WHC Session 2023

The 2023 WHC Session added 45 Sites bringing the total to 1199.

Inscriptions in 2023

The following sites were inscribed in the 2023 WHC Session.

Site Countries Locations Rating Reviews
'Uruq Bani Ma'arid 1 2.96 1
Ancient Jericho 1 2.87 3
Ancient Kingdom of Saba 7 3.11 1
Ancient Tea Plantations of Pu'er 1 2.7 2
Anticosti 1 2.17 1
Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University 2 0.72 0
Bale Mountains National Park 1 3.72 1
Cold winter deserts of Turan 14 2.76 3
Deer Stone Monuments 4 3.1 2
Djerba 31 1.68 3
Eisinga Planetarium 1 3.47 5
ESMA Site Museum 1 1.98 3
Evaporitic Karst and Caves 9 2.16 5
Funerary and memory sites of the First World War 139 2.97 11
Gaya Tumuli 7 2.72 4
Gedeo Cultural landscape 1 2.63 2
Gordion 1 3.08 4
Hopewell 8 2.43 7
Jewish-Medieval heritage of Erfurt 3 1.64 8
Jodensavanne 2 1.42 2
Khinalig 1 2.83 1
Koh Ker 1 3.4 7
Kuldiga 1 2.66 4
Maison Carrée of Nîmes 1 2.82 4
Memorial Sites of Genocide 4 2.6 3
Modernist Kaunas 1 2.48 5
Northern Martinique 2 3.38 1
Nyungwe National Park 3 3.14 1
Odesa 1 3.27 2
Odzala-Kokoua 1 0 0
Persian Caravanserai 54 2.7 3
Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli 1 2.13 2
Sacred Ensembles of the Hoysala 3 3.43 2
Santiniketan 1 1.7 2
Si Thep 3 2.83 5
Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor 34 2.65 5
Tak'alik Ab'aj 1 2.4 3
Talayotic Menorca 9 3.07 4
Tr’ondëk-Klondike 8 3.22 2
Tugay forests 1 0.43 1
Viking Age Ring Fortresses 5 2.16 5
Wooden Hypostyle Mosques of Medieval Anatolia 5 2.69 3
Yogyakarta 1 3.05 5
Zagori Cultural Landscape 1 3.34 5
Žatec – Landscape of Hops 2 2.02 8

Complete List in 2023

In 2023 the World Heritage list consisted of 1199 sites.