Swamps and Marshes

WHS that include significant Swamps and Marshes.

The terms "Swamp" or "Marsh" must occur in AB evaluation. For peat bogs, see the Connection Peat.

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Ahwar of Southern Iraq "The marshes also provide habitat for relict populations of three bird species (the African Darter, the Sacred Ibis, and the Goliath Heron) that are thousands of kilometres away from their core global populations in Africa." (OUV) - much of the marshland around the ancient cities is now dried
Banc d'Arguin "this Park is formed of sand dunes, areas of coastal swamps, small islands and shallow coastal waters" (OUV)
Central Amazon Conservation Complex "a significant number of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems associated with the forest which are periodically inundated by seasonal flooding, as well as swamps." (OUV)
Central Suriname Nature Reserve "areas of swamp forest" (OUV)
Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands The main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands, percolation bogs and other mire types of the distinct Colchic mire region. The percolation bogs are of particular global importance as they do not exist anywhere else in the world. (Official description)
Danube Delta "This is the largest continuous marshland on Europe" (AB ev)
Darien National Park "exceptional variety of habitats – sandy beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves, swamps" (official description)
Donana National Park "Doñana contains the last marshes of the Guadalquivir unaltered by agriculture or development." (OUV)
Everglades "The Everglades contains vast subtropical wetlands and coastal/marine ecosystems including freshwater marshes, ..., saltwater marshes,..." (OUV)
Garamba National Park "Covering vast grass savannas and woodlands interspersed with gallery forests and marshland depressions," (OUV)
Greater Blue Mountains "localised swamps" (OUV)
High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago "As a consequence of the advancing shoreline, islands appear and unite, peninsulas expand, lakes evolve from bays and develop into marshes and peat fens" (AB ev)
Hortobágy "The Puszta, represented by the Hortobágy National Park, is a complex mosaic of natural grasslands, loess ridges, alkaline pastures, meadows and smaller and larger wetlands (mostly marshes)" (official description)
Ichkeul National Park "the lake and the surrounding marshes constitute an indispensible stop-over for the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds" (OUV)
Ivindo National Park "INP's megafauna benefits from natural swampy clearings of great ecological importance. These marshy clearings are relict herbaceous ecosystems that add to the diversity of the nominated property's vegetation." (AB Ev) In the Langoué basin, there is a vast marshy clearing or baï that occupies a valley floor. Small clearings of the same type exist further north in the NP and in several places just outside the park. These environments are marshes, even permanent marshes. They are of course drier in the dry season, but never disappear. (Nomination file, p. 29)
Kahuzi-Biega National Park "The Park also contains plant formations, rare worldwide, such as the swamp and bog altitudes and the marshland and riparian forests on hydromorphic ground at all altitudes." (OUV)
Kenya Lake System "exceptional natural beauty, including falls, geysers, hot springs, open waters and marshes" (OUV)
Keoladeo National Park "mosaic of grasslands, woodlands, woodland swamps and wetlands" (OUV)
Kuk "The Kuk swamp is now part of an extensive area of intensively cultivated wetland in several densely populated valleys" (AB ev)
Lake Malawi "Habitat types vary from rocky shorelines to sandy beaches and from wooded hillsides to swamps and lagoons." (OUV)
Laponian Area "a variety of swamp types cover another 1,000km2, the latter being the largest untouched mire complex in western Europe" (AB ev)
Lorentz National Park "The park ... has a large number of streams and rivers which have cut deep valleys in the mountains and foothills as they drain south to the coastal plain. Here they form extensive areas of swamps with numerous permanent and seasonal lakes" (AB ev)
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary "The monsoon and river system form four principal geological habitats: Bhabar savannah, Terai tract, marshlands and riverine tracts." (OUV)
Migratory Bird Sanctuaries China "The intertidal mudflats, marshes and shallow waters are exceptionally productive" (OUV)
Okapi Wildlife Reserve "combined with swamp forests that grow alongside the waterways" (OUV)
Okavango Delta "The natural habitats of the nominated area are diverse and include .., permanent swamps," (OUV)
Pantanal "Typical of swamps, near the rivers and on waterlogged patches of earth, are clumps of acurí palm trees, forming the palm-tree groves and palm woodlands for which the region is famous" (AB ev)
Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River "There are eight intact forest formations: ..., freshwater swamp forest, ..., included in the property." (OUV)
Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve "The Río Plátano meanders for some 45 kilometres through the lowlands forming ox-bow lakes, backwater swamps.." (OUV)
Salonga National Park "it comprises vast marshland areas" (OUV)
Sangha Trinational "a great diversity of wetland types, including swamp forests" (OUV)
Selous Game Reserve "The property contains a great diversity of vegetation types, including rocky acacia-clad hills, gallery and ground water forests, swamps and lowland rain forest." (OUV)
Sian Ka'an ""Petenes", tree islands emerging from the swamps." (OUV)
Sundarbans National Park
The Sundarbans " Areas of unique natural beauty, ..., swamps, .. are also included in the property. " (OUV)
Tugay forests "The remaining 5.5 thousand hectares are occupied by lakes, swamps. " (nom file)
Uvs Nuur Basin "to diverse wetlands and marshlands, freshwater and saltwater systems" (OUV)
Virunga National Park "an outstanding diversity of habitats, ranging from swamps and steppes to the snowfields of Rwenzori" (official description)
Wadden Sea "The salt marshes host around 2,300 species of flora and fauna" (OUV)
Western Ghats "The property is also key to the conservation of a number of threatened habitats, such as ... Myristica swamps." (OUV)
Wet Tropics of Queensland "Although the Wet Tropics is predominantly wet tropical rainforest, it is fringed and in a few places dissected by sclerophyll forests, woodlands, swamps and mangrove forests, adding to its diversity." (AB ev)
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino "a complex mosaic of wetlands, marshes, halophytes, dunes and desert habitats" (OUV)
iSimangaliso Wetland Park "These include ..., swamps, and extensive reed and papyrus wetlands" (OUV), "A major threat to the Park is damage to the hydrology and salinity of the wetland system including reduction in the water supply by the transformation of the upper Mfolozi Swamps by agriculture."


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