Zoë Sheng Profile

I'm Zoë. I'm originally from Edmonton, Canada and then moved to Vancouver Island although spent lots of time in China where family members still reside. I also spent a few years at boarding school in England where my trips started when my parents took me around the coastal paths and what later turned out to be world heritage sites which are considered my first "ticks". Since then I traveled a lot, studied part-time in Auckland, and my "skills" of efficiency and organized planning helps a lot - meaning that old towns tend to get an overnight stay to easily explore them while churches, tombs or cemeteries that only take an hour tops to visit are really just scheduled for a quick visit. I do sometimes regret not visiting a place longer but revisits are not out of the question. However, as I don't drink alcohol, party, or require fancy nights out on the town it shortens activities in places too (if you enjoy doing this  then I'm happy for you just don't wonder why I get stuff done quicker). I also scuba dive frequently which I love the most in the world though I'm not a tec-diving nerd and keep it simple (thus Bikini Atoll is probably out). No deco diving for me unless it's a special wreck.

Personally I'm very private. I ditched Facebook over a decade ago, Instagram I only lasted for a few months and even Whatsapp I tend to mainly use for staying in touch, contacting hotels and tour guides. I'm not anti-social and usually travel in a small group if it works out, although I do enjoy solo traveling more because nobody will screw up my planning. Anyone tagging along will know "it's her way or no way". I have met two people from our community although they didn't noticed it was me at the time. I also do not know the name of one of them but maybe I'll find out eventually. I also almost ran into the Aussie couple and their dog but I was stuck in the Peruvian mountains while they were partying (joke, or assumption?!) in Cuzco.

Since 2023 I started slowing down world heritage specific traveling mainly because I have just seen so many and so much already. I'd rather spend the time with friends and my marine buddies the sharks and dolphins than seek out a mediocre church or wine county, plus the list keeps growing with lackluster titles that hardly excite me, not that I try tick off tentative sites as I can anyway but outliers and crappy stuff far away from civilization isn't going to be fun to visit.

In 2024 I had a mitral valve replacement (ugly scar now) followed by an RFA to fix my heart rate. It definitely slowed down any traveling I wanted to do and unsure how it will continue. Hopefully I'm as good as new with medication. Even scuba diving is ok!

At the time of writing I still need to visit 160 sites which doesn't seem like a lot but a few are impossible to visit, some require lengthy trips (30 days for one, two weeks for a few others) and can cost a huge sum of money. There are also those warring states that are currently off-limits (+Venezuela for security/embargo reasons). Having visited 150 UN listes countries these are still left with sites:

Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, DR
Congo, Republic
Ivory Coast
Marshall Islands
São Tomé and Príncipe
Sierra Leone

For the rest of sites in countries I have been already:

  • Heard and McDonald Island - requires lengthy boat tour
  • Macquarie Island - cruise $$$
  • Khinalig, Azerbaijan - wasn't even tentative I think and it's quite far off the beaten track, next time I visit Azerbaijan it shall be done
  • Okavango Delta - didn't want to cram this as a 1½ day drive-by on my last Botswana trip; worth a lengthy visit for sure
  • Peninsula Valdez, thought hard about adding it int my Argentina trip but early February just wasn't good enough to guarantee Right whales and orcas and September just seems better to splurge the money
  • Brazil - still missing almost half because I backed out twice but I will get it eventually lol
  • French Austral Lands and Seas - well, that's the one you join a ~30 day cargo ship trip that will visit it along the way, "fun"
  • Zagori Cultural Landscape, Greece - I drove through this, or past this, but I can't really count it I think. I also don't mind visiting Greece again. For now Europe stays incomplete
  • Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras - One could tick this by taking a boat around the coast to one of the villages inside the park but visiting this properly isn't easily accomplished - I don't think visiting the villages will give an insight into the heritage of the biosphere reserve at all
  • India - quite a few places but I feel I've already seen the best so I'm not urging myself to go back. Actually had a plan to tick all off in 2023 but the trip fell through and India keeps adding tentative sites so I can make the trip more worthwhile in the future
  • Jordan - my first trip was the main things and rest, probably "meh", would need another trip.
  • Mongolia - a few sites and a couple of these are HARD to visit as they are in the middle of nowhere.
  • Sub-Antarctic Islands, NZ - cruise
  • Te Wahipounamu, NZ south island - technically have been there but I want to hike for a week+ to count this visit
  • Russia is currently off-limits to me personally
  • Aldabra Atoll used to have a $$$ cruise but I think Covid killed it (literally) so the only way to visit is taking the cruise from Zanzibar that stops there on the way. Not super expensive and seeing that you get a cruise it's a nice vacay - if you are into that. Having already done Zanzibar and the Seychelles doesn't help me but maybe fun in a small group
  • Tajik National Park (& Tugay Forests) require a lengthy road trip best done by car from Osh - however, for the last few years the countries haven't seen eye to eye so they won't let rental cars from Kyrgyzstan cross over thus one would have to go from Dushanbe and that's a hefty additional mileage!
  • Gough and Inaccessible Islands - named "inaccessible" with reason
  • Henderson Island - you need special permission to visit although joining a charter trip would include it; however, they are rare and $$$
  • Tauric Chersonese - well, Crimea is now in "Russian" territory and not sure I'm even allowed to visit
  • Zimbabwe I have only visited Victoria Falls but definitely interested in exploring the rest!

Visited Sites Zoë Sheng

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Zoë Sheng

The Central Axis of Beijing (including Beihai) (T)

Zoë Sheng Chinese-Canadian - 25-May-24

The Central Axis of Beijing (including Beihai) (T)

I definitely like this nomination but it needs to be limited to only important areas. I used this picture (public domain) because it shows 100 years ago Tiananmen Square was an important place and unfortunately the modern student protests including a car terrorist attack in 2013 make us feel the place isn't right for UNESCO. It was also massively renovated with the people's hall, Mao's mausoleum (which used to be the Gate of China area), the museum, none of these should be listed as world heritage. This is only the square, with the other locations usually the same: important, old, but renovated and improved. My picture of Qianmen above (not actually public domain) shows a modern shopping street

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Orkhon Valley

Zoë Sheng Chinese-Canadian - 25-May-24

Orkhon Valley

One of the easier Mongolia sites with a bus going daily from UB and it "only" takes most of the day with lunch break. The main reason would be to visiting Karakorum's Erdene Zuu. The town is small and was the capital of the Mongol Empire for only a short time. One often thinks of the Mongol Empire as a huuuuuge place but people were scarce and if they would join the empire it's mainly because "woah this guy has a horse" and they never see him again. Well you might giggle now but this wasn't exactly Alexander the Great conquesting the area. With the monastery gone (it's an hour visit tops and right in town) you can arrange for your hotel/homestay to go visit the locals

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Kilifi Caves (T)

Zoë Sheng Chinese-Canadian - 18-Jan-24

Kilifi Caves  (T)

I visited all three components although Mawe Meru appears to be just the black rocks on top of Chasimba Caves which is even marked so on the map. Also I don't see ANY cave. Maybe 70,000 years ago this was a cave system and has now been eroded to just have rocks. Both cave sites are taken care of by the local family (unofficially?) and they'll be happy to take you on a small tour. By tour it means you walk over sharp karst and maybe fall if you aren't careful - honestly this is so not recommended to visit. My advice is to save you some money (not that it cost a lot to tip them) and just take a picture of the wall rock as you drive past it

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Le parc national de la Kibira (T)

Zoë Sheng Chinese-Canadian - 18-Jan-24

Le parc national de la Kibira (T)

A natural extension to Rwanda’s Nyungwe NP, boasting the same floral and fauna. That park has already got a great review so I won't bump it down with my scribblings. Instead I can focus on the Burundi side which is easier to reach than the loooong drive from Kigali.

I dropped my bag off in town and took a bus from COTEBU market to Bugarama. It's a single road so you can't do much wrong. Just ask the drivers for Bugarama and they'll advice you. My empty bus departed soon and took 90 minutes, costing me 10k francs

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The Historic Town of Gedi (T)

Zoë Sheng Chinese-Canadian - 19-Jan-24

The Historic Town of Gedi (T)

Gedi is to be nominated very soon and I wouldn't be surprised if it slides through even though the visitor centers are all "Kenyan style" half built and then left forgotten. It can do without so just seeing the ruins is enough.

You arrive at the main gate where you can pick 3 tickets. If you are into snakes and butterflies stolen from the nearby forest then be my guest. They also guilt you into thinking you are supporting the local community this way. What you could do it hire a guide for the Gedi ruins alone. I chose not to because Gedi is like Angkor Wat and you explore overgrown ruins on your own. Zoe Croft was not going to miss out on this one!! (Don't want a sidekick for that!)

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Profile Data

Zoë Sheng
Most Impressive
Abu Simbel, Ilulissat Icefjord, Cocos Island
Mariana Trench

Recently Visited WHS

Update 25.05.24
Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Petra 5
Potosi 5
Rome 5
Dolomites 4.5
Dubrovnik 4.5
Ephesus 4.5
Granada 4.5
Huanglong 4.5
Sintra 4.5
Ani 4
Bagan 4
Brugge 4
Cuzco 4
Hegra 4
Kotor 4
L'viv 4
Matera 4
Paphos 4
Prague 4
Sanchi 4
Timgad 4
Uluru 4
Verona 4
Agra Fort 3.5
Ashur 3.5
Avignon 3.5
Ayutthaya 3.5
Bordeaux 3.5
Butrint 3.5
Copán 3.5
Delos 3.5
Djémila 3.5
Ferrara 3.5
Garajonay 3.5
Gordion 3.5
Hiraizumi 3.5
Hué 3.5
Jeju 3.5
Koh Ker 3.5
Masada 3.5
Mérida 3.5
Nikko 3.5
Québec 3.5
Ravenna 3.5
Rhodes 3.5
Samarkand 3.5
Shark Bay 3.5
Siena 3.5
St. Kilda 3.5
Sucre 3.5
Taxila 3.5
Telc 3.5
Uxmal 3.5
Valletta 3.5
Vienna 3.5
Volubilis 3.5
Wadi Rum 3.5
Warsaw 3.5
Albi 3
Assisi 3
Avila 3
Belem 3
Corfu 3
Elvas 3
Hampi 3
Hoi An 3
Ivrea 3
My Son 3
Odesa 3
Oporto 3
Orange 3
Pienza 3
Pompei 3
Puebla 3
Riga 3
Split 3
Toledo 3
Urbino 3
Yazd 3
Anticosti 2.5
Byblos 2.5
Cuenca 2.5
Hatra 2.5
Hollókö 2.5
Kairouan 2.5
Kulangsu 2.5
Lyon 2.5
Lübeck 2.5
Mafra 2.5
Mtskheta 2.5
Nan Madol 2.5
Nancy 2.5
Naples 2.5
Nessebar 2.5
Nesvizh 2.5
Nice 2.5
Old Rauma 2.5
Palenque 2.5
Ping Yao 2.5
Potsdam 2.5
Quito 2.5
Reims 2.5
Røros 2.5
Salamanca 2.5
Salzburg 2.5
Syracuse 2.5
Tiwanaku 2.5
Torun 2.5
Trang An 2.5
Visby 2.5
Vlkolinec 2.5
Al Ain 2
Anjar 2
Arles 2
Corvey 2
Evora 2
Genoa 2
Goias 2
Graz 2
Kandy 2
Kondoa 2
Lima 2
Macao 2
Meknes 2
Modena 2
Mostar 2
Susa 2
Tipasa 2
Trebic 2
Trier 2
Trogir 2
Troy 2
Tyre 2
Vigan 2
Burgundy 1.5
Campeche 1.5
Champagne 1.5
Chavin 1.5
Hopewell 1.5
Ibiza 1.5
Jelling 1.5
Kaesong 1.5
Kernavė 1.5
Levuka 1.5
Maymand 1.5
Nalanda 1.5
Panamá 1.5
Rabat 1.5
Saltaire 1.5
Sarazm 1.5
Sheki 1.5
Surtsey 1.5
Tsodilo 1.5
Zacatecas 1.5
Qalhat 1
Abu Mena 0.5
Battir 0.5
Djerba 0.5
Kuk 0.5
Lumbini 0.5
Schokland 0.5
Yin Xu 0.5
  1. Orkhon Valley
  2. Tombs of Buganda Kings
  3. Rwenzori Mountains
  4. Fort Jesus
  5. Lamu Old Town
  6. Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
  7. Jodrell Bank Observatory
  8. Studley Royal Park
  9. Kondoa
  10. 'Uruq Bani Ma'arid
  11. Cold winter deserts of Turan
  12. Nahanni National Park
  13. SGang Gwaay
  14. Selous Game Reserve
  15. Stone Town of Zanzibar
  16. Ogasawara Islands
  17. Chitwan National Park
  18. Lorentz National Park
  19. Jodensavanne
  20. Maloti-Drakensberg Park
  21. Auschwitz Birkenau
  22. Hani Rice Terraces
  23. Walled City of Baku
  24. Los Katios National Park
  25. Tipasa
  26. Echmiatsin and Zvartnots
  27. Shiretoko
  28. Old Town of Lijiang
  29. Island of Mozambique
  30. Tubbataha Reefs
  31. Sítio Roberto Burle Marx
  32. Malpelo
  33. Caves of Maresha and Bet Guvrin
  34. Sarazm
  35. Cocos Island
  36. Central Amazon Conservation Complex
  37. Tadrart Acacus
  38. Carthage
  39. Dougga/Thugga
  40. Masada
  41. Djerba
  42. Tassili n'Ajjer
  43. M'Zab Valley
  44. Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad
  45. Ani
  46. Gordion
  47. Wooden Hypostyle Mosques of Medieval Anatolia
  48. Arslantepe Mound
  49. Shark Bay
  50. Richtersveld
  51. Chongoni Rock Art
  52. Margravial Opera House
  53. Ningaloo Coast
  54. Silk Roads Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor
  55. Xinjiang Tianshan
  56. Stoclet House
  57. Vjetrenica Cave
  58. Quanzhou
  59. Willemstad
  60. Tak'alik Ab'aj
  61. Belize Barrier Reef
  62. Ruins of León Viejo
  63. Coiba National Park
  64. Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda
  65. Teotihuacan
  66. Archipiélago de Revillagigedo
  67. Chan Chan
  68. Sucre
  69. Odesa
  70. Tierradentro
  71. Eisinga Planetarium
  72. Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works
  73. ǂKhomani Cultural Landscape
  74. Talayotic Menorca
  75. Kakadu National Park
  76. Taxila
  77. Migratory Bird Sanctuaries China
  78. Himā Cultural area
  79. Northern Martinique
  80. Cordouan Lighthouse
  81. Chiribiquete National Park
  82. Vegaøyan
  83. Moravian Church Settlements
  84. Antigua Naval Dockyard
  85. Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple
  86. Mistaken Point
  87. Pimachiowin Aki
  88. Aasivissuit - Nipisat
  89. Ilulissat Icefjord
  90. Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands
  91. Paris, Banks of the Seine
  92. Funerary and memory sites of the First World War
  93. Fagus Factory
  94. Mount Wutai
  95. Lumbini
  96. Hegra
  97. Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine
  98. Koguryo Kingdom
  99. Safi al-Din Ensemble in Ardabil
  100. Susa
  101. Robben Island
  102. Fossil Hominid Sites
  103. Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains
  104. Hyrcanian Forests
  105. Takht-e Soleyman
  106. Ancient Thebes
  107. Lake Malawi
  108. Gonbad-e Qâbus
  109. Trans-Iranian Railway
  110. Abu Mena
  111. Maymand
  112. Pasargadae
  113. Qinghai Hoh Xil
  114. Rock Art in the Hail Region
  115. Qalhat
  116. Champaner-Pavagadh
  117. Persian Caravanserai
  118. Petra
  119. Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River
  120. Xidi and Hongcun
  121. Al-Ahsa Oasis
  122. Khangchendzonga National Park
  123. Nalanda
  124. Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
  125. Chengjiang Fossil Site
  126. Alto Douro
  127. Hubei Shennongjia
  128. Struve Geodetic Arc
  129. Plain of Jars
  130. Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art
  131. Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region
  132. Chief Roi Mata's Domain
  133. Tr’ondëk-Klondike
  134. Gunung Mulu
  135. Liangzhu Archaeological Site
  136. Sigiriya
  137. Phong Nha - Ke Bang
  138. Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution
  139. First Coffee Plantations
  140. Yakushima
  141. Wood Buffalo National Park
  142. Danube Limes
  143. Papahanaumokuakea
  144. Mount Hamiguitan
  145. Gaya Tumuli
  146. Medina Azahara
  147. Amami-Oshima Island
  148. Kladruby nad Labem
  149. Žatec – Landscape of Hops
  150. Fanjingshan
  151. Okinoshima Island
  152. Mount Wuyi

Reviewed TWHS

  1. The Central Axis of Beijing (including Beihai) (T)
  2. Kilifi Caves (T)
  3. Le parc national de la Kibira (T)
  4. The Historic Town of Gedi (T)
  5. Nyandarua Mountains (T)
  6. La résidence royale du Burundi: Le cas de Gishora (T)
  7. Muramvya, Mpotsa et Nkiko-Mugamba (T)
  8. Glass Sponge Reefs Protected Areas (T)
  9. Coastal Forests of Kenya (T)
  10. Hell’s Gate National Park (T)
  11. St. Paul Church (T)
  12. Gwaii Haanas (T)
  13. The Passage Tomb Landscape of County Sligo (T)
  14. Raja Ampat Islands (T)
  15. The Banda Islands (T)
  16. Bunaken National Park (T)
  17. Wakatobi National Park (T)
  18. Tana Toraja Traditional Settlement (T)
  19. Kebun Raya Bogor (T)
  20. Marovo - Tetepare Complex (T)
  21. China Altay (T)
  22. Archaeological Complex of Toro Muerto (T)
  23. Two neolithic dwellings (T)
  24. Zerzevan Castle and Mithraeum (T)
  25. Lagune de Khnifiss (T)
  26. El Gour (T)
  27. Le chapelet d'oasis de Tighmert (T)
  28. Sbeïtla (T)
  29. Habitat troglodytique et le monde des ksour du Sud tunisien (T)
  30. Limes du Sud tunisien (T)
  31. Odunpazari Historical Urban Site (T)
  32. St. Nicholas Church (T)
  33. Archeological Site of Zeugma (T)
  34. Karatepe-Aslantaş Archaeological Site (T)
  35. Mamure Castle (T)
  36. Basilica Therma (Sarıkaya Roma Hamamı) (T)
  37. Yesemek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop (T)
  38. Vespasianus Titus Tunnel (T)
  39. Eflatun Pinar: The Hittite Spring Sanctuary (T)
  40. Ancient City of Anazarbos (T)
  41. Hatay, St. Pierre Church (T)
  42. The Malabadi Bridge (T)
  43. Ismail Fakirullah Tomb and its Light Refraction Mechanism (T)
  44. Medieval City of Beçin (T)
  45. Ancient city of Kibyra (T)
  46. Historic Guild Town of Mudurnu (T)
  47. The Bridge of Justinian (T)
  48. The Theatre and Aqueducts of the Ancient City of Aspendos (T)
  49. The Bodrum Castle (T)
  50. Güllük Dagi-Termessos National Park (T)
  51. Karain Cave (T)
  52. Yivli Minaret Mosque (T)
  53. Ancient City of Stratonikeia (T)
  54. Archaeological Site of Perge (T)
  55. The Historical Port City of Izmir (T)
  56. Historic Town of Birgi (T)
  57. Mausoleum and Sacred area of Hecatomnus (T)
  58. The Andaman Sea Nature Reserves of Thailand (T)
  59. Etosha Pan (T)
  60. Archaeological Site of Priene (T)
  61. Archaeological Site of Assos (T)
  62. The Bridge of Uzunköprü (T)
  63. Dreams in Stone - the palaces of King Ludwig II of Bavaria (T)
  64. Sigatoka Sand Dunes (T)
  65. Dunhuang Yardangs (T)
  66. Karez Wells (T)
  67. The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads (T)
  68. Al-Faw Archaeological Area (T)
  69. Rijal Almaa (T)
  70. Western Xia Imperial Tombs (T)
  71. Xinjiang Yardang (T)
  72. Heaven Pit and Ground Seam Scenic Spot (T)
  73. Slender West Lake and Historic Urban Area in Yangzhou (T)
  74. Mt. Myohyang (T)
  75. Varazdin - Historic Nucleus and Old Town (the Castle) (T)
  76. Lubenice (T)
  77. Yangtze Gorges Scenic Spot (T)
  78. Ancient Kamakura (T)
  79. Diaolou Buildings and Villages for Tibetan and Qiang Ethnic Groups (T)
  80. The Bony Fish Fossils of the Western Limfjord (T)
  81. Fenghuang Ancient City (T)
  82. Sistema Arrefical del Caribe Cubano (T)
  83. Egyptian Museum (T)
  84. Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de Cubanacán (T)
  85. Hiraizumi (extension) (T)
  86. Imperial Kiln Sites of Jingdezhen (T)
  87. Nanxi River (T)
  88. Yandang Mountain (T)
  89. Kosice (T)
  90. Poyang Nature Reserve (T)
  91. Miao Nationality Villages in Southeast Guizhou Province (T)
  92. Archaeological Sites of the Ancient Shu State (T)
  93. Dong Villages (T)
  94. Haitan Scenic Spots (T)
  95. Guizhou Triassic Fossil Sites (T)
  96. Lingqu Canal (T)
  97. Mountain-top Hotel and Television Transmitter Ještěd (T)
  98. Lake Atitlán (T)
  99. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (T)
  100. Town of Chichicastenango (T)
  101. The Cuenca Mirador (T)
  102. Bawomataluo Site (T)
  103. Tianzhushan (T)
  104. Volcan Masaya National Park (T)
  105. Las Pozas, Xilitla (T)
  106. European Paper Mills (Velké Losiny Paper Mill) (T)
  107. The architectural legacy of Rogelio Salmona (T)
  108. Plantations in West Curacao (T)
  109. Auckland Volcanic Fields (T)
  110. The Episcopal See of Egara (T)
  111. Salt Mines of Maras (T)
  112. Tatacoa Desert (T)
  113. Breiðafjörður Nature Reserve (T)
  114. Taihang Mountain (T)
  115. Ancienne chocolaterie Menier à Noisiel (T)
  116. Baquedano Street (T)
  117. Bonaire Marine Park (T)
  118. Archaeological and Historical National Park of Pueblo Viejo, La Vega (T)
  119. City Hall, Georgetown (T)
  120. St.Georges Anglican Cathedral (T)
  121. Rock Art of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (T)
  122. Mývatn and Laxá (T)
  123. City of Azúa de Compostela (T)
  124. Parque Nacional Jaragua (T)
  125. Arte Rupestre Prehispanico en Republica Dominicana (T)
  126. Historic zone of Basseterre (T)
  127. Primeros Ingenios Coloniales Azucareros de América (T)
  128. Central Park (T)
  129. Sitio Arqueológico de la Villa La Isabela (T)
  130. Seville Heritage Park (T)
  131. White Sands National Monument (T)
  132. Bradyseism in the Flegrea Area (T)
  133. Minoan Palatial Centres (T)
  134. Großglockner High Alpine Road (T)
  135. La Maddalena and Islands of Bocche di Bonifacio (T)
  136. Greek Archaeological ensemble in Empúries (T)
  137. Priorat-Montsant-Siurana (T)
  138. Les sites à fossiles néandertaliens de Wallonie (T)
  139. Hôpital Notre-Dame à La Rose - Lessines (T)
  140. Çanakkale (Dardanelles) and Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Battles Zones (T)
  141. Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (T)
  142. Early Farmsteads of the Cape Winelands (T)
  143. Ramagrama, the relic stupa of Lord Buddha (T)
  144. The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun (T)
  145. Voormalige Nazorgkolonie en Sanatorium Zonnestraal (T)
  146. Sungai Buloh Leprosarium (T)
  147. The Hadrianic city of Italica (T)
  148. Huangguoshu Scenic Area (T)
  149. The Natural-Historical Landscape of Izeh (T)
  150. The Cultural Landscape of the Central Region in the Emirate of Sharjah (T)
  151. Sacred Sites associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo (T)
  152. Augustow Canal (T)
  153. Sultan Bayezid II Complex (T)
  154. Aizanoi Antique City (T)
  155. Phra That Phanom (T)
  156. Ayvalık Industrial Landscape (T)
  157. Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid (T)
  158. Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty (T)
  159. ShuDao (T)
  160. Ngwenya Mines (T)
  161. Welwitschia Plains (T)
  162. Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites (T)
  163. Yıldız Palace Complex (T)
  164. Nuruosmaniye Complex (T)
  165. al Dimaniyyat Islands Nature Reserve (T)
  166. Alisadr Cave (T)
  167. Seljuk Caravanserais on the route from Denizli to Dogubeyazit (T)
  168. Hamoun Lake (T)
  169. Ras al Had Turtle Reserve and Ras al Jinz (T)
  170. The Persian House in Central plateau of Iran (T)
  171. The Collection of Historical Bridges (T)
  172. The Zandiyeh Ensemble (T)
  173. Zozan (T)
  174. Salt Domes of Iran (T)
  175. Asbads (windmill) of Iran (T)
  176. Mandu (T)
  177. Royal Manas National Park (RMNP) (T)
  178. Monuments and Forts of the Deccan Sultanate (T)
  179. Al Bidya Mosque (T)
  180. Aihole-Badami- Pattadakal (T)
  181. Ekamra Kshetra (T)
  182. Ancient Ruin of Drukgyel Dzong (T)
  183. Iconic Saree Weaving Clusters of India (T)
  184. Worship wooden architecture (17th -18th centuries) in Polesye (T)
  185. Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (T)
  186. Mining Historical Heritage (T)
  187. Mediterranean Wind Mills (T)
  188. Pharaon Island (T)
  189. Fagaloa Bay - Uafato Tiavea Conservation Zone (T)
  190. Ring of cenotes of Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan (T)
  191. Yukon Ice Patches (T)
  192. Prehistoric Cave Sites in Maros-Pangkep (T)
  193. The Ipolytartnóc Fossils (T)
  194. Kangjingun Kiln Sites (T)
  195. Ras Mohammed (T)
  196. Valle Salado de Añana (T)
  197. Qinghai Lake (T)
  198. The Wine in Iberia (T)
  199. Columbus Memorial Places in Huelva (T)
  200. The Ancient Waterfront Towns in the South of Yangtze River (T)
  201. Changbai Mountain (T)
  202. SanFangQiXiang (T)
  203. Maijishan Scenic Spots (T)
  204. Kvetera Church (T)
  205. The Dunejec River Gorge in the Pieniny Mountains (T)
  206. Salterns (T)
  207. The Four Sacred Mountains (T)
  208. Yue-Kiln Site at Shanglin Lake (T)
  209. The President Coolidge (T)
  210. Jinfushan Scenic Spot (T)
  211. Marine Protected Areas of American Samoa (T)
  212. Huong Son Complex of Natural Beauty and Historical Monuments (T)
  213. Djavolja Varos (T)
  214. Baiheliang Ancient Hydrological Inscription (T)
  215. Asuka-Fujiwara (T)
  216. Stone Buddhas and Pagodas at Hwasun Unjusa Temple (T)
  217. Hua Shan Scenic Area (T)
  218. The Sado complex of heritage mines, primarily gold mines (T)
  219. The Alligator Sinensis Nature Reserve (T)
  220. Sites of Hongshan Culture (T)