Extended from original TWHS

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Amami-Oshima Island Amami-Oshima Island - The 2019 nomination includes a merge and combination of 24 small and scattered component parts into five larger component parts, as well as the integration of a part of the Northern Training Area, a military area returned to Japan from the USA, into the Okinawa Island component part. (Ab Ev)
Ancient ferrous metallurgy sites Originally only Kindiba (=Kindibo) was included.
Ancient villages of Northern Syria Originally only Qal' at Sem'an (Saint-Symeon).
Bauhaus Sites Only Dessau - Bauhaus on GDR's Tentative List
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates Originally only Hufeisensiedlung.
Central Highlands Originally only Peak Wilderness Wildlife Sanctuary.
Cerrado Protected Areas Originally only Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (1999).
Dengfeng Originally only Songshan. An extended nomination followed a referral of the original nomination in 2009.
Ferapontov Monastery Originally only Rojdestva Bogoroditsy Cathedral.
Fortifications of Vauban From Besancon (1984).
Hopewell Early TWHS with only Mound City Group National Monument
Hyrcanian Forests Golestan NP
Ibiza Originally only D'alt Vila. An extended nomination followed a rejection in 1987.
Incense Route of the Negev Originally only Shivta (Sobota).
Kasbah of Algiers Dey's Palace at Algiers
Longobards in Italy Originally only Cividale del Friuli
Luther Memorials To include Eisleben
Medici Villas and Gardens extended from Medici villa of Poggio a Cajano
Modena extended from former TWHS Modena Cathedral (1982)
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles Originally Scrovegni Chapel only
Poblet Monastery "ICOMOS had previously recommended inclusion of this site on the condition that the proposed delimitation of the site be adjusted to include the outer enceinte of the monastery. This condition having been met and a modified restoration policy at the site having been adopted, ICOMOS is now prepared to recommend without reserve that this site be included on the World Heritage List." (AB Ev)
Pompei "Finally, ICOMOS strongly recommends the inclusion in the nomination of the Villa Oplontis at Torre Annunziata....... These proposals were discussed with the Soprintendenza. Subsequently, full documentation was received by ICOMOS and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre for the extension of the original nomination as proposed by ICOMOS." (AB evaluation)
Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands of former TWHS Portovenere (1982)
Potsdam Extended from original TWHS Schloss Sanssouci, Potsdam (DDR T List)
Quedlinburg Site on GDR's Tentative List only included Burgberg and Stiftkirche
Rabat FTWHS encompassed only Sale with the Muslim necropolis of Chellah
Reims extended from former TWHS Reims cathedral (1984)
Residences of the Royal House of Savoy Originally only those in Turin
Royal Joseon Tombs From Tomb of King Munyong
Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy Originally only 4 sacri monti (Varallo, Orta, Cerveno and Varese)
Seville extended from former TWHS Giralda of Seville (1984)
South China Karst Originally Lunan Stone Forest Scenic Zone. A serial proposal followed a rejection of the original nomination in 1992.
Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus District 20 September 1999 (Chilehaus), 1 February 2007 (extended to include Speicherstadt and the Kontorhaus district)" (AB)
Stralsund and Wismar Originally only Old Market - Stralsund at GDR's Tentative List
Sudanese style mosques Kong (1987)
The Persian Qanat Only Gonabad qanat was originally proposed
Toledo extended from former TWHS Hospital of Toldeo (1984)
Upper Middle Rhine Valley Originally only Ehrenbreitstein Fortress in Koblenz.
Val di Noto extended from Historical centre of Noto (1982)
Valparaiso From Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Vaparaíso
Venice and its Lagoon Originally only Torcello.
Viking Age Ring Fortresses The Trelleborg fortresses - 2010-2018
Wadden Sea From only the Lower Saxony part of the NP in Germany (1989)
Waterton Glacier International Peace Park Originally only the American part. A transnational proposal followed a deferral of the original nomination in 1985.
Wooden Churches of the Slovak Carpathians Originally only Kezmarok.
Xanthos-Letoon Originally only Xanthos. Letoon added at inscription
Yogyakarta Originally only the palace complex was included.


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