Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan

Photo by Els Slots.

Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan is part of the Tentative list of Uzbekistan in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan (2010) is a serial nomination consisting of 18 individual propriety (27 if we consider that Termiz is a sub-serial nomination of 10 elements), all but one also on the TWHS list as individual elements. It consists of remains of long-distance routes of integration, exchange and dialogue between the East and the West, from the 2nd century BC until the end of the 16th century. It consists of the ruins of ancient settlements representing different period of the road history, ancient monastery, mausoleum or religious buildings like minarets (representing various different religions from archaic belief to Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Islam and various state of conservation, from ruins to standing monuments) and forts and caravanserais protecting the Road.

Map of Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Full Name
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan
Human activity - Transport and Trade
2019 Incomplete - not examined

As Silk Roads Zarafshan Corridor

2014 Advisory Body overruled

From Deferral

2014 Referred

2010 Revision

Includes former TWHS Vabkent's Minaret (1996)

2010 Added to Tentative List

The site has 18 locations

Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Ancient Termiz (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Historic Center of Qoqon (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Kanka (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Shahruhiya (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Ahsiket (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Pap (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Poykent (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Andijon (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Varakhsha (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Vobkent Minaret (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Chor Bakr Necropolis (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Bahoutdin Complex (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Raboti Malik (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Mir-Sayid Bakhrom Mausoleum (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Qosim Sheikh (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Sheikh Mukhtor-Vali (T)
Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan: Khazarasp (T)
WHS 1997-2025