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China Danxia Xianjuyan Taoist Temple is located on the foot of Zhanglao Peak, the main peak of Danxiashan NP
Dazu Rock Carvings Dazu for its outstanding evidence of the harmonious synthesis of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism (AB)
Dengfeng Zhongyue Taoist Temple AB)
Gyeongju Anapji Pond - "The name Anapji appears in the 16th century Joseon era document Augmented Survey of the Geography of Korea with the explanation that King Munmu made the pond with Taoist aesthetics." - wiki
Imperial Palace There are Taoist shrines in the Forbidden City.
Kaesong The integration of Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist and geomantic concepts is manifest (Unesco)
Koguryo Kingdom "Motifs in most Goguryeo tomb murals display influences from the Taoist culture of the Yan Dynasty of China." - Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea (CHA) Korean Heritage Summer Webzine Spring 2009 (Vol.2,No.1)
Koguryo Tombs "Motifs in most Goguryeo tomb murals display influences from the Taoist culture of the Yan Dynasty of China." - Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea (CHA) Korean Heritage Summer Webzine Spring 2009 (Vol.2,No.1)
Lushan National Park Lu Xiujing built the Simplicity and Tranquillity Temple as the repository of Taoist scriptures
Macao "A-Ma Temple is one of the oldest and most famous Taoist temples in Macau. Built in 1488, the temple is dedicated to Matsu, the goddess of seafarers and fishermen." - wiki
Melaka and George Town Melaka's Cheng Hoon Taoist temple (the Chinese Temple)
Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant Buddha Mount Emei - before the arrival of Buddhism, Mount Emei was Taoism mountain, Fuhu Temple originally was Taoist Temple.
Mount Qingcheng and Dujiangyan Taoist sacred mountain
Mount Sanqingshan It is a holy Taoist mountain.
Mount Taishan Taoist holiest mountain
Mount Wuyi "few of the Taoist temples and monasteries, more than 60 of which have been located, survive to any degree of completeness. Among the exceptions are the Taoyuan Temple, the Wannian Palace, the Sanqing Hall, the Tiancheng Temple, the Baiyun temple, and the Tianxin temple, all of which have survived to varying degrees of authenticity" (AB ev)
Ping Yao old Qing Xu Guan taoist Temple (now Ping Yao Museum)
Quanzhou "Zhenwu Temple (...) was used for the worship of Emperor Zhenwu, a Taoist deity and god of the sea." "A Stone Statue of the founder of Chinese Taoism, [Lao Tze], made in the Song Dynasty is located in a scenic reserve outside Quanzhou." (AB Ev) – "The Statue of Lao Tze is not only an invaluable relic of the development of Taoism in Quanzhou, but also the largest surviving Taoist stone statue in China." (Nomination file, p. 74)
Royal Joseon Tombs "Taoism strongly affected the selection or arrangement of the stone animals. The cross arrangement of the stone sheep and of the stone tigers seems to reflect the concept of yin and yang. Taegeuk, the symbol of the Supreme Ultimate, is found in the middle part of the Buddhist yeongtak (bell) design; the 12 zodiac gods with elements inspired by Buddhism appear on the stone retaining walls; and there are repeated cloudpatterns. All of these are manifestations of Taoist symbolism." - nomination file
Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries "For each of the nominated components, the State Party describes a rich array of annual festivals, rites and continuing spiritual practices at the temples, including some that incorporate local belief systems (such as shrines dedicated to the Mountain Spirit, longevity totems associated with Taoism and Shamanism.." (AB ev)
Site of Xanadu The city hosted a major debate between Buddhism and Taoism in the 13th century (AB ev)
Temple of Heaven Imperial Taoist ritual place
West Lake Baopu Taoist Monastery
Wudang Mountains Taoist monasteries
Xinjiang Tianshan In Daoism, Xi Wangmu, the Queen Mother of the West, is believed to guard the peach trees of immortality in the Tian Shan


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