Minority communities

Cultural sites where the OUV is related to a living minority community.

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Site Rationale Link
Aasivissuit - Nipisat rich archaeological record of Palaeo-Inuit and Inuit cultures (OUV)
Abu Mena Abu Mena is administered by the Coptic Church, close to the active modern monastery of the same name
Agadez Tuareg capital of Niger. The Tuaregs constitute about 10 percent of total population
Ahwar of Southern Iraq Different tribes known together as 'Marsh Arabs'
Ancient Tea Plantations of Pu'er "Tea cultivation is maintained by the Blang and Dai peoples" (AB ev)
Bahá’i Holy Places Bahai
Bassari Country "The Bassari are an ethnic group who live primarily in Senegal, with some diaspora into Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. They are a matrilineal society stratified into different co ed social groups by age.[1]: 46  The Bassari speak a Tenda language called o-niyan...... The total population is estimated to be 15,000" (Wiki)
Berat and Gjirokastra Considerable Greek community in Gjirokastra, its coexistence is part of the OUV of this site
Blue and John Crow Mountains Jamaican Maroons
Bolgar Tatars
Budj Bim Cultural Landscape testimony to the cultural traditions, knowledge, practices and ingenuity of the Gunditjmara (OUV)
Bursa and Cumalikizik Settlement of Turkmen in Cumalikizik
Chongoni Rock Art Chewa
Churches of Peace Silesians
Cliff of Bandiagara Dogon
Curonian Spit Curonians
Erbil Citadel Kurds
Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda The missions were built for Chichimeca, Otomi and Huasteca who still inhabit the area.
Gedeo Cultural landscape Gedeo
Ghadames Tuareg Berbers
Grand Pré Acadians
Gusuku of Ryukyu Ryukyuans
Hani Rice Terraces Hani, one of the 56 nationalities officially recognized by the People's Republic of China
Harar Jugol Ethiopian muslims
Hawraman/Uramanat "The remote and mountainous landscape of Hawraman/Uramanat bears testimony to the traditional culture of the Hawrami people, an agropastoral Kurdish tribe that has inhabited the region since about 3000 BCE." (Official description)
Hedeby and Danevirke Danish minority of Southern Schleswig
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region Hanare Kirishitan - Japanese Christians
Hollókö Palocz minority
Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos Connected to the Chiquitos as well as other tribes in the Santa Cruz province
Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis Connected to the Guaranis who still inhabit the Missiones province in Argentina (they constitute the majority in Paraguay so only Argentina-Brazil counts)
Kazan Kremlin Tatars
Khangchendzonga National Park Lepcha (probably indigenous) and Bhutias (from Tibet)
Khinalig Khinalig People
Koguryo Kingdom located in the Korean Autonomous Region
Konso Konso
Koutammakou Batammariba
Kujataa Inuit culture (from 18th century to the present)
Laponian Area Saami
M'Zab Valley Ibadi Muslims
Mijikenda Kaya Forests Mijikenda (nine ethnic groups)
Old City of Jerusalem Armenian Quarter; Jerusalem's Muslim quarter is home to historic communities of Indians, Persians, Gypsies and Sub-Saharan Africans - each with its own traditional area and its own mosque.
Old Town of Lijiang Naxi
Palau de la Musica Catalana & Hospital de Sant Pau Catalan: the architect, Llu?s Dom?nech i Montaner, wanted to reflect the Catalan character in his work and also was a prominent Catalan politician
Potala Palace Tibetans
Qadisha Valley "Syrian Maronites fled there from religious persecution from the late 7th century onwards" (AB evaluation)
Quebrada de Humahuaca Most local population identifies as Kolla (who are the descendents of the Omaguaca). Their traditional language was Cacan but it was later given up in favour of Quechua (still spoken in the area) and Spanish
Querétaro Indian quarters - Otomi, Tarasco and Chichimeca
Rapa Nui The Rapanui or Rapa Nui are the native Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui
Richtersveld Nama people continue to live and graze their livestock in the area
SGang Gwaay Haida people
Sighisoara Sighisoara is an outstanding testimony to the culture of the Transylvanian Saxons, a culture that is coming to a close after 850 years and will continue to exist only through its architectural and urban monuments. (AB evaluation)
Silk Roads Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor The Tomb of Mahmud Kashgari is a symbol of Uyghur nationalism
Taos Pueblo Native Americans (tribe of Pueblo people)
Taputapuātea Eastern Polynesians within France
The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales The maintenance of Welsh language and quarrying culture represents the adaptation of a traditional minority culture to modernity. (AB ev)
Tokaji Wine Region "This exceptional cultural tradition and civilisation have ensured immigrants of various nations - Saxons, Swabians, Russians, Polish, Serbs, Romanians, Armenians, and Jewish - live together harmoniously for centuries in this region." (nom file), also gypsies
Tomb of Askia Songhai
Tr’ondëk-Klondike Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Tsodilo San people
Tusi Sites Tujia, Gelao and Miao Ethnic Peoples
Uluru Australian Aborigines
Upper Svaneti Svans
Vall de Boi "The way of life in mediaeval Catalonia as expressed by this group of churches and villages can be said to have been of great importance in the recognition of Catalan cultural identity. The Romanesque art of these Pyrenean villages played a vital role in the movement for the restoration of Catalan nationality and identity in the early 20th century." (Official description)
Vigan Illocanos - mentioned by the AB
Villages with Fortified Churches Saxons
Wadi Rum Bedouin Arabs
Willemstad Less than 350 Jews remain in Curacao "The Historic Area of Willemstad is a European colonial ensemble in the Caribbean of outstanding value and integrity, which illustrates the organic growth of a multicultural community over three centuries and preserves to a high degree significant elements of the many strands that came together to create it.” - AB Evaluation
Wooden Churches of the Slovak Carpathians Two of the churches belong to the Ruthenian / Rusyn community
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region most of the Tserkvas in the Ukraine belong to the Hutzul minority
Works of Antoni Gaudí Gaudí promoted the Catalan movement for regaining sovereignty from Spain by incorporating elements of Catalan culture in his designs. He also was involved in politics
Writing-on-Stone / Áísínai’pi The Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksikáítsitapi)
ǂKhomani Cultural Landscape Khomani San


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