Alejandro Lau Profile

Zhuangzi said: "Life has a limit but knowledge hasn't. It's exhausting to chase limitless knowledge within limited time."

Though sometimes feeling very tired, I'm still trying to get to more WHSs. I only visit cultural / mixed WHSs in purpose (if natural WHSs are not that far from the route, why not having a look?) because in my opinion human beings are the most diverse to get to know.

I'm a polyglot with 6 languages fluently spoken and 10+ languages for basic conversation. Speaking local languages make me go deeper into local culture.

Current mission:

2024-2025 Latin America

2019-ongoing China


2023-2024 SE Asia

2023 Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan

Visited Sites Alejandro Lau

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Alejandro Lau

Profile Data

Alejandro Lau
Most Impressive
Plain of Jars, Laos
Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty, China

4 Countries Complete

Cambodia . Laos . Myanmar . Singapore .

Rating Stats
Hoi An 5
Hué 5
Macao 5
My Son 5
Uxmal 5
Kulangsu 4.5
Prambanan 3.5
Kandy 2.5
Vat Phou 2.5
Vigan 2

Reviewed TWHS