World Heritage in Turkmenistan



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Ancient Merv 1999 Cultural 4 3.13
Cold winter deserts of Turan 2023 Natural 2 2.66
Kunya-Urgench 2005 Cultural 3 2.87
Nisa 2007 Cultural 4 2.16
Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor 2023 Cultural 5 2.62

Tentative List

Amudarya State Nature Reserve 2009 Natural 0 N/A
Badhyz State Nature Reserve 2009 Natural 0 N/A
Dehistan / Mishrian 1998 Cultural 0 N/A
Dinosaurs and Caves of Koytendag 2009 Natural 0 N/A
Hazar State Nature Reserve 2009 Natural 0 N/A
Repetek Biosphere State Reserve 2009 Natural 0 N/A
Silk Roads Sites in Turkmenistan 2010 Cultural 2 100%
Syunt Hasardag State Nature Reserve 2009 Natural 0 N/A

Country info

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Asia and the Pacific
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The following 5 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

Clyde . Els Slots . henryjiao18 . Jean Lecaillon . Knut .