
WHS that include (former) Hospitals, institutions offering medical treatment, of historic value.

Excluding asklepieia which have their own Connection.

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Aapravasi Ghat The original building of the Hospital Block, consisting of seven adjoining rooms, remains.
Aggtelek and Slovak Karst sanatorium at the Peace Cave
Alcala de Henares Hospital de Antezana (1483)
Aleppo Bimaristan Arghoun
Angkor "The Chapel of the Hospital" - The chapel is all that remains of a hospital built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII (1125-1218 r from c1181) He is credited with constructing 102 hospitals within Cambodia, inspired by his Mahayana Buddhist beliefs.
Anuradhapura Ruins of an ancient hospital, believed to be about 2,000 years old
Aranjuez Hospital de San Carlos, ordered by Charles III in 1750
As-Salt Located on the Haddadin Steps overlooking Al Ain Plaza, the English Hospital was considered the only hospital in the region of Trans-Jordan in the second half of the 19th century (nom file p29)
Assisi Monte Frumentario Palace was the old hospital of the community, and one of the first public hospitals built in Italy. (Nomination file, p. 31)
Auschwitz Birkenau The Nazis set up a number of "Hospitals" or "infirmaries" witthin the camp. Auschwitz I had "block 19, the Schonungsblock for convalescent prisoners; block 20, the contagious diseases block; block 21, the surgical block; and block 28, the internal medicine block." In reality of course the "treatment" included medical experimentation and selection for execution. Insofar as it existed at all it was aimed at "reducing the prisoner death rate" in relation to prisoners who seemed likely to return to labor in a short time.
Australian Convict Sites Ruins of a hospital at Port Arthur
Banska Stiavnica Old Hospital and Miners' Hospital in Banska Stiavnica, Miners' Hospital in Štiavnické Bane, Miners' Hospital in Hodrusa - Hamre
Bridgetown Ordnance Hospital Lexham
Brimstone Hill Fortress Militairy hospital
Brugge Saint John's Hospital
Budapest "Hospital in the Rock" WWII hospital built into the caves under Buda Castle. Used later during the 56 rebellion and as a nuclear bunker.
Burgundy Hospices de Beaune
Bursa and Cumalikizik Yıldırım (Bayezid I) Complex: The hospital, which is included in this complex, was recently reconstructed and continues to serve its original function as an ophthalmic hospital. (AB ev)
Camagüey San Juan de Dios
Camino Real Former Royal hospital of San Juan de Dios of San Miguel de Allende (dating from 1770)
Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay The grounds included an infirmary.
City of Luxembourg The Neumünster Abbey - "At the end of the 18th century, (...) the abbey was altered so as to house a military hospital which functioned until 1867."
Colonies of Benevolence On the north side of the rectangle of the former Second Institution in Veenhuizen, a wide avenue arose lined with high trees and houses (...). These include the former homes of the pharmacist and the doctor of the hospital situated behind. The houses and the hospital now accommodate hotel Bitter en Zoet. The former quarantine building has become a hernia clinic. (Nomination file, p. 66)
Cordoba Hospital del Cardenal Salazar
Cuenca Hospital of Santiago
Danube Limes Carnuntum (ID No 31): The barracks, the central buildings principia (staff building), praetorium (accommodation for the legionary legate), the valetudinarium (camp hospital), three of the six tribune houses (officers' accommodation) and three larger farm buildings in the eastern half of the camp were almost completely excavated.
Divrigi A two storey hospital (1228-1229) adjoins the mosque
Elvas Military Hospital ... now part of the Hotel S
Ferrara The "Arcispedale Sant'Anna di Ferrara" Hospital, now outside the city, was originally founded in 1445 on the site of an ancient monastery of Augustinian friars from Armenia to which an oratory dedicated to Sant'Anna was linked. This was the first seat of the hospital, situated in the Piazzetta Sant'Anna. In 1927, the Sant'Anna was moved to a new location in Corso Giovecca.
Florence Santa Maria Nuova Hospital
Fray Bentos In the residential area built for the workers
Granada Hospital de la Tiña
Great Spa Towns of Europe Mineral water hospital in Bath
Ha Long Bay – Cat Ba Archipelago The Hospital Cave on Cat Ba was used as a secret hospital during the Vietnam War
Heritage of Mercury San Rafael Miners
Historic Cairo Qala'un complex
Hospicio Cabañas It had the combined functions of a workhouse, hospital, orphanage, and almshouse.
Island of Mozambique Holy House of Mercy - former hospital
Kraków under Austrian rule Wawel served as barracks and a military hospital
Kulangsu Hongning Hospital
Lübeck Heiligen Geist Hospital
Mammoth Cave "In 1842, Dr. John Croghan, seeking a cure for tuberculosis, established an unsuccessful treatment center within the Mammoth Cave system. Two of the six patients' huts, erected in the cave, remain today." - Nomination File
Maritime Greenwich Greenwich Naval College was originally built as the "Royal Hospital for Sailors"
Mexico City and Xochimilco Hospital of Jesus Nazareno. Built by order of Cortez. now a major active hospital but still including the early building.
Mining Sites of Wallonia Bois du Luc, hospice, built in 1861. It was extended with a hospital
Mérida Xenodochium
Naples Ospedale L'Albergo Reale dei Poveri
Nesvizh Used as a sanitorium during the Soviet era
Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin numerous hospitals, dispensaries, pharmacies, maternity clinics, milk depots, etc., for the miners and their families (AB ev)
Old City of Jerusalem Historical hospital at the Muristan
Palau de la Musica Catalana & Hospital de Sant Pau Hospital de Sant Pau: Although the hospital's current buildings date from the 20th century, the Hospital de la Santa Creu (the last part of its name, "Sant Pau", was added in honour of the banker, Pau Gil, who paid the new buildings in the twentieth century) was founded in 1401 when six small medieval hospitals merged. It was a fully functioning hospital until June 2009, when the new hospital opened next to it, before undergoing restoration for use as a museum and cultural center. (wiki)
Paris, Banks of the Seine Les Invalides
Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro Reina Sofia museum was built as a hospital and only ceased as such in 1969
Piazza del Duomo (Pisa) The Ospedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito was "built in 1257 by Giovanni di Simone over a preexisting smaller hospital, the function of this hospital was to help pilgrims, poor, sick people, and abandoned children by providing a shelter."
Pienza "Two structures with a social function, the hospital and the inn in front of the church of St Francis, were also built on his orders." (AB ev)
Quito San Juan de Dios Hospital (now City Museum)
Rammelsberg and Goslar Former miner's hospital next to St. Ulrich Chappel in Goslar
Regensburg St Katherinen Spital dates back to 1212
Rhodes The original hospice was replaced in the 15th century by the Great Hospital, built between 1440 and 1489, on the south side of the Street of the Knights. (AB ev)
Route of Santiago de Compostela Includes several former hospitals for pilgrims, for example the ruins of the Hospital of Paradiella.
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France Several former pilgrim's hospitals are included in the Route, including ones in Toulouse, Pons and Figeac.
Royal Exhibition Building it was used a fever hospital during the First World War (Unesco website)
Safi al-Din Ensemble in Ardabil The Ensemble included the hospital Sharbat Khānā or Shafā Khāna. (AB ev)
Salamanca Hospital del Estudio (dates from 15th century, now part of the University)
Saltaire The "Sir Titus Salt" hospital was built in 1868 as part of Salt's philanthropic vision for the town - "Salts hospital was opened in 1868 as a casualty ward for accidents in the Mill and then developed into a small hospital." It is now converted into flats (apartments).
Salvador de Bahia Church and Santa Casa da Misericórdia: former hospital, now a museum
San Marino and Mount Titano Ospedale di Stato (State Hospital): "It has been used as a Public Hospital until 1980, when it was restored as a high school." (Nomination file, p. 38)
Santa Cruz de Mompox San Juan de Dios Hospital was founded in 1550, and is considered to be oldest hospital in America still functioning in its original building.
Santiago de Compostela Former Hospital and Church of San Roque, "built to provide health care due to the 16th-century plague epidemics"
Santo Domingo Hospital San Nicol?s de Bari (first hospital built of stone in the Americas)
Sewell Mining Town Old Hospital
Siena Santa Maria della Scala - "one of Europe's first hospitals and is one of the oldest hospitals still surviving in the world" (wiki)
St. George, Bermuda military hospital
Stone Town of Zanzibar The Old Dispensary - built originally as a hospital but seems never have been used as such
Stralsund and Wismar Hospital zum heiligen Geist at Stralsund
Strasbourg The medieval hospital was destroyed by fire but its wine cellars survived the fire and are still active.
The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales Dinorewic Quarry hospital museum... Paid for by the slate workers
Tokaji Wine Region Catholic Hospital
Toledo Hospital Santa Cruz
Trebic Jewish hospital
Urbino The hospital of Santa Maria della Misericordia now lies outside the old town, but dates back to the first half of the 14th century, and was originally established by the Fraternity of Santa Maria della Misericordia in Pian di Mercato (now Piazza della Repubblica), to house abandoned newborns.
Valletta The Sacra Infermeria, Built late 16th C. also called Brand Hospital and Station Hospital. Ceased being a hospital in 1918 - now the Mediterranean Conference Centre.
Venice and its Lagoon Hospital complex on Castello
Vineyard Landscape of Piedmont Ospedale Santo Spirito at Nizza Monferrato
Wachau Cultural Landscape Kloster Und in Krems served as a hospital.


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