
Latrines at WHS which are
a. Historic or artistic
b. "On show"
c. In recognisable condition

Connected Sites

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Aapravasi Ghat Lavatories one of the few remaining features
Anuradhapura "Urinal Stones"/"Sqattting plates".
Auschwitz Birkenau
Baekje Historic Areas Archaeological Site in Wanggung-ri “Three units of large toilet were found lying in a row from east to west. Among them, Toilet No. 1 is 10.8m long, 1.8m wide, and 3.4m deep. These large toilets seemed to be used by ministers or court servants living in the royal palace. This was the first large ancient toilets found in Korea as an important archeological discovery. The remains have been covered with a protective layer of soil for conservation. Wooden strips for toilet discovered at the sites are housed at the Buyeo National Research Institute.” - Nomination File
Castel del Monte Of special interest is the unique hydraulic installation for bath and toilet (AB ev) / The toilets are situated in other towers. They are furnished of lavatory and washbasin and placed side by side by little rooms probably used as changing rooms or appointed for housing bathtubs for the ablutions (link)
Crespi d'Adda public lavatories
Derwent Valley Mills Heritage listed privies, Cromford
Dougga/Thugga You sit in a circle
Frontiers of the Roman Empire Hadrians Wall Housesteads
Gwynedd Castles Conwy Castle "Latrine shoots" in wall
Incense Route of the Negev Mamshit
Leptis Magna
Neolithic Orkney Scara Brae: “A number of dwellings offered a small connected antechamber, offering access to a partially covered stone drain leading away from the village. It is suggested that these chambers served as indoor privies” (Wiki)
Old City of Berne Beetz Patented Urinal
Old City of Jerusalem Archaeological park - Roman Latrinae
Paris, Banks of the Seine Lavatory Madeleine
Polonnaruva ancien toilet
San Agustín
Sceilg Mhichíl In the monastery: "Nearby are the unique remains of a beehive-shaped toilet cell." (AB ev)
Studley Royal Park Fountains Abbey The "Reredorter"
Villa Adriana (Tivoli)
Visby latrine cellar


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  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
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  5. Be explained, with reference to a source