
Sites where the OUV is connected to Feudalism.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Belfries The density of belfries is greatest in regions were feudal society was the strictest (AB ev)
Hué Hue represents an outstanding demonstration of the power of the vanished Vietnamese feudal empire (AB ev)
Kernavė Kernavë was an important feudal town in the Middle Ages(AB ev)
Mountain Resort, Chengde The site represents in material form, moreover, the final flowering of feudal society in China (AB ev)
San Gimignano San Gimignano has retained its feudal atmosphere and appearance (unesco website)
Serra de Tramuntana The feudal land subdivision system (AB ev)
Sheki "Sheki is also an exceptional testimony to the feudal system of the Caucasian khanates, which developed from 1743 to 1819, as expressed in the architecture of the Khan's palaces, the interiors of wealthy merchant houses, and the fortifications." - UNESCO Description
Vall de Boi They were built between the 11th and 12th centuries under the patronage of the Lords of Erill. Criterion iv "The Vall de Boí illustrates the continuous occupation of an area of land. The churches that were built in the Middle Ages at the instigation of a single family symbolize the affirmation and geographical settlement at the time that historical Catalonia was created." - AB Evaluation
Wartburg Castle The Castle of Wartburg is an outstanding monument of the feudal period in central Europe


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