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Recent Reviews Ben Pastore

Vallée de Mai

Ben Pastore USA - 23-Mar-09

Having just spent a week on Praslin Island, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit this tiny WHS. Claims that this might have been the original garden of Eden are a bit exaggerated, but the atmosphere is definitely unique with giant palm fronds casting an interesting atmosphere under the canopy. Of course, the rather anantomically correct male and female Coco de Mer palms are the real stars of the show, and was very glad one of those giant nuts didn't fall on my head. It was also nice to see the steep entrance fee being put to good use, as they were nearing completion on a brand new visitor's center when I visited (March 2009)

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Ancient Thebes

Ben Pastore USA - 28-Apr-06

Once the religious center of ancient Egypt, the Temple of Karnak was as impressive as they come. And while repeated exposure to ancient sites tends to leave one jaded to a place's importance, Luxor and its surrounds still made for a wonderful place to wander about and image the glory of the days of the Pharoahs

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Piazza del Duomo (Pisa)

Ben Pastore USA - 08-Nov-05

My visit here was at the age of eight years old. How my mother let my go climbing around those precarious stairs and ledges is beond me. Regardless, even at that tender age I remember the magnificent view and could tell that this was someplace special

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Morne Trois Pitons

Ben Pastore USA - 01-Aug-05

My visit to Morne Trois National Park in 2004 was primarily in the breathtaking Titou Gorge, where we participated in an excursion called the tropical tunnel. This consisted of a half hour bus ride inland from the charming capital of Roseau, to a spot in the mountains where we were given wet suits, helmets, and a harness, then hiked another half hour to the gorge. When we arrived it was like stumbling upon paradise on earth. All was green and waterfalls poured into the gorge at frequent intervals. We slid our way down the narrow chasm dripping with greenery, clambering over slick mossy stones and splashing in the refreshing mountain water for about an hour until we had to climb back up. I figured Dominica would harbor natural beauty but this really took my breath away

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Göreme NP and Cappadocia

Ben Pastore USA - 01-May-05

Göreme NP and Cappadocia

Words can't really describe this moonscape of both natural and man-made sculptures of rock. Troglodyte dwellings of generations past are fun to wander through and their architectural style can best be described as early Dr. Suess. A balloon ride, though expensive is beyond worth the price as the surreal landscape will take the breath away from even the most jaded traveler. My own recommendation is to stay in a cave hotel for a unique and fun way to spend the night.

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Ben Pastore
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Te Wahipounamu -New Zealand
Historic Center of Parati, Brazil

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