Named after individual people

Excluding saints.

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Alejandro de Humboldt National Park German Naturalist and explorer 1769 - 1859
Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque Francisco de Tembleque, a franciscan friar
Archaeological Site of Aigai Vergina (part of full name): The name Vergina was a suggestion by the metropolitan of Veroia, chosen for a legendary queen Vergina (Bergina) who was said to have ruled somewhere north of the Haliacmon and to have had her summer palace near Palatitsia
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo Don Juan Vicente de Güemes, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo, the 53rd viceroy of New Spain 1740-99
Bahá’i Holy Places After Bahá'u'lláh
Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains "The town was named after Graham Hoare Barber (1835-1888) who discovered a rich gold-bearing reef there in 1884" - Wiki
Champaner-Pavagadh "Champaner was founded by Vanraj Chavda, the most prominent king of the Chavda Dynasty, in the 8th century. He named it after his friend and general Champa, also known later as Champaraj" (wiki)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Named after 17th century local King Chhatrapati Shiraji, and its former name Victoria Termus is Queen Victoria of England
Chief Roi Mata's Domain Vanuatu's last paramount chief, Roi Mata.
Church of Atlántida Eladio Dieste (in full name): an Uruguayan engineer who made his reputation by building a range of structures from grain silos, factory sheds, markets and churches, most of them in Uruguay and all of exceptional elegance. (wiki)
Cienfuegos The original colony was called "Fernandina de Jagua" after the nearby Castilla de Jagua built by Spain in 1738. It (and the province within which it stands) was later renamed after Cuba's Spanish Captain General (Governor) Don José Cienfuego who had granted the right of settlement to the French-Louisianan émigré Louis de Clouet. NB: some books incorrectly state that it was named after one of Castro's fellow revolutionaries Camilo Cienfuegos!
Citadel of the Ho Dynasty Ho Quy Ly
Crespi d'Adda Cristoforo Benigno Crespi, founder and cotton manufacturer
Decorated cave of Pont d'Arc Grotte Chauvet - after one of its first explorers, Jean-Marie Chauvet
Dolomites Derived from the famous French mineralogist D?odat Gratet de Dolomieu who was the first to describe the rock, dolomite, a type of carbonate rock which is responsible for the characteristic shapes and colour of these mountains
Donana National Park The name of this land is consolidated a century later, with the construction by the seventh Duke of Medina Sidonia a palace for his wife, Dona Ana Gomez de Mendoza y Silva, in the heart of the mountain. The surrounding land soon begin to be known as the Forest of Dona Ana, Dona Ana Coto, etc. Until finally the name was shortened to know today.
Eisinga Planetarium Eise Eisinga, a Frisian amateur astronomer who built the Eise Eisinga Planetarium in his house in Franeker.
Engelsberg Ironworks "The works gets its name from Englika, a homesteader of German origin, who came here in the 14th century"
Euphrasian Basilica in Porec Named after bishop Euphrasius
Fasil Ghebbi Ghebbi Fortress founded in the 17th century by Emperor Fasilides. "Ghebbi" = "Enclosure" in Amharic ... so "Fasil's enclosure" (Fasilides (Ge'ez: ፋሲልደስ; Fāsīladas; 20 November 1603 – 18 October 1667), also known as Fasil, Basilide, or Basilides (as in the works of Edward Gibbon), was Emperor of Ethiopia from 1632 to his death on 18 October 1667) (Wiki)
Fortifications of Vauban
Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings Frank Lloyd Wright
Fraser Island Eliza Fraser, a survivor of the shipwrecked Sterling Castle and the wife of its captain, Captain James Fraser
Fray Bentos "The name “Fray Bentos” entails a certain kind of uncertainty; nevertheless, it is generally agreed that it might derive from the surname of a Friar Bentos. It seems that this hermit religious monk settled down in the area today called Rincón de Haedo, where there is now a village bearing the same name. According to historians, he founded a settlement in this place which had to be abandoned in two opportunities due to the violent Indian raids led by a native called Iramundi. Historical versions lead us to justify the subsequent self-reclusion of the religious man in a grotto found in the area of Caracoles Creek, to the South of the site where the City of Fray Bentos stands today" (The town was originally created as "Villa Independencia" in 1859)
Gamzigrad-Romuliana Queen mother Romula of the Roman tetrarch Galerius
Gonbad-e Qâbus "Built in AD1006 for Qabus ibn Voshmgir, Ziyarid ruler and literati" (UNESCO Web site). See
Gorham's Cave Complex "The cave is named after Captain A. Gorham of the 2nd Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers who discovered it in 1907, when opening a fissure at the rear of a sea cavern. Gorham inscribed his name and the date of his discovery in lamp-black on the wall of the cave, which has borne his name ever since." (wiki)
Gough and Inaccessible Islands Charles Gough, who reputedly rediscovered the island in 1731.
Gwynedd Castles King Edward (I)
Heard and McDonald Islands Captain John Heard, American sealer who sighted the island on 25 November 1853 & Captain William McDonald, who discovered the McDonald Islands close to Heard Island six weeks later, on 4 January 1854
Henderson Island British Capt. Henderson of the British East India Company ship Hercules, who re-discovered the island in 1819
Hopewell "The [Hopewell] mound group was named after Mordecai Hopewell, whose family then owned the property where the earthworks are sited." (wiki)
Hospicio Cabañas Bishop Juan Ruiz de Cabañas who was appointed to the see of Guadalajara
Huascaran National Park It is often suggested that Huascaran is named after the Inca emperor Huascar. But this is disputed: its original name was Huascan, which would mean "attractive" or "tempting".
Humayun's Tomb Humayun, second Mughal Emperor of India
Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works Named after the English chemical engineer James Thomas Humberstone. From 1875 he spent his entire career in the Peruvian/Chilean nitrate industry and is credited with introducing the improved "Shanks extraction process" around 1878 which enabled the mines to compete. He retired in 1925. In 1934 the plant was renamed in honour after him by a later owning company.
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal Ir. D.F. Wouda, head engineer and designer
Island of Saint-Louis Louis XIV
Jaipur City, Rajasthan Jaipur was founded in 1727 by the Kacchawa Rajput ruler Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amer, after whom the city is named. (wiki)
Jodrell Bank Observatory Named after “William Jauderell”, an archer who fought with the Black Prince at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356
Joya de Ceren Joya de Ceren ("Jewel" or) Fertile Valley of Cerén" in Spanish, Cerén is a surname of the former landowner) is located on the periphery of the Mayan realm."
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Named after its founder, Mikolaj Zebrzydowski, at the time governor of Krakow.
Karlskrona King Charles XI of Sweden
Kunta Kinteh Island "Kunta Kinte (sic)- the fictional, or possibly genuine, Mandinka slave ancestor of Alex Haley as described in "Roots - the Saga of an American Family"
L'viv Leo the great
Le Havre Auguste Perret, chief architect and city planner (refers to full name of the site: Le Havre, the city rebuilt by Auguste Perret)
Lord Howe Island Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe
Lorentz National Park Hendrikus Albertus Lorentz, a Dutch explorer who passed through the area on his 1909-1910 expedition.
Luis Barragán House and Studio Luis Barragán, Mexican 20th century architect
Luther Memorials Reformer Martin Luther
Macquarie Island Colonel Lachlan Macquarie
Major Town Houses Victor Baron Horta, Belgian architect
Manovo-Gounda St. Floris Named in July 1940 after Henri Bouvard de Saint Floris (1888-1937). Inspector of Hunting in French Equatorial Africa and writer of several books articles on Africa
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt Named after Mathilde Karoline von Bayern, the wife of Louis III, Grand Duke of Hesse.
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi Khodja Ahmed Yasawi is the most prominent religious figure in the history of Sufism.
Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge Ottoman statesman and Grand Vizier Mehmed Pa?a Sokolovic
Melaka and George Town George Town is named after the British King George III
Monticello Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the queen consort of King George III of the United Kingdom; For "University of Virginia": Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England the "Virgin Queen"
Moravian Church Settlements named after the Danish king Christian VII
Morelia After Jose Maria Morelos, an Independence fighter
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park Prof. Noel Kempff Mercado
Ogasawara Islands Sadoyori Ogasawara: "in honor of Ogasawara Sadayori, a supposed ancestor of the ronin Ogasawara Sadatō fictitiously credited with the discovery of the chain" (wiki)
Old Town Lunenburg "The town was named in honour of the King of Great Britain and Ireland,George August of Hanover who was also the Duke of Braunschweig-Luneburg" (Wiki)
Peninsula Valdes Antonio Valdés y Baz
Pienza Pope Pius II
Plantin-Moretus Museum Christoffel Plantin and his son-in-law, Jan Moretus, both printers
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River Wiki: The nearby city of the same name "was named after Princess Asunci?n, born in 1864 to Queen Isabella II and her consort, Francisco de C?diz. When the princess suffered an untimely death, the Queen changed the name to Puerto de la Princesa. Eventually, the name was reduced to Puerto Princesa as it is known today". "Spanish Colonizers founded the settlement on 4 March 1872 in the course of their exploration of the province."
Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos ..the town of Pythagorio, formerly known as Tigani. The town was renamed in 1955 to honour the locally born mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. (wiki)
Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli Rashid Karami, a Lebanese statesman
Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras Philip of Spain
Rietveld Schröderhuis Mrs. Truus Schröder-Schräder
Rohtas Fort The fort was named by Sher Shah after the famous Rohtas Garh fort in Shahabad District near Baharkunda in Bihar (India), which he captured from the Raja of Rohtas Hari Krishna Rai in 1539. Rohtas Garh is situated on the upper course of the river Son. It was built by Harish Chandra of the Solar dynasty (see link) and was named after his son Rohitsava after whom the fort Rohtas Garh was named
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple Kakatiya General Recharla Rudra
Saint-Emilion Named after the monk Emilion, a travelling confessor, who settled in a hermitage carved into the rock there in the 8th century.
Saltaire Titus Salt, the town's founder.
San Miguel de Allende the birthplace of Ignacio Allende, whose surname was added to the town's name in 1826 (wiki)
Santa Cruz de Mompox After its (disputed) founder, Juan de Santa Cruz, Governor of Cartagena (AB ev)
Selimiye Mosque After Sultan Selim II who commissioned it.
Selous Game Reserve Frederick Courteney Selous DSO (31 December 1851 - 4 January 1917) was a British explorer, hunter, and conservationist famous for his exploits in Southern Africa.
Sewell Mining Town Braden Copper Company's first president, Mr. Barton Sewell
Split Roman Emperor Diocletian (refers to full name of the site:Historic Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian)
St. George, Bermuda Bermuda was named after the Spanish navigator/explorer Juan de Bermudez who discovered it 1503. St George's was named in honour of the founder of the Bermuda colony, Admiral Sir George Somers
Stoclet House built for banker and art lover Adolphe Stoclet
Struve Geodetic Arc German-born Russian scientist Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve
Sucre Antonio José de Sucre, South American independence leader
Sulaiman-Too A 16th century moslem prophet named Sulayman
Sydney Opera House British Home Secretary, Thomas Townshend, Lord Sydney
São Luis After Saint Louis IX of France as a compliment to King Louis XIII
Sítio Roberto Burle Marx Roberto Burle Marx, a Brazilian landscape architect
Taj Mahal Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal (which actually is a title, "the exalted one of the palace")
Tasmanian Wilderness Abel Janszoon Tasman (1603 - October 10, 1659), was a Dutch seafarer, explorer, and merchant.
Temple, Mansion and Cemetery of Confucius Confucius 551 BCE ? 479 BCE) was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher
The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier Le Corbusier
Thessalonika Thessalonica, the sister of Alexander the great.
Timbuktu Buktu, the woman who was in charge of guarding the village when it was established
Tomb of Askia Askia Mohammad I, first Emperor of Songhai
Tugendhat Villa Fritz Tugendhat, owner of a Brno textile factory and owner of this villa
Valletta Grandmaster Jean de la Vallette
Victoria Falls British Queen Victoria
Villa d'Este The Villa was named after and commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este (1509–1572) (wiki)
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park Waterton Lakes NP was named after Charles Waterton (June 3, 1782 - May 27, 1865), an English naturalist and explorer.
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal Regarding Vladimir there are 2 views. The "orthodox" one (Wiki) "attributes the founding of the city, and its name, to Vladimir Monomakh, who inherited the region as part of the Rostov-Suzdal principality in the 1093. In 1958, the 850th anniversary of the city foundation was celebrated, with many monuments from the celebrations adorning the city squares." The newer one is that "Scholars reinterpreted certain passages in the Hypatian Codex, which mentions that the region was visited by Vladimir the Great, the "father" of Russian Orthodoxy, in 990" and that the city foundation date was in that year.
Willemstad William II, Prince of Orange
Works of Antoni Gaudí Architect Antonio Gaudí
Wrangel Island the island was named after Baron Ferdinand von Wrangel (1797-1870), who, after reading Andreyev's report and hearing Chukchi stories of land at the island's coordinates, set off on an expedition (1820-1824) to discover the island, with no success (wiki)
Yaroslavl Yaroslav I
Zamość named after its creator Jan Zamysky


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