Pacific Ocean

WHS related to the Pacific Ocean, where
a. boundary of the core zone touches the Ocean coast (including the "tideway" of estuaries)
b. OUV mentions the Pacific Ocean

"Marginal seas" that have their own connection take precedence over the connection with the Pacific Ocean (elsewhere the Ocean is applied)

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo
Australian Convict Sites Norfolk Island
Bikini Atoll
Chan Chan
Chief Roi Mata's Domain
Chinchorro Culture Component 1 and 3 border the Pacific Ocean
Churches of Chiloé Church of Caguach lies directly at the
Cocos Island
Coiba National Park
Darien National Park The Park's southwestern coast on the Pacific, is some 50 km of rocky shores and sandy beaches. (UNEP-WCMC)
East Rennell
Fraser Island
Fujisan Mihonomatsubara pine tree grove
Galapagos Islands
Great Barrier Reef
Gulf of California
Hawaii Volcanoes
Henderson Island
Kii Mountain Range Shichirimihama, a flat sand and gravel Pacific coast has been serving as an integral part of the Kumano Sankeimichi Iseji pilgrimage route, part of Kii Mountain
Lagoons of New Caledonia
Lord Howe Island
Macquarie Island
Marquesas Islands Located in the centre of the South Pacific Ocean
Marquesas Islands "Located in the centre of the South Pacific Ocean" (AB ev)
Mount Hamiguitan
Nan Madol
Ogasawara Islands located in the western Pacific Ocean
Olympic National Park
Phoenix Islands
Rapa Nui
Rock Islands
SGang Gwaay
Shiretoko Lies at the Sea of Okhotsk, "a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean" (wiki)
Sub-Antarctic Islands
Sydney Opera House
Te Wahipounamu
Tubbataha Reefs
Volcanoes of Kamchatka Kronotsky Nature Reserve
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino


Do you know of another WHS we could connect to Pacific Ocean?

Send it to me!

A connection should:

  1. Not be "self evident"
  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
  4. Add some knowledge or insight (whether significant or trivial!) about WHS for the users of this site
  5. Be explained, with reference to a source