Allison Baker-Leigh Profile

Hello Everyone!

My name is Allison Baker-Leigh and I am a citizen of the United States. In high school, I learned about the United Nations and the history of UNESCO. I was immediately fascinated by the organization and the special agency that was working to promote world peace and security through education, scientific, and cultural cooperation. Since then, I have become passionate traveling the world about visiting as many UNESCO World Heritage sites as possible. 

Visited Sites Allison Baker-Leigh

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Recent Reviews Allison Baker-Leigh


Allison Baker-Leigh USA - 24-Apr-23

I highly recommend hiking up Masada in the early morning, rather than taking the cable car. The hike is only about 45 minutes and snakes up the mountain via switchbacks, which makes the 1000 foot (350 meters) vertical much easier to handle. The Snake Path opens every day just 1 hour before sunrise, so make sure that you check the time before you go. Also, I would recommend that you bring plenty of water and snacks because you will not have access to any facilities until you reach the top. 

The history and story behind Masada is also fascinating, so make sure you read up on the information before you go or hire a guide for the journey. Masada was built sometime between 31 and 37 BCE by Herod the Great who was granted King of Judeo by the Roman Senate

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