Tashkent Modernist Architecture

Photo by Els Slots.

Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia is part of the Tentative list of Uzbekistan in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Map of Tashkent Modernist Architecture

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia
Human activity - Urban planning
2024 Added to Tentative List

The site has 16 locations

Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Zhemchug residential building (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: House of Publishers (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Sun Heliocomplex (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Palace of Aviation Constructors (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Peoples’ Friendship Palace (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: State Circus (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: State Museum of Arts (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Union of Artists (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Panoramic Cinema (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Chorsu Bazaar (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Uzbekistan Hotel (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Republican House of Tourism (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Blue Domes (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: Cosmonauts’ Prospekt Metro Station (T)
Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia: TV Tower (T)


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