Captain James Cook

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French Austral Lands and Seas Kerguelen Islands, in December 1776 during his third voyage (wiki)
Great Barrier Reef June 11 1770 .. ran aground on the reef and badly damaged "Endeavour". Took 7 weeks to repair
Gros Morne National Park "The Gros Morne portion of the coast was mainly surveyed in the summer of 1767. Cook was careful to gather local place names from people living and working along the shore; and it is thanks to Cook’s maps that many of the early Basque and French names have survived." (Gros Morne NP, Michael Burzynski)
Hawaii Volcanoes First recorded visit by a European to the Islands.
Kew Gardens First voyage 1766-71. Accompanied by the botanists Joseph Banks and Herman Spöring Jr. The discoveries they made during this voyage played a part on the initiation of the colections at Kew and Banks became the second Director of the Gardens
Maritime Greenwich After his second voyage Cook "Retired" there
Marquesas Islands "James Cook made a brief stopover there in 1774, and in the years that followed the archipelago was visited by numerous navigators." - AB Evaluation
Québec 1759 - participated in the siege of Quebec
Rapa Nui Visited 1774 during his second voyage
Taputapuātea Late in 18th century, Europeans made contact with the Polynesians. Captain James Cook was brought to Taputapuātea by the navigator-priest Tupaia. Members of Cook’s crew have left descriptions of the marae complex (AB ev)
Te Wahipounamu Doubtful Sound named by Cook (who didn't go into it -hence the name). He also mapped the rest of the coast but, famously "missed" recognising Milford Sound
Ujung Kulon National Park "Captain James Cook is known to have anchored HMS Endeavour on the south-eastern side of Panaitan Island from 6-16 January 1771."
Volcanoes of Kamchatka One of Cook's objectives on his 3rd voyage was to investigate the NW passage from the Pacific. He had tried in 1778 but, having entered the Bering Sea, was forced back by ice to winter in Hawaii - where he was killed. The new commander, Charles Clerke,(who had been on all 3 of Cook's voyages)continued the exploration and the journals of "Captain Cook's Third Voyage" record the viewing of a major eruption of Avachinsky Volcano on 15 June 1779


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