to be so many better things to do in the Mexican capital. And the colourful party boats and mariachi bands that define the popular image of this area did not appeal to me at all. But I kept looking for an alternative way to visit, as there must be more to this important part (and second location) of the inscribed site.

I eventually found a tour called “Pre-Hispanic Floating Gardens & Foodie Fest”, which promised “visiting one of the best-kept secrets of Xochimilco, an oasis south of Mexico City”. It was expensive, certainly for one person, but when I had an unforeseen spare day in Mexico City, I decided to sign up. The tour brings you to the village of San Gregorio Atlapulco, 25km outside of the city center and some 5km beyond the tourist boat landings. Looking at the official map, I believe that the village lies in the buffer zone of the WHS and its floating gardens (chinampas) in the core zone.

We started at the daily farmers market, a pleasantly relaxed affair with stalls selling mostly vegetables, but also fruits and (the omnipresent) chickens. A specialty of the villages in this area is also the creation of garments for the statues (or dolls) of Christ that every Mexican family has in their home, and the repair of the dolls. An urgent job due to the upcoming festivities of the Día de la Candelaria. We tasted a lot of good street food as well and drank some aguamiel and pulque.

At the edge of the village, the gardens begin. The Xochimilco area still serves as the garden for Mexico City – every evening trucks drive back and forth, picking up the fresh produce of the day. And those gardens are really a sight. We explored them on foot, crossing one unstable wooden bridge after another. The small plots were given to the farmer’s families after the Mexican Revolution, and have been exploited by them since. They continue to practice the traditional process to sustain the chinampa islands, by heaping layers of lakebed mud and soil on them yearly. Some parts we saw are really high (thus very old), others still lower. In a way, it’s a bit like reclaiming land for polders and I found the landscape very similar to The Netherlands with its straight canals and farmlands.

The farmers all have their own specialties, overall making up a great variety of products. One even specializes in edible flowers for the fancy restaurants in the city. We had lunch with one of the farmers, and the amicable atmosphere among them was remarkable. We shared our lunch with whoever came over to chat.

The farmers use wooden boats to bring their produce to the collection points for the trucks. Not all canals are navigable anymore. "Our" farmer took us along in his boat. While quietly floating, you’ll notice a lot of native trees called ahuejote bordering the farmlands: with their roots, they stem erosion and they act as windbreakers. We ended up at Laguna de San Gregorio, which is now a protected nature area with plentiful birds including pelicans.

It was a very relaxing day out in the countryside, so far away from the bustle of Mexico City. It’s a miracle that this way of living still has survived despite the neverending population growth in the agglomeration. And when you’re there, at the plots and among the network of small canals, the experience is even better when you imagine that this is what the Spanish encountered when they first entered this area, but then on a much more extensive scale.

Read more from Els Slots here.


Malta - 26-Jan-22 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Clyde

All in all I spent some 14 nights in Mexico City in December 2021 and January 2022. I knew Mexico City was a very large city with a lot to offer but the city definitely exceeded all my expectations. The historic centre proper around the Zocalo area, the Templo Mayor area, the world class unique murals and museums, the exquisite interior and exterior of the Bellas Artes Museum building, and the Xochimilco area would easily cover a good week, keeping in mind the initial jetlag and altitude acclimitization coming from Europe. On top of that there are 3 WHS within the city (UNAM, Luis Barragan and Camino Real) and 2 WHS just outside (Teotihuacan and Father Tembleque Aqueduct) making it a top hotspot in Mexico and North America.

Although I'm usually not a modern building fan, I must confess that I gladly visited the Bellas Artes Museum Building practically everyday and it certainly is Mexico City's best landmark. First from the old Torre Latinoamericano at noon and at sunset, then several times from the Sears Centro Historico terrace cafeteria, before resting at the nearby popular public garden, before or after some shopping, and of course I also visited its great interior (when I visited in December 2021 none of the murals were covered in plastic yet). This building alone in my opinion deserves inscription and I would rate it highly too.

Contrary to my praise for the Bellas Artes component of this WHS, the Xochimilco area extension is the area I would suggest skipping if you're pressed for time. Even though I enjoyed visiting if only for the local nightlife experience and some birdwatching (and also managed to see the rare albino axolotyl), what is left to see does not match up to the rest of the Mexico City WHS and is just a good way to try to remember that Mexico City was once an extensive lake and canal system. That said we really enjoyed the atmosphere in the canals and floating gardens on the many artificial islands from our private trajinera (it gets very touristy, much more than in Inle Lake in Myanmar, or Halong Bay in Vietnam, with mariachi bands, and vendors selling all kinds of trinkets, food and beverages, approaching your trajinera by canoe). There's also a disturbing Atlas Obscura haunted island of dolls!

The second component which in my opinion could easily be inscribed on its own is the Templo Mayor area. The area was once the centre of ancient Tenochtitlan and was completely built upon by the Spaniards. Practically most of the pedaments of churches, monuments, and buildings in the Zocalo area were built on the religious centre of Tenochtitlan, a bit like Cusco in Peru or Ancient Rome, so every now and then, whenever some restoration works take place, more incredible remains and finds are uncovered. Most of the top original artefacts and statues are now housed in the Templo Mayor Museum (included with the entrance ticket). For example the statues of frogs, serpents, eagles, etc., the large Coyolxauhqui circular stone, the Tlaltechuhtl sculpture, the offering urns, the totems, the countless skull wall, etc. are all housed inside the museum together with several other interesting finds.

The Zocalo area and several different styles of architecture in Mexico City were certainly worth visiting and in a way the volcanic rocks used in many facades reminded me a lot of the historic centre of Lima in Peru. The highlights though were the unique murals in the Diego Rivera Museum, the Museum of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso and the Museum of the Secretaria de Educacion Publica where there was a great free exhibition going on in December on some of the greatest artefacts in Mexico. Unfortunately, other murals such as for example in the Palacio Municipal were out of bounds blaming Covid restrictions. Another impressive sight is the Tiffany glass ceiling of the Gran Hotel Mexico City, which easily compares to the Palau de la Musica in Barcelona, Spain.

All in all Mexico City WHS exceeded all my expectations and is by far one of the best city WHS I visited outside of Europe.

Frédéric M

Canada - 13-Dec-19 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Frédéric M

I visited Mexico between February and April 2019. I visited most WH colonial towns around Mexico City and the capital itself was the fifth one.

From what I've read when preparing this visit, I was expecting Mexico City to be chaotic, loud, noisy and dirty. However, I exited the Metro near Alameda Central, only to find flowering jacarandas and ladies sweeping the street. In the end, Mexico City proved to be a fantastic world-class city, with good atmosphere. Excepting the Metro at the rush hour, it is not very chaotic, and it's definitely not dirty or too noisy.

Previous reviewers shared experiences similar to mine for the historical center. Most of its highlights are undoubtedly great! I particularly enjoyed the Cathedral with the Zocalo, el Palacio Nacional and el Secretaria de Educacion Publica with their murals by Diego Rivera, el Palacio de Bellas Artes, el Palacio Postal, la Casa de los Azulejos but I was more disappointed by Templo Mayor where few interesting remnants can be seen.

I will therefore review more Xochimilco, the second part of this WHS, mostly overlooked by other reviewers (excepting a review not really flattering by Solivagant). Actually, like he suggests, I decided that this kitsch mexican experience was not worth the long metro ride. Furthermore, I was visiting Xochimilco on a weekday afternoon when it would have been quiet, probably boring and expensive to rent a whole trajinera for myself. I therefore headed to el Parque Ecológico de Xochimilco. To get there, you need to take the metro to General Anaya and then a pesero for Tlahuac Paradero. The park has walking trail around ponds ans canals and offers many birding opportunities. This park is however not part of the WHS core zone. To actually reach it, and I believe this is the best way to visit the canals, you need to walk to the close Parque Ecoturistico Michmani. It possible there to rent trajineras, but also kayaks! I spent about two hours paddling the Aztec built canals enjoying the dense vegetation and the abundant birdlife, including a group of about 100 pelicans on Laguna Tlilac. Night herons and egrets are also numerous. It is really impressive to think that all Mexico City was a lake before. To me, the grandeur of the Aztecs was revelled by their civil engineering skills here rather than by the rocks of Templo Mayor. It requires at least a half-day trip from the center and there's nothing else to see on the way, but I highly recommend getting here to wander in the canals!

Let's finish on a note about modern architecture in Mexico City. You probably already know the many WHS (or TWHS) related to modern architecture in CDMX hotspot. However, my favorite modern building is not inscribed (and probably will never be) and lay just north of Plaza de la Republica in Buenavista. It's la Biblioteca Vascocelos. Its industrial and futuristic look, as well as its hanging whale skeleton, captivated me.

Ian Cade

UK - 25-Jan-15 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Ian Cade

We really enjoyed Mexico City; we spent seven nights here split into two batches, yet still felt there was more we could see.

Perhaps our highlight came on our first night, fresh off the plane we went for a stroll from Paseo de la Reforma into the historic centre. It was a Saturday night between Christmas and New Year as such we seemed to have been joined on our amble around the world heritage site by every other inhabitant of this massive metropolis. The incredible family friendly atmosphere was really special; the glorious ambience in Alameda Park even managed to upstage the beautiful Palacio Bellas Artes.

The next day was mostly devoted to murals, a most astonishing artistic response to the political climate after the Mexican Revolution. There are innumerable examples around the city; the staggering quantity in the department of education impresses, the quality at San Ildefonso is very high, with Diego Rivera's early 'Creation' in the theatre being my wife's undoubted highlight of the whole genre.

For me it was the incomparable Palacio Bellas Artes that really had me giddy with excitement. It is a building that could comfortably be an excellent world heritage site by itself, especially if you include its sibling across the road the Palacio Postal. The architecture and finishing details are magnificent, and the murals were exceptional. The highlights were Siqueiros' Torment and Apotheosis of Cuauhtemoc, a glorious artistic piece of nation building, though even that was over awed by Rivera's 'Man, Controller of the universe'. A wonderful take on early 20th century politics, even if you may view some of its ideas as naive it is pretty hard not to be impressed by its energy.

Just when I thought I had covered all the best bits I paid a visit to Templo Mayor. The archaeological remains of the Aztec temple were pretty impressive, but the story told by the brilliant onsite museum elevated this to something really special. There aren't many cities that have such significant remains of two distinct cultures in such a central location.

The bulk of the central streets of the Historico Centro may just seem like a grey grid of department stores and windswept plazas but having the time to delve a little deeper really opened it up. I even started to see parallels with bits of Chicago in the store fronts, and hidden stained glass gems.

On top of these sites Mexico City also had wonderful food, from the budget treats of Taquería Los Coyuyos, specialising in nose to tail meat tacos or slightly more standard empanadas from Pastelería Madrid to the higher end dining of Azul Historico, the food really impressed. My wife also pulled her special trick of hunting out some lovely districts to while away the evenings with Roma and Condesa being our favourites.

Mexico City ended up being much more enjoyable than I had expected, the sheer depth of attractions from multiple periods of multiple cultures really rewarded an extended exploration. The Aztec remains when twinned with the twentieth century murals provided two world class attractions on top of each other.

[Site 10: Experience 8]

Kyle Magnuson

California - United States of America - 02-Jan-15 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Kyle Magnuson

Most reviews have covered the Zocalo, the Palace of Fine Arts, and Templo Mayor. However, I noticed no mention of the Regina Cultural Corridor (Street) which is clearly included in the 2014 Map of the inscribed area. Indeed, I personally found this street one of the most interesting areas to explore in the historic district. The atmosphere was vibrant, the restaurants/cafes are quite good, and the corridor is littered with historical structures. Moreover, unlike the Zocalo, the street is not particularly catered toward tourists, and is frequented by locals.

Based on the 2014 map, it seems the Museo Diego Rivera, which includes his famous mural are not part of the inscribed zone. However, the Secretaria de Publica (Mexico City) is part of the inscribed zone, which also contains significant Diego Rivera Murals. Unfortunately, I walked to this building, but it was closed. Nearby is the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso which is a tremendous structure filled with Orozco murals. There is a stunning Diego Rivera mural inside as well, but sadly it cannot be photographed. Exhibitions are showcased here, and during my visit there were unique "interactive" statues constructed by Michael Landy.

El Centro Historico (36)

Lastly, I would mention the Gran Hotel which is tucked in a corner of the Zocalo. This hotel has one of the most brilliant glass ceilings I have ever seen. There is also a delicious, though pricey buffet at the top of the hotel, which overlooks the Zocalo. The beauty of the Historic Centre of Mexico City is its diverse array of attractions that go well beyond the Zocalo. From Aztec structures, Diego Rivera & Orozco murals, and countless Spanish colonial buildings - El Centro Historico has a bit of everything.

Read more from Kyle Magnuson here.

Frederik Dawson

Netherlands - 26-Nov-14 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Frederik Dawson

Mexico City's historical zone is the last place I visited during my two weeks trip in this country, with high expectation to see the best of colonial arts in the centre of Spanish Empire in Latin America, my trip turned out to be hard to say. It was really a bad day that when I decided to visit Zocalo square, there seemed to be a demonstration or protest or something, so the police were everywhere blocking the roads and the presidential palace was closed for security reason. Fortunately that the cathedral was still open. The cathedral was really gaudy with lots of gold, especially the altars. Then I went to see Temple Mayor, an Aztec ancient site, while the museum was really good, it could not evoke my excitement, maybe I preferred Teotihuacan more than Temple Mayor.

I walked around the city that looks very alike a prosperous European city. From Palace of the Fine Art I walked back to Zocalo again, hoping the situation to be better. The policemen opened more roads, and now I can entered the Zocalo square; I took some photo and did not know what to do more. So I decided to end my city tour and changed to gourmet tour instead! I went to one restaurant near Zocalo, they served really good food from Veracruz State, because of long sea coast and international port, the taste of Veracruzana food is quite different from other area in Mexico, with interesting fresh lime, and chilli pickle. My next spot was the chocolate shop Que Bo. The shop located in the courtyard of one historic building. Visiting this shop really showed me that the richness of architectural building in Mexico City is kept inside the courtyard not the front façade. The chocolate drink I ordered was the interesting iced Hochata with cocoa powder, so good for hot day. And their chocolate was also unbelievable with unique taste likes Pan de Muerta, Mexican Coffee, and many exotic tropical fruits, so good that I bought them all as souvenirs.

I continued my food journey to try Mexican wine, taco, and etc. until dinner time! At the end I really had great time in Mexico City but from culinary heritage, not the architectural heritage! The historic complex around Zocalo is a nice place to see; at least it is the must see of Mexico and landmark for souvenir photo, but I would prefer Puebla more than Mexico City, for colonial art. Another thing I would like to point out is that Mexico City is safe, and different from I read in media especially from American reports. The city is indeed very chaotic and full with problem that actually similar to other big cities around the world, but that's Mexican and I really want to come back and see (eat) more.

Els Slots

The Netherlands - 09-Jan-14 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Els Slots

Although I had been there before in 1997, I count my trip in 2014 as my first proper visit to Mexico City. From my earlier trip, I only remembered the Zocalo and some unremarkable grey buildings. This time I wanted to taste something from each period: the Aztec Templo Mayor, the Spanish-colonial Cathedral and the 20th-century Palace of Fine Arts, and Diego Riviera murals. I started my day of sightseeing at the Zocalo. It was the scene of a demonstration, as on most of its days. To my surprise though the middle of the square had been turned into a Winter Wonderland, where Mexicans rode sleighs from an artificial snow slope and (even more funny when you're Dutch) tried to master an ice skating rink.

The Cathedral provided a much-needed place of quietude. I liked its facade (and that of its neighbour Sagrario Metropolitano), which is a textbook example of the Churrigueresque style. The interior is extremely baroque too, with lots of gold and bleeding Christ statues. It's worth a look, but both Cathedral and Zocalo would not get my vote for WH status. The historic center is 'just' a working city with many modern buildings too. I think it has more Starbucks cafes than there are in the Netherlands in total.

I could not remember whether I had visited the Templo Mayor on my previous visit. But after I entered its gate I was sure that I mysteriously had missed out on that in 1997. To me, it is THE highlight of the city, and worthy of WH status by itself. Somehow I had always thought that the remains were just some piles of archeological rubble. But several original statues, reliefs and temple constructions can be seen in situ, some even in their original colours. All have information panels in both Spanish and English. It's a lovely site with an entrance fee of a mere 3 EUR, which includes the excellent adjacent museum. The museum probably is even better than the archeological site itself: in bright and modern presentations, it shows the found objects of the Templo Mayor in 8 exhibition rooms. I don't think there's a single uninteresting object among them.

I had a good day already, but I wanted to finish it with some of the famous murals. First I went to the Palace of Fine Arts. Although it was possible to enter the main (art nouveau) hall, the rest was off-limits to me. The murals are not on display at the moment and are covered in plastic. Fortunately, I got another chance nearby: at the Museo Mural Diego Rivera his 'Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central', portraying figures from Mexican history, is shown. I had the masterpiece all to myself, and spent some time checking out 'Who is Who'.

Read more from Els Slots here.


UK - 15-Jan-06 -

Mexico City and Xochimilco by Solivagant

As usual the UNESCO site is opaque about what is encompassed by the phrase “Historic Centre of Mexico city”. The superb Zocalo and its Aztec and Colonial buildings are certainly included and, perhaps more surprisingly, “an impressive series of buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries such as the Palacio de las Bellas Artes” but the exact boundaries of the site are not clarified. No mention is made of the magnificent Diego Rivera Murals in Palacio National (nor indeed is that particular building mentioned by name). Whether similar murals in the Secretaria de Educacion 3 blocks north of the Zocalo are included is not clear. Never mind – there is plenty to see which is definitely included and, even if it isn’t, it is still well worth seeing. As the Palacio de las Bellas Artes does get a special mention you should go inside to see its own magnificent murals and take in a performance in order to se its stained glass stage curtain created by Tiffany.

However, for my photo of the site, I have chosen one taken at its second part – the “floating gardens” of Xochimilco some 20kms south which were created (in pre Aztec times it is thought) for the purposes of agriculture. Much of this now is pure “Mexican Kitch” and its inclusion is perhaps somewhat surprising! It currently exists largely as a water-based pleasure ground for the city with thousands of pleasure boats and all the other accoutrements you would expect. You may feel that a gondola containing some warbling black and white Hollywood stars from the 40s surrounded by mariachi bands will come round the bend at any moment! I will leave you to decide whether you want to be bothered with this quite long metro and train journey – but it is a great place to see/meet Mexicans having fun (though you would need to go at weekends or in the evening to get the best atmosphere – I didn’t)! It is also the only place where you might get some feel for the Lago de Texcoco and its arms on which the Aztec city was built when Cortes came upon it. It is otherwise almost impossible to believe that the heaving, overbuilt, smoggy and noisy centre was once a lake bed – only where the Palacio de las Bellas Artes has sunken deep into the sands is an indication provided of the impact of water removal over the centuries. In fact it is possible to escape the tourism and explore the area for its original agriculture and for its wild life – but I did not. See link

Site Info

Full Name
Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco
Unesco ID
2 3 4 5
Urban landscape - Latin American Urban landscape - Urban continuity

Site History

2008 Not approved

Name change to "Historical Centre of Mexico City and the cultural landscape of Chinanpero de Xochimilco, Tlahuac and Milpa Alta" because of introduction of new elements

1987 Inscribed


The site has 2 locations

Mexico City and Xochimilco: Historic Centre of Mexico City Federal District,
Mexico City and Xochimilco: Xochimilco Federal District,


The site has

Art and Architecture
Baroque: As the capital of the "Virreinato de Nueva España" and known as the "City of Palaces" during the apogee of Baroque, the historic centre of Mexico City is full of ecclesiastical and civil jewels of baroque, as: • Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María: its construction started in 1571 and ended in 1813, therefore having a mix of consecutive architectural styles, but Baroque is considered the most prominent. At Plaza de la Constitución S/N. • La Profesa, Oratory of San Felipe Neri: at Isabel La Católica #21. Concluded in neoclassical style by Manuel Tolsá. • Chapel of Nuestra Señora del Pilar (la Enseñanza): at Donceles #102. • Temple and fmr. convent of Santa Inés: at Moneda #26. • Church and fmr. convent of San Francisco: At Francisco I. Madero #7. • Church of Santo Domingo: Belisario Rodríguez S/N. • Church of Santa Teresa la Antigua: above Capilla del Cristo. At Licenciado Verdad #8. • Church and Convent of Jesús María: at Jesús María #39. • Church of San Lorenzo Diácono y Mártir: at Belisario Domínguez #28. • Church of the Inmaculada Concepción: of a more subdued baroque style, at Belisario Domínguez #3. • Parish of Santa Catarina: at República de Brasil. • Fmr. Temple of San Agustín: at República de El Salvador #76. • Museo Nacional de las Culturas: at Moneda #13 (behind the National Palace). • Church de la Santísima Trinidad: at Emiliano Zapata #60. • Church of San Bernardo: at 20 de noviembre #33. • Museo de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público: at Moneda #4. • Casa del Marqués de Prado Alegre: at Francisco I. Madero #39. • Palacio de los Condes de San Mateo de Valparaíso: at Isabel La Católica #44. • Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso: at Justo Sierra #16. • Palacio de la Escuela de Medicina: at República de Brasil #33. Initially the Palace of the Inquisition in the city, built 1732-1736.
Neoclassical architecture: At the end of the colonial period and during roughly the first century of its independent life, the historic centre of the city received numerous works in the neoclassical style. Just like in many other countries, this style was used to relate the new nation and its surging institutions to the glories of the Democracy of Athens and the Republic of Rome. Examples: • Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de la Virgen María: as it was ended in 1813, when the neoclassical style was becoming widely adopted. These neoclassical works were developed by Architect Manuel Tolsá, who built the clock tower and the dome of the cathedral. At Plaza de la Constitución S/N. • Church of Nuestra Señora de Loreto: at San Ildefonso 80. • La Profesa, Oratory of San Felipe Neri: at Isabel La Católica 21. Concluded in neoclassical style by Manuel Tolsá. • Palacio de Minería: also by Manuel Tolsá, at Tacuba #5 • Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL): at Tacuba #8. Initially the seat of the "Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Obras Públicas" • Carlos the IV statue or "El Caballito". • Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris: by Ignacio Capetillo Servín and Federico Mariscal, at Donceles #36. • Hemiciclo de Juárez: at Alameda Central Park. • Palacio de Bellas Artes: by Ádamo Boari, as was typical in the period, the building is very eclectic, but neoclassicism may be considered the predominant style. At Juárez Av. S/N • Antigua Escuela de Economía: at República de Economía #92. By architect Manuel Gorozpe.
Modern Urban Planning: It is proposed that Neoclassical urbanism started in 1775 when Bucarelli ordered the opening of the Bulevar Nuevo, and ends in 1849. Of particular interest is the period starting with the empire of Maximilian of Habsburg in 1861 and ending with beginning of the Porfiriato dictatorship in 1876, when the ideas coming from Europe (Haussmann for example) were beginning to be applied, to break the dominance of the historic centre and of Zocalo square in particular, creating a urban duality. Also, the results of the "desamortización" laws resulted in the elimination of conventual properties and urban development where they were located. However, the most important period is the Porfiariato dictatorship (1876-1910) when the ideas of new urbanism were fully applied, with the creation of Paseo de la Reforma, the construction of monuments (directed at promoting the nationalist spirit), the expansion of the city (creation of neighborhoods to the west and south) incorporating such principles and a focus on hygienism, that led to the creation of related infrastructure. During this period, with the influx of European professionals and the full application of principles of Neoclassical Urbanism, the city was transformed from its colonial character. Examples: • Alameda Central: of Colonial origins, but totally renovated during the Porfiriato. The Hemiciclo Juárez, created to celebrate the "national glories" is from this period, too. • A small section of Paseo de la Reforma. • Palacio de Bellas Artes: started during this historical period.
Destroyed or damaged by Earthquake: Sep 19 1985 earthquake, causing 5,000 deaths in Mexico City Metro area. Plus: • September 19, 2017: 1 abandoned two-storey building (the one at Mina 16 and 2 de Abril) collapsed within the inscribed area. Additionally, there is one where "major damage" is indicated at República Argentina 38. The map shows that 5 others were "damaged". • April 21, 1776: with an epicenter near Acapulco, the La Accorded jail collapsed, the Mint, the Cathedral, the National Palace, the Bishop's Palace, among others, were damaged. It lasted 4 minutes. • March 28, 1787 or San Sixto's: probably the most potent to rock Mexico (magnitude 8,6 Richter), with an epicenter in the coast of Guerrero and Oaxaca. It lasted 5-6 minutes and "a good part of the city from the XVI and XVII centuries had to be demolished". This Earthquake also devastated the city of Oaxaca. • 9 Cane of 1475: During the reign of Axayácatl, an earthquake left in ruins most of the buildings in the Anahuac valley, seriously damaging the temples and teocallis in Tenochtitlan, making the chinampas "sink", mountains collapse and producing a tsunami in the Texcoco lake.
Human Activity
Individual People
Religion and Belief
Nunneries: In the capital of the viceroyalty of Nueva España, there were a number of religious communities of nuns. All these convents were affected by the liberal reforms of the 1850s and 1860s and none of them operates now as a convent. Example: • The fmr. Convento de San Jerónimo, at Izazaga, now Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, was a nunnery of the order of the Hieronymites. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695), one of the most important writers of the Spanish Siglo de Oro and considered the mother of Latin American literature, lived there. • The fmr. Convent of Regina Coeli, at Calle Regina #7, founded in 1573. It belonged to the order of the Conceptionists. • The Church and fmr. Convent of the Inmaculada Concepción, at Belisario Domínguez #3, the oldest nunnery in the city, established in 1540. Only the church survives. The convent was the site of the ghost story of the nun Úrsula del Espíritu Santo, who hanged herself in a peach tree and the story tells that her shadow appeared in the reflection of the fountain in the middle of the cloister. • Temple of Santa Catalina de Siena: at República de Argentina #29, was inaugurated in 1623 and belonged to the Dominican order. • Fmr. Convento de la Encarnación: at Luis González Obregón #18. It also belonged to the Dominican order of nuns. It is the present-day seat of the Ministry of Education. The temple remains to this day. • Church of San Lorenzo Diácono y Mártir: at Belisario Domínguez #28. It belonged to the Hieronymite nuns; the convent was founded in 1598. After the liberal reforms, the convent has housed a number of educational institutions, presently being the ESIME, Superior School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
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AGuzzo ALS AYB Aalberty Adam Hancock Adrian Turtschi Aed1111 Akacesfan Alberto Rodriguez Gutierrez Alejandro Lau Alessandro Votta Alexander Barabanov Alexander Lehmann Ali Zingstra Allison Vies Altacyr Alygeddon AmandaMcCadams Amclhr Amitlchoudhuryjbp Ana Lozano Andrew Wembridge Angel Ying Liu Ani AniaCh Anna Wludarska AnnaRt Anonymous15788 Argo Ari Kailash Arnaugir Artur Anuszewski Ashombob Aspasia Atila Ege Awkwardkeychanged Baiqitun Bas Basementonline Bborders Bgbaum Bill Maurmann Bob Parda Bob pateman Boj Boppare Bram Cleaver Bram de Bruin Brendairala Bspooner Butterflybird CFSalazar Cabbagemystery66 Campmany Can SARICA Carlo Sarion Carlos Caminando Carlos Garrido Carlos Sotelo Caspar Dechmann Catalina Belso CeeMon Ceezmad Cflw Chapnis Chenboada Chenqtao Chessjsr Chinmaya Chiuliqi Christoph CinderEli Clem C Clyde Comensal Corinne Vail Coulpete Craig Harder Csaba Nováczky Ctravel Curley Cutiecuscrisori@yaho Cwliedtkesr Czesioszpachelka DOn Szumowski Dan1306 Daniel C-Hazard Daniela Hohmann Dave wood David Pastor de la Orden Deffra Delphine Delaunay Dennis Nicklaus Dftgm Digits Dimitar Krastev Djpatten Don Irwin Donald M Parrish Jr Donia Donnico Dorejd DouglasR Drinkteatravel Drk9Stormy Duesi73 Einziger Elaine McArdle Elf21 Elindomiel Elis Ellrabza Els Slots Emi_mimmi Erfe91 Eric Lorentz Eric Lurio Eric PK Erik Jelinek Esteban Cervantes Jiménez Eternalarrival Eva Kisgyorgy Everett FGKJR1492X F_Teno Fan Yibo Fderuet Federico P. Feldhase Felixc29 Femke Roos Ferbstone Fernando LZ Fernweh Ferrocastor Filip Murlak Francky D'Hoop Frank Britton Frederik Dawson Frédéric M G.L. Ingraham Garrett George Evangelou George Gdanski GeorgeIng61 GerhardM Gerlach Gernot Gi Gile363 Gilles Giloudepuertorico Greg Troy Grendel Gongan Gwythyr Hadrianus Hammeel Handballrama Hanming Harald T. Harry Mitsidis Headventure Howard Howard Brayer Hsaenzjr1 Hsjamsil Hubert Hurrvinek Iain Jackson Ian Cade Iara IgnacioM Ih0000 Ingemar Eriksson Iriss Itahue Ivan Rucek Izzet Ege J Mitchell JBeinke J_neveryes Jack Jacob Choi Jamguo Jana and Matt Janis Janklak Jarek Pokrzywnicki Jarrod_Byham Jason and Corrinna Jasonfd247 Javier Coro Jawnbeary Jay T Jaysutton79 Jcendres2 Jean Lecaillon JeanK Jeanne OGrady Jennifer Prout Jens Jessicakimmet Jgera JoStof Joaofg Joel on the Road John Jon Bauer Jon Opol Jonathan Zimmermann Jonathanfr Jonathanliao Jos Schmitz Josef Mikus Joseph C. Joshuakirbens Josie Borst João Aender Jsalda Judit Dalla Judith Tanner JudyWalsh Julio Moreno Junwang111 Justinawallace K.rekaa KAO KB1 Karen Theel KarenBMoore Karin Heyl Karl Grossner Karol Estrada Kasia Kasper Katemple1 Kayakka Kbooth KeithBailey Kelise Kelly Henry Keqi Kevin McFarland Kgeographer Kiank37 Kim, Soo-youn Kinstell Kitstokes Kjdavis Kjlauer Kjluebke Kjsisney Klhendrie Krista Beucler Krzysztof B Kurt Lauer Kyle Magnuson La Concy Laffingleigh Lameduck99 Lara Adler Larry F Lars Bogstad Leontine Helleman Lichia Ligocsicnarf Ligocsicnarf89 Lindaann Liu tuo Ljowers Lloyd Cross Loic Pedras Longdutch Lorenzo Mejino Lucas Del Puppo Lucio Gorla Ludvan Luis Filipe Gaspar Luis Salazar Lukas_PV Luke725 Luke725 M.HATADA MMM Mahuhe Malcolm Malcolm Turner Malgorzata Kopczynska Maltishah100 Mamc Manuel011197 Marcel staron Maria Markassonne Marleen Speelman-Kooijmans Mars51 Marta Lempert Marthalfreeman Martina Rúčková Matt Matthewsharris MaxHeAnouBen Mdnichol Mia esguerra Michael Ayers Michael Cummings Michael Novins Michael anak Kenyalang Michaelsballard Michal Kozok Michal Marciniak Michelle.has.murphy Michiel Dekker Miguel Marquez Mihai Dascalu Mikek Mikko Milan Jirasek Minkegirl Miriam laschever Misswanderlust MoPython Monchan5396 Monica66 Morodhi Nan Nanvano NataliaS Neil McPaul Niall Sclater Nihal Ege Nuria8 Nykri Omnisppot Oscar Wu Out4astroll Ovalarezo Palka25 Pamela MacNaughtan Panacci Paola Laura Pascal Cauliez Pasha Globus Patricia Schiller Patricia Schwindt Patrik Paul RYKEN Paul Schofield Paulino Michelazzo Paw90 Petteri Philipp Leu Philipp Peterer Pierre T Pincze Pink Bunny Piotr Wasil Plutomu Polyommatus_icarus Pontobaggins Potsdamer Pradip Tripathy Pressdm ProZac34 Rae25 Ralf Regele Raphael Ray matlock Reiseblitz Reza Richardleesa Riomussafer RobRos Roberto Diaz Roger Ourset Rogue_Onesie Roman Bruehwiler Roman Raab Roxfts Roych Rswood Ruben Mend Rvieira Ryan watkins Ryan09sb S1m0n3t4 SHIHE HUANG Sabrina Liebehentschel Sachin Samuel Turtschi Sandersx2 Saraleonela Sascha Grabow Sazanami Sciencechick316 Sclowitz Scubarrie Sergio Arjona Serimari Shaka_schulz Shandos Cleaver Shannon O'Donnell Shoaibmnagi Shombob Sibariam Simisingh3 Simon Penton Sjmakredes17 Skbuksa Sncjob Sneijder55 Sntaylor Socon Solivagant Sophie Spike Zou Ssong.x Stanimir Stanislaw Warwas Stephen S. Kamin Super-Sophie Susan Stair Szucs Tamas Tamara Ratz Tcchang0825 Ted Coombs Theanayalator Thomas Buechler Thomas Kunz Thomas Scott Thomas van der Walt Thorben TimAllen Tino A Offner Tjark Tommy W Tonioto Torkjell Djupedal Trevni Triath Trine Truls Brekke Tsunami Uwebart ValiaVeweth Van Hung Vanessa Buechler Vanessacmc Vanjavod Vernon Prieto Vicente B. Avanzado Jr. Victoria | Bridges and Balloons Virp VisionMX123 Vladimir Wait About Walter WanderGirl Weggeworfeneleiter Westwards Wojciech Fedoruk Wuzefelix Xavier b Xiquinho Silva Xtopher33 Y2KBUG Yamen Yang Chengyu Ybarkai Yi Han Goh Yorch Yuri Samozvanov ZZSong Zach Zhou Cheng Zizmondka Zlatko Zman5455 Zos M Zoë Sheng