Weecheng Profile

Fanatic about travel; Done 181 UN member states so far.  Took 2 1-year career break to travel, in 2002 and 2007. Enjoying visiting WHS. 

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Recent Reviews Weecheng

Tet el Bad (T)

Weecheng Singapore - 08-Jun-24

Tet el Bad is a very strange Unesco tentative site. It is a rectangular stone coffin or sarcophagus located on top of a raised platform behind the chiefs’ meeting house in Ollei traditional village in Ngarchelong State. The stone coffin is a fine example of expert carving of a sarcophagus with both the casket and the lid made of andesite rock. The coffin has a length of 233 centimeters and a width 66 centimeters and a height of 40 centimeters.No human remains have been found inside, leading to speculation about whether it was ever used or if the remains were removed or decayed beyond recognition. The absence of inscriptions or artifacts within the coffin leaves its story untold

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Nan Madol

Weecheng Singapore - 08-Jun-24

Mysterious ancient city built on coral rocks on the SE corner of Pohnpei. You can either get a boat there (nice approach from the sea) that can be arranged via Pohnpei Surf Club (google them) or drive about 1.5 hr to get there. I will talk about the second method since I did not take a boat. A taxi will cost you US$80 for one person and a bit more for the whole car if more than one person. I went with the taxi driver named Augustine (691)9264085 who is recommended by many on Facebook EPS. For US$80, he can drive you to multiple sites all over Pohnpei for a full day.I do not suggest you drive yourself due to the complexity of finding one’s way to the ruins from the car parking area

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Update 23.06.24

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