Built in the 16th century

WHS whose OUV derives entirely or significantly from 16th century constructions. Where construction straddles the centuries the date of conception/commencement is used i.e which century does the site really "belong" to in spirit.

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Alcala de Henares The Universidad y Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso is the heart of the university city. It was built in 1537-53 (AB ev)
Ambohimanga representative of the social and political structure of Malagasy society from at least the 16th century (AB ev)
Antigua Guatemala Founded in its current location in 1543 and was "capital" of the colony of Guatemala (most of C America and S Mexico)until 1776 when it was largely destroyed by an earthquake (earlier ones had also regularly caused damage), the capital was moved and the old city took its current name of "Antigua". A number of the major buildings were constructed during those 200 years but much of the extant fabric post-dates the earthquake. Sao Francisco Church and the ruined Sto Domingo Monastery contain probably the only 16th century remains. The towers of the Cathedral date to 1680. The monastery of the Capucins and La Merced church are also pre-earthquake 18th century
Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque constructed between 1554 and 1571
Aranjuez "The most important general factor which makes Aranjuez and its landscape distinctive and a strong candidate for World Heritage status is the way in which it has been shaped and developed by the interests of the Kings and Queens of Spain and their Courts between the early 16th and mid-19th centuries."
Arequipa Several periods, but "the natural disaster of 1582 caused a major change in favour of antiseismic construction, introducing a systematic use of sillar" was the most influential moment
Baroque Churches Stone church of San Agustin dates from 1587
Belem Monastery (1502), Belem Tower (1514)
Botanical Garden, Padua established in 1545
Bukhara The most celebrated buildings date from the Shaybanid period (1500-1598)
Camagüey 1528
Camino Real Defined first as far as Zacatecas, the original terminus, between 1540/50 in order to link its silver mines with the coast. A number of the route's inscribed towns were developed to protect this road. It was then extended as far as El Paso by 1598. It was in regular use as the main route into New Mexico for 300 years. See
Cartagena Founded in 1533, fortification started in 1586 (AB)
Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye Church of the Ascension was built in 1532 (AB ev)
Churches and Convents of Goa Portuguese since 1510, Jesuits arrived in 1542, construction of the Se Cathedral and Church of Bom Jesus started late 16th century
Classical Gardens of Suzhou it was during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and in particular the 16th to 18th centuries, that the city's prosperity resulted in the creation of as many as two hundred gardens (AB ev)
Coro and its Port 1527
El Escurial built 1563-1584
Fatehpur Sikri built 1571-1585
Fontainebleau transformed, enlarged and embellished in the 16th century by Francois I
Fort Jesus built by the Portuguese in 1593-1596
Genoa mercantile city & urban planning date from the 16th century (crit ii en iv), Lista dei Rolli (1576)
Hampi mostly built (and apogee) under Krishna Deva Raya (1509-1530)
Harar Jugol "Some sources indicate that Harar came into being around the 10th century or even earlier. Islam was introduced to Ethiopia in the 9th century. Three mosques of Harar have been dated to the 10th century...The walls surrounding this sacred Muslim city were built between the 13th and 16th centuries...In the 16th century, Harar was established in its present urban form and from 1520 to 1568 it was the capital of the Harari Kingdom. From the second half of the 16th century until the 19th century, Harar was noted as a centre of trade and Islamic learning in the Horn of Africa" (AB)
Heritage of Mercury The Spanish royal treasury acquired a monopoly in these activities in 1559. The Habsburgs then took direct control of the Idrija mines in 1575. (AB ev) -- Almadén is much older, but the heydays of both mines started due to the geopolitical circumstances in the 16th century
Hoi An "traditional asian trading port": commercial harbour developed from the late 16th century on (nomination document); "fusion of cultures over time" started around that date, leading up to the 19th century from which most current constructions date
Humayun's Tomb 1570
Ibiza "The intact 16th century fortifications of Ibiza" (AB ev)
Island of Mozambique Portuguese port since 1507, oldest extant fortress (St Sebastian, 1558-1620), other defensive buildings and numerous religious buildings (including many from the 16th century) (AB)
Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine the Iwami Ginzan Silver bearing seams were 'discovered' in 1526, and almost immediately developed (AB ev)
Kasbah of Algiers Construction started in 1516 and continued up to the 17thC
Kazan Kremlin "The Kazan Kremlin is a medieval fortress; its inner space ....contains buildings dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries, with remains of the 10th-16th century fortifications and structures." (AB). The Kremlin "on view" was constructed after the taking of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible's army in 1552 - in particular, the fortifications and the Cathedral complex are 16C.
Khami Ruins "According to Carbon 14 dating methods the city grew between ca. 1450 and 1650" (AB). Among goods found are "16th century Rhineland stoneware, Ming porcelain pieces which date back to the reign of Wan-Li (1573-1619)" (AB)
Kladruby nad Labem The Imperial Stud Farm was established in 1579 (AB ev)
Koutammakou "L'origine des Batammariba reste encore relativement incertaine...En fait, la comparaison avec les traditions orales des autres groupes ethniques de la région tend à prouver que les Batammariba sont venus de régions situées à l'Ouest ou au Nord-Ouest de l'Atacora, certains précisant du Burkina-Faso... Comme les autres groupes ethniques de la région ils se seraient réfugiés dans cette zone entre les 16ème et 18ème siècles pour mieux se protéger de la domination que cherchaient à imposer les royaumes des Mossés, Gourmantché ou encore Mamprussi et Dagomba" (Nom File)
Kronborg Castle built in 1574-1585
La Fortaleza and San Juan La Fortaleza - built 1533-1540; the sites illustrate the adaptation to the Caribbean context of European developments in military architecture from the 16th to 20th centuries
Lima Founded in 1535
Litomysl Castle completed in 1580, but with considerable modifications from 1719 onwards in the High Baroque style (AB ev)
Loire Valley Chambord 1519-1547
Luther Memorials on 31 October 1517, Luther posted his famous '95 Theses'
Lyon For its evolving town planning over the centuries: "Over-population and the risk of epidemics led to the implementation of a policy of planned expansion starting in the mid 16th century" (AB ev)
Macao A-Ma temple was actually first built in 1488, however all other buildings are from the 16th century on. "Portuguese traders first settled in Macau in the 16th century" - wiki
Mazagan Portuguese settled in 1502, fortifications built in 1541
Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge The Visegrad Bridge was constructed from 1571 to 1577 (AB ev)
Melaka and George Town In 1511 the Portuguese conquered the city of Melaka (AB ev)
Mexico City and Xochimilco Destruction of Tenochtitlan and foundation of Mexico City 1521/2
Mijikenda Kaya Forests "The sites all contain remains of kayas (or makaya), fortified villages inhabited by the Mijikenda people from around the 16th to the 19th century until their gradual abandonment between the early to mid 20th century" (AB ev)
Mir Castle 1520 (official website)
Morelia Founded in 1541 and gained city status from Charles V in 1545, taking the name of "Valladolid". By 1580 it had become both the civil and religious centre of the province. "The historic center is roughly equivalent to the original layout of the city when it was founded ..., and most of this layout has survived intact to the present day. Anticipating growth, this original layout had very wide streets and plazas for the time, with streets systematically arranged to allow for elongation. The streets are systematically laid out, but not rigidly squared, with most having gentle curves designed into them. Most of the grandest structures where completed during the 18th century, including the facade and bell towers of the Cathedral, the Colegio Seminario (today the State Government Palace), La Alhóndiga (today part of the Palace of Justice) and numerous private mansions. During the same time period, infrastructure such as the city's aqueduct and various plaza fountains were constructed." (Wiki)
Mostar The town was fortified between 1520 and 1566, and the bridge was rebuilt in stone. The second half of the 16th century and the early decades of the 17th century were the most important period in the development of Mostar.
Nesvizh "In 1582 Mikołaj Krzysztof "Sierotka" Radziwiłł ... started the construction of an imposing square three-storey "château". Although the works were based on a pre-existing structure of a medieval castle, the former fortifications were entirely turned into a renaissance-baroque house. Construction was completed by 1604,.... The most important structure .....is the Corpus Christi Church (1587 to 1603), " (Wiki)
Novodevichy Convent Founded in the 1520s; The wooden-framed iconostasis, decorated in gold-coated carvings, typical of Moscow Baroque, has icons of the 16th and 17th centuries. (AB ev)
Oaxaca and Monte Alban Oaxaca was founded in 1529 and "is a perfect example of a 16th-century colonial town." (Unesco)
Old Havana founded 1519
Panamá first European settlement on the Pacific coast of the Americas, in 1519
Par force hunting landscape Kings of Denmark confiscated the grounds of Gribskov in 1536 (AB ev)
Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro prototype of a Hispanic alameda (tree-lined avenue) from the 16th century (AB ev)
Plantin-Moretus Museum Christoffel Plantin set himself up as a printer in 1555, founding his publishing house 'De Gulden Passer' (The Golden Compasses). In 1576 he moved his printing business to the Vrijdagmarkt square.
Popocatepetl monasteries See its full name
Potosi It owes its prosperity to the discovery, between 1542 and 1545, of the New World's biggest silver lodes
Puebla "founded ex nihilo in 1531....It has preserved its great religious structures such as the 16th-17th-century cathedral and fine buildings like the old archbishop's palace" (AB)
Quito Taken by the Spanish in 1533
Red Bay Basque Whaling Station 'Grand Bay' (or 'la Gran Baya'), today known as Red Bay, became an important Basque whaling centre from the 1530s onwards (AB ev)
Rio de Janeiro The first European settlement, Rio, was founded at the foot of Sugar Loaf in 1565. (AB ev)
Rohtas Fort "Qila Rohtas (Rohtas Fort) was built in 1541-43 .... after the Mughal Emperor Humayun was expelled after his defeat at Chausa by Sher Khan"
Rome Renaissance: The existing design of the Piazza del Campidoglio and the surrounding palazzi was created by Renaissance artist and architect Michelangelo Buonarroti in 1536-1546. (wiki)
Ruins of León Viejo Heyday in mid 16th century, "frozen" in 1610
Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy The phenomenon of sacri monti ('sacred mountains') began at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries with the aim of creating in Europe places of prayer as alternative to the Holy Places in Jerusalem and Palestine .... The concept of the sacro monte ('sacred mountain') originated with the Counter-Reformation of the 16th century, following the Council of Trent (1545-63). (AB ev)
Safi al-Din Ensemble in Ardabil The Sheikh Safi al-Din ensemble is a prototype and an outstanding example of a 16th century religious complex (AB ev)
Salvador de Bahia Discovered 1502, first capital of Brazil (1549 to 1763), first slave market in the New World (from 1558)
San Cristobal de La Laguna First founded in 1497 it "consists of two distinct parts .. the Upper Town (Villa de Arriba) of 1497 and the Lower Town (Villa de Abajo) of 1502 ... (The latter) based on a regular town plan based on Leonardo da Vinci's model for Imola..The Lower Town .. expanded rapidly, attracting the island�s ruling classes, and by 1515 had more than a thousand inhabitants�. Monastic communities started in early 16C..Official urban status was granted 1531. ..The town was set up ...as the organized space of a new peaceful social order inspired by the millennary religious concepts of the year 1500."
Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca founded in 1557
Selimiye Mosque between 1569 and 1575
Seowon, Neo-Confucian Academies Earliest (Sosu-seowon) dates from 1542 CE
Shibam Most structures date from after a flood in the mid-1550's (AB ev)
Sucre founded in 1538
Sviyazhsk The monastery was given important privileges and the cathedral was built between 1556-1560 on the instigation of Ivan the Terrible (AB ev)
Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine It represents a masterpiece of mid-sixteenth to late-nineteenth century underground hydraulic engineering (OUV)
Temple, Mansion and Cemetery of Confucius While numerous tombs date as far back as the Zhou dynasty (1046-256 BC), the current layout and building design of the temple and mansion originate from the Ming Dynasty. "At its apogee in the 16th century the Mansion was made up of 170 buildings with 560 rooms, but only 152 buildings with 480 rooms survive, covering 12,470 m2. Most of the principal buildings date from the Ming Dynasty, with additional structures of the Qing Dynasty." - AB Document "The last major redesign following the fire in 1499 took place shortly after the building of the Forbidden City in the Ming Dynasty, the architecture of the Temple of Confucius resembles that of the Forbidden City in many ways." - Wiki
The Royal Court of Tiébélé "During the 16th century, Tiébélé expanded greatly in terms of territory, and also in terms of political and spiritual development; the Royal Court became one of the main chiefdoms (pa faru) of the Kasena lands and extended its influence over a large number of villages. It was from this period that the use of earthen architecture and the practice of engraved and sculpted painted decoration became widespread in Kasena settlements" (AB ev)
Thimlich Ohinga the period of construction and occupation of the site is likely to be between 1590 and 1680 (AB ev)
Timbuktu "The market city of Timbuktu reached its apex under the reign of the Askia (1493-1591)., Three essential monuments ..... fortunately still stand as testimony to the grandeur of Timbuktu. ...... The mosque of Djingareyber was built by the sultan Kankan Moussa after his return in 1325 from a pilgrimage to Mecca. Between 1570 and 1583 the Qadi of Timbuktu, Imam Al Aqib, had it reconstructed and enlarged,... (The) mosque of Sankore, built during the Mandingue period, was restored ..... between 1578 and 1582.... The mosque of Sidi Yahia, south of the mosque of Sankore, was probably built around 1400...... The sanctuary was restored in 1577-1578..." (AB)
Valletta Valleta's prime period was the 16th century - see Wiki for list of its major buildings including most churches and palaces
Vatican City St. Peter Basilica reconstructed in 16th century, Last Judgement painting by Michelangelo 1508-1512, influence on art from the 16th century on (AB)
Venetian Works of Defence See full name: Venetian Works of Defence Between 16th and 17th centuries
Vicenza and the Palladian Villas Andrea Palladio (1508-80)
Villa d'Este unique example of an Italian 16th-century garden (AB ev)
Water Management System of Augsburg By 1545 a strict separation between drinking and process water was being kept throughout the system of watercourses. (AB ev)
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region built between 16th and 19th centuries (Brief Description)
Zacatecas Founded in 1548, and already the prominent mining town in the late 16th century
Zamość Zamosc is an outstanding example of a Renaissance planned town of the late 16th century (AB)
Úbeda and Baeza "The most important development takes place from the mid 15th to the 16th century.... The most important historic buildings in Ubeda include: The Palace of Francisco de los Cobos... (1531), The funerary chapel of El Salvador del Mundo ..(1532-53); The Palace of Vázquez de Molina (1546), The Hospital Honrados Viejos (1548). The Palace of the Déan Ortega (1550)" (AB)


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