World Heritage in Tajikistan



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Sarazm 2010 Cultural 6 2.06
Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor 2023 Cultural 5 2.62
Tajik National Park 2013 Natural 3 3.88
Tugay forests 2023 Natural 1 0.43

Tentative List

Ancient Khuttal 2023 2025 Cultural 2 0%
Buddhistic cloister of Ajina-Tepa 1999 Cultural 1 0%
Fann mountains 2006 Mixed 0 100%
Mausoleum of "Amir Khamza Khasti Podshoh" 1999 Cultural 0 N/A
Mausoleum of "Hodja Nashron" 1999 Cultural 0 N/A
Mausoleum of "Khoja Mashkhad" 1999 Cultural 0 0%
Mausoleum of Mukhammad Bashoro 1999 Cultural 1 0%
Silk Roads Sites in Tajikistan 2013 2026 Cultural 1 33%
State reserve Dashti Djum 2006 Natural 0 N/A
The Site of Ancient Town of Baitudasht IV 1999 Cultural 0 N/A
The Site of Ancient Town of Pyanjekent 1999 Cultural 2 0%
The Site of Ancient Town of Shahristan (Kahkakha) 1999 Cultural 0 N/A
The Site of Ancient Town of Takhti-Sangin 1999 Cultural 0 0%
Zakaznik Kusavlisay 2006 Natural 0 N/A
Zorkul State Reserve 2006 Natural 0 N/A

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The following 1 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

Szucs Tamas .