Archaeological potential

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Agrigento "The site boundary includes (...) a wide portion of land where there are still unexcavated archaeological structures." (Official description)
Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad The gardens have not yet been explored by archeologists, although ornamental fountains have been discovered (wiki)
Al Zubarah "Excavation has only taken place over a small part of the site"
Ancient Jericho "Today, about thirty percent of the tell is excavated" (AB ev)
Aquileia "Most of it still lies unexcavated beneath the fields, and as such it constitutes the greatest archaeological reserve of its kind."
Arslantepe Mound The progressively expanding researches on the Hittite and Neo-Hittite period levels are in progress and can potentially bring to light new monuments of great historical and cultural value in the near future. (Executive summary, p. 4)
Babylon the large majority of the property remains unexcavated and retains a significant potential to provide knowledge based on the yet unaltered and unexcavated remains (AB ev)
Berat and Gjirokastra The subsoil still bears previous traces of the various Balkan civilisations yet to be uncovered by archaeologists. (AB Ev)
Bolgar The historical and archaeological complex of Bolgar retains considerable and multi-layered archaeological potential reaching back to earlier periods than the preserved architectural evidence (AB ev)
Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex The Fortified Temple was abandoned for over a millennium before it was reoccupied. Late Intermediate Period occupants (1100-1470 AD) left human burials, graffiti on the surviving walls, offerings, and some possible constructions of ephemeral use. This occupation is dated between 1051 and 1286 AD. It is likely that there is much more evidence of the occupation of the area at this time in sectors not investigated within the Chankillo Monumental Archaeological Zone. (Nomination Text, p. 77)
Chinchorro Culture At present, both the settlement and the artifactual evidence in situ below the surface in the Desembocadura de Camarones area are intact and a potential source of scientific information for both the present and the future. At domestic sites such as Conchal Sur, Camarones 14, Camarones 17, Camarones 1, Camarones 2 and Camarones 8, the possibility of future studies into the relationship between different populations and between them and their surroundings is assured. (Chinchorro Culture Nomination Text, p. 184)
Choirokoitia "Since only part of the site has been excavated, it forms an exceptional archaeological reserve for future study"
Danube Limes "The nominated component parts include not only the Roman architectural monuments which are preserved above the surface, but also archaeologically not yet examined and therefore fully undisturbed monuments underground." (Nomination file, p. 237) Enns – Gräberstraße (ID No 14a): "(...) graves and burial structures are clearly visible in the survey images. Road and graves are preserved under the earth's surface in their substance. The so far intact area of the cemetery is a zone with a particularly high research potential for Roman burial customs of Lauriacum." (Nomination file, p. 68)
Dilmun Burial Mounds Most of the tumuli have not been excavated
El Tajin "It is believed that only half of El Tajin archeological site has been uncovered." (wiki)
Gorham's Cave Complex "The archaeological and scientific potential of the caves continues to be explored" (OUV)
Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain Tomb of Genghis Khan
Hedeby and Danevirke Some 95% of the town remains unexcavated (AB ev)
Himā Cultural area The property and its buffer zone are also rich in unexcavated archaeological resources in the form of cairns, stone structures, interments, stone tool scatters and ancient wells. (AB ev)
Jomon Prehistoric Sites Some of "the property's archaeological features" are "still unexcavated and covered with a protective layer of soil". – "The State Party indicates that while further excavations are possible, they are not considered urgent at this time. Nevertheless, in response to a question by ICOMOS, the State Party indicated in its additional information that (test) excavations are planned/ongoing at four sites in order to confirm the presence of archaeological remains. Some sites have areas set aside for future excavations". (AB Ev)
Khami Ruins "still has a considerable archaeological potential" (AB ev)
Lower German Limes "In some cases the buffer zones include areas of archaeological potential" (AB Ev) – Several components include unexcavated sections, e.g. Valkenburg-Centrum, Leiden-Roomburg, Woerden-Centrum, Utrecht-Domplein, Nijmegen-Valkhof area, Nijmegen-Hunerberg, Nijmegen-Kops Plateau. (Nomination file, p. 60, 62, 66, 104, 105)
Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor "No doubt thousands of statues still remain to be unearthed at this archaeological site"
Medina Azahara "Only about 10 hectares of the 112 hectares (0.43 sq mi) of the city have been excavated and partially restored" (wiki)
Neolithic Orkney "together with a number of unexcavated burial, ceremonial and settlement sites"
Paquimé "only about 20% has been excavated" (AB ev)
Pyu Ancient Cities "The three cities are partly excavated archaeological sites"
Risco Caido "ICOMOS notes that, bearing in mind the recent discovery at Risco Caido, the archaeological potential in the buffer zone is promising." (AB ev)
Ruins of León Viejo "Moreover, the site has immense archaeological potential"
Ruins of Loropéni "The property which was finally deserted in the early 19th century is expected to yield much more information"
Syracuse "(...) there are still great possibilities for research both in the vast necropolises with the rock-cut tombs of the various periods of the Pantalica culture, and in the area of the so-called Anaktoron. Here the necessity to explore the area to the west of the monument and above all, the area all round it becomes pressing, to discover traces of the prehistoric settlement that it must have ruled over." (Management plan, p. 96)
Um er-Rasas "This Unesco World Heritage Site continues to be excavated, meaning further marvellous discoveries may yet be made."
Umm Al-Jimāl "The nominated property has been thus far minimally excavated (approximately two percent). Of more than 170 structures identified, only a few have been investigated archaeologically." (AB Ev)


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