World Heritage in Egypt



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Abu Mena 1979 Cultural 5 1.71
Ancient Thebes 1979 Cultural 10 4.57
Historic Cairo 1979 Cultural 11 3.7
Nubian Monuments 1979 Cultural 12 4.37
Pyramids (Memphis) 1979 Cultural 12 4.58
Saint Catherine Area 2002 Cultural 8 3.67
Wadi Al-Hitan 2005 Natural 9 3.59

Tentative List

Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs 2003 Cultural 3 100%
Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library 2003 Cultural 2 88%
Bird Migration Routes 2003 Natural 1 50%
Dababiya 2008 Natural 1 100%
Dahab 1994 Cultural 1 33%
Dahshour archaeological area 1994 Cultural 2 75%
Desert Wadis 2003 Natural 1 100%
Egyptian Museum in Cairo 2021 Cultural 1 54%
El Fayoum 1994 Cultural 1 100%
El-Gendi Fortress 1994 Cultural 0 N/A
Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve 2003 2026 Mixed 3 80%
Great Desert Landscapes 2003 Natural 1 75%
Helwan Observatory 2010 Mixed 0 0%
Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid 2003 Cultural 1 N/A
Kharga Oasis and the Small Southern Oases 2015 Mixed 0 100%
Minia 1994 Cultural 1 100%
Mountain Chains 2003 Natural 1 0%
Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period 2003 Cultural 1 100%
Newibah castle 1994 Cultural 0 0%
North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone 1994 Cultural 0 N/A
Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes 2003 Cultural 1 50%
Pharaon Island 1994 Cultural 1 33%
Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods 2003 Cultural 4 95%
Raoudha nilometre in Cairo 2003 Cultural 1 75%
Ras Mohammed 2002 Natural 1 67%
Rutho Monastery 1994 Cultural 1 0%
Siwa archaeological area 1994 Cultural 1 100%
Southern and Smaller Oases, the Western Desert 2003 Natural 1 50%
Temple of Hator built by Ramses III 1994 Cultural 1 100%
Temple of Serabit Khadem 1994 Cultural 0 N/A
The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to Mecca 2003 Cultural 0 N/A
The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun 2003 Cultural 3 83%
Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island) 2003 Cultural 0 0%
Wadi Feiran 1994 Cultural 2 0%

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