
A necropolis is a large formal cemetery with implications of grandeur and decoration, possibly but not solely for significant people.

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Agrigento "The site boundary includes the entire territory of the ancient polis, including the extramural area of the necropolis (...)" (Official description) – "At the western tip of the area in which the Temple of Concordia lies, are parts of a late-ancient or early-medieval necropolis, constructed on existing cisterns. (...) These late-Roman and Byzantine necropolises lie in an area used for tombs since ancient times."
Al Ain Al Naqfa Ridge Tombs, with the remains of a necropolis
Al-Faw "Located at the centre of the oasis is the ruin of the city of Qaryat. (...) A funerary ring of necropolises surrounds the urban and religious sectors and is, in turn, encompassed by the oasis." (AB Ev)
Ancient Thebes
Arles Roman necropolis Alyscamps
Astronomical Observatories of Kazan Federal University "at the central point of the necropolis, where astronomers Dubyago and Engelhardt are buried." nom file
Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn
Cyrene among the most extensive necropolises of the ancient world
Dilmun Burial Mounds "The latter is best reflected in the extensive necropoleis with their variety of graves, comprising burial mounds of various size, as well as chieftain mounds and the grandest of them all, the so-called royal mounds."(OUV)
Dougga/Thugga the presence of a necropolis with dolmens, the most ancient archaeological find at Dougga (wiki)
Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs
Ennedi Massif Tumuli grouped in large necropolises easily detectable in the landscape - in Chibi more than 2000 burial sites extend over dozens of hectares (AB ev)
Etruscan Necropolises
Ferrara Etruscan necropolis of Spina near Comacchio
Funerary and memory sites of the First World War "The component sites include different types of necropolises – military, battlefield burial grounds, hospital cemeteries and cemeteries where the remains were regrouped later" (AB ev)
Gebel Barkal "Later Napatan pyramids were sited at Nuri, on the west bank of the Nile in Upper Nubia. This necropolis was the burial place of 21 kings and 52 queens and princes. The oldest and largest pyramid at Nuri is that of the Napatan king and twenty-fifth dynasty pharaoh Taharqa. The most extensive Nubian pyramid site is at Meroe, which is located between the fifth and sixth cataracts of the Nile, approximately one hundred kilometres north of Khartoum. During the Meroitic period over forty kings and queens were buried there."
Hegra "The most important remains of this period consist of four main necropoles" (AB ev)
Hierapolis-Pamukkale Hierapolis
Hopewell "Mound City ... a clustered Hopewell necropolis, of which it is the only surviving example. " (nom file)
Humayun's Tomb dubbed 'the necropolis of the Mughal Dynasty'
Ibiza Puig des Molins
Kerkuane Necropolis of Arg el Ghazouani
Kremlin and Red Square Kremlin
Kyiv Cathedral and Lavra Pechersk Lavra
Longobards in Italy Castelseprio: "In the area in front of the church and near the perimeter walls of the Church of Santa Maria foris portas stood a necropolis that was laid out over several periods." (Nomination file, p. 156)
Lower German Limes Gelduba (Krefeld-Gellep): The settlement area became particularly famous for its necropolis, of which over 6,000 graves were archaeologically examined. The period of occupation of the burial grounds ranges from the first to the eighth century and thus has one of the rare continuity of settlements from the Roman to the Merovingian times. (wiki)
Makli, Thatta One of the largest necropolises in the world, supposed to be the burial place of some 125,000 Sufi saints
Moidams "Moidams – the Mound-Burial System of the Ahom Dynasty are a royal mound burial necropolis established by the Tai-Ahom in northeastern India. Ninety moidams are found within the Charaideo necropolis, sited on elevated land." - AB Evaluation
Nan Madol Madol Pah
Necropolis of Bet She'arim
Nisa Reputedly the royal necropolis of the Parthian kings (wiki)
Ohrid Region Trebenista
Palmyra Outside the ancient walls, to the west, the Palmyrenes constructed a series of large-scale funerary monuments which now form the so-called Valley of Tombs, a 1 km (0.62 mi) long necropolis. (wiki)
Paphos Tombs of the Kings
Pompei Etruscan 6th century necropolis, Roman necropolises
Pyramids (Memphis)
Qalhat Area includes the city's necropolises (AB ev)
Saloum Delta "The Saloum tumuli shell mounds, at least the largest of them, are concentrations of a small number of tombs and fulfil the role of necropoli and permanent sacred spaces." (AB ev)
Samarkand Shah-i-Zinda
Silk Roads: Zarafshan-Karakum Corridor Chor Bakr Necropolis
Syracuse Necropolis of Pantalica
Tarraco Paleochristian necropolis
Tchogha Zanbil
Thracian tomb of Kazanlak
Tyre At Al-Bass
Vatican City 1st century Roman Necropolis
Via Appia The property includes burial sites such as necropolises. (AB Ev)
Xanthos-Letoon Xanthos


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