Alliance for Zero Extinction

Formed in 2000 and launched globally in 2005, the Alliance for Zero Extinction(AZE) engages 88 non-governmental biodiversity conservation organizations working to prevent species extinctions by identifying and safeguarding the places where species evaluated to be Endangered or Critically Endangered under IUCN-World Conservation Union criteria are restricted to single remaining sites.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Alejandro de Humboldt National Park Campephilus principalis (Ivory-billed Woodpecker), Chondrohierax wilsonii (Cuban Kite)
Amami-Oshima Island overlaps with .. two Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AB ev)
Andrefana Dry Forests Avahi cleesei (Bemaraha Woolly Lemur), Boophis tampoka
Bale Mountains National Park "The property also stands out due to the presence of thecHarenna Shrew (Crocidura harenna, CR); the Giant Mole Rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus, EN); Malcolm’s Ethiopian Toad (Altiphrynoides malcolmi, EN); the Bale Mountains Tree Frog (Balebreviceps hillmani, CR) and the Bale Mountains Frog (Ericabatrachus baleensis, CR), which are only found in the Bale Mountains, leading to the recognition as an Alliance for Zero Extinction site." (AB ev)
Blue and John Crow Mountains The BJCM contains two of Jamaica’s five Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AB ev): Jamaican Peak Frog and Jamaica Petrel
Cape Floral Region Table Mountain: Heleophryne rosei (Table Mountain Ghost Frog)
Central Highlands Various in Horton Plains and Agra-Bopats, the Peak Wilderness Sanctuary and Knuckles Range
French Austral Lands and Seas "the nominated property comprises one Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) site" (AB ev)
Galapagos Islands Áreas costeras de Fernandina y del occidente de Isabela: Camarhynchus heliobates (Mangrove Finch), Isla Española: Phoebastria irrorata (Waved Albatross)
Gough and Inaccessible Islands Gough Island: Diomedea dabbenena (Tristan Albatross), Rowettia goughensis (Gough Bunting), Pterodroma incerta (Atlantic Petrel)
Greater Blue Mountains Microstrobos fitzgeraldii
Gunung Mulu Pelophryne api
Henderson Island Pterodroma atrata (Henderson Petrel)
Kahuzi-Biega National Park Dendromus kahuziensis: Mount Kahuzi African Climbing Mouse
Lord Howe Island Nyctophilus howensis (Lord Howe Long-eared Bat) and Gallirallus sylvestris (Lord Howe Woodhen)
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Porcula salvania (Pygmy Hog)
Manu National Park Bryophryne cophites (a frog species)
Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant Buddha Emei Shan Natural and Historical Heritage Reserve: Rana chevronta
Mount Kenya Grammomys gigas (Giant Thicket Rat)
Mount Nimba Arthroleptis crusculum, Hyperolius nimbae, Nimbaphrynoides liberiensis, Hipposideros lamottei (Lamotte's Roundleaf Bat)
Nyungwe National Park "The nominated property also overlaps with one Alliance for Zero Extinction site" (AB ev)
Paraty and Ilha Grande Ilha Grande
Simien National Park Capra walie (Walia Ibex)
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves La Amistad and Surrounding Areas: Oedipina grandis; Cordillera de Talamanca Norte: Oedipina altura AND Oedipina paucidentata
Taï National Park Hyperolius nienokouensis, Amietophrynus taiensis
Ujung Kulon National Park Rhinoceros sondaicus (Javan Rhinoceros)
Western Ghats 3 Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AB ev)
Wet Tropics of Queensland Daintree National Park: Cophixalus concinnus (Beautiful Nursery-frog)


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