Glazed tiles

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Alto Douro Estação Ferroviária do Pinhão
Angra do Heroismo Azulejos
As-Salt Other typical materials include glazed ceramic tiles (AB ev)
Belem Azulejos in the refectory of the Monastery
Burgundy Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne de Dijon ; Hospices de Beaune ; Hôtel de Vogüé
Bursa and Cumalikizik Green Mosque, is covered with Iznik glazed tiles (AB ev)
Changdeokgung Palace Complex Seonjeongjeon still has the old-style glazed blue tiles, that once were common in Korea. Now Changdeokgung is one of the only places in Korea these tiles can still be found
Erbil Citadel On the minaret
Evora Azulejos
Humayun's Tomb
Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial palace for its yellow glazed tiles.
Ironbridge Gorge Tile factory in Jackfield
Istanbul Blue Mosque
Itchan Kala
Kasbah of Algiers The Mustapha Pasha Palace contains half a million old faience tiles originating from Algeria, Tunisia, but also from Spain and Italy. Ceramic tiles with floral and geometric designs were also used as decorations in the houses (in the patios and around windows). (French wiki)
Lima The Monastery of San Francisco had an azulejos workshop (AB ev), and there are still several in situ at both the Monastery and the Cathedral
Makli, Thatta Jama Mosque
Masjed-e Jâme'
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt Russian Chapel: "Its design typifies the architecture of historicism, common throughout Europe during these years, which draws from the wealth of forms of architectural history and brings it into the present with new materials and designs. An example is the architect's extensive use of faience, not common in historical Russian architecture, on the facades of the chapel." (Nomination file, p. 30)
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi "its extrados is covered with green and golden decorated tiles" (AB ev)
Meidan Emam, Esfahan
Minaret of Jam
Monastery of Alcobaça In the kitchen of the monastery
Mount Taishan Azure Cloud Goddess Temple
Mount Wutai Pusading Temple, one of the few temples that allowed to use imperial yellow glazed tiles.
Mudejar Architecture of Aragon "it is characterized by an extremely refined and inventive use of brick and glazed tiles in architecture" (AB ev)
Museumsinsel (Museum Island) Ishtar Gate
Naples Santa Chiara
Nice Faience is used on the façade of the former Gare des chemins de fer de Provence. (Nomination file, p. 124)
Olinda Fine azulejos at Igreja da Misericórdia and at Convento de Sao Francisco
Oporto Azulejos
Palau de la Musica Catalana & Hospital de Sant Pau
Pampulha Church: "embellished by a large mural by Cándido Portinari of Portuguese blue-and-white glazed tiles (azulejos) depicting scenes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi."
Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro Palacio de Velazquez makes prominent use of glazed tiles
Puebla Azulejos
Residence of Bukovinian & Dalmatian Metropolitans ornately patterned, glazed tile roofs (AB ev)
Rohtas Fort The tiles on Shishi gate are the earliest example of the usage of glazed tiles that became popular with the Mughals.
Safi al-Din Ensemble in Ardabil Tomb Tower of Shaykh Safi
Salvador de Bahia Church and Convent of São Francisco: "The Franciscan church and convent have the largest number of azulejos, 55,000, of any church in Latin America" (wiki)
Selimiye Mosque Iznik tiles
Sintra Azulejos
Site of Xanadu glazed tiles were found (AB ev)
Soltaniyeh The applied decoration is virtually a ‘museum’ of glazed tile work and painted stucco. (AB ev)
São Luis Azulejos
Sítio Roberto Burle Marx Made by Marx himself, a panel covering the walls of one of the buildings on site
Temple of Heaven
Trinity Sergius Lavra The Church of the Holy Spirit (Dukhovskaya>... The interior walls have the earliest examples of the use of glazed tiles for decoration (AB ev)
University of Coimbra Azulejos in the main university building
Works of Antoni Gaudí
Yazd Jame mosque: the portal's facade is decorated from top to bottom in dazzling tile work, predominantly blue in colour. (wiki)


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