
Sites including (remains of) a Mikveh or mikvah, a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism to achieve ritual purity.

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Bardejov Town Jewish religious baths from the 18th century in the small Jewish suburb.
Colonia del Sacramento Ruins of a possible mikveh dating back as far as the early 1700s
Coro and its Port Remains of an 18th century mikvah under the Art Museum Alberto Henriquez (see link)
Jewish-Medieval heritage of Erfurt "The 13th century Mikveh, a structure purposely designed for ritual bathing" (AB ev)
Masada Several found (see link)
Old City of Jerusalem One was found near the Western Wall in 2022 (see link), probably there are more.
ShUM Sites Mikveh in Speyer ("The monumental mikveh (c.1128) has been largely preserved in its original state,") and Worms ("The monumental mikveh, founded in the late 12th century, has been fully preserved from medieval times.") (AB ev)
Syracuse "The oldest and largest mikveh in Europe was discovered, just a few decades ago on Ortygia, in Syracuse, Sicily, ten meters under the Hotel alla Giudecca. The "Casa Bianca" mikveh was most likely built during the Byzantine period and was probably in use from the 7th to the 15th century. Its five immersion pools ..." + Ortygia has two other mikvehs, one under the church of San Filippo Apostolo, and one under a private residence in the Olivo neighbourhood. (wiki)
Trebic mikve at the Jewish town hall
Vilnius Remains of two mikvaot at the synagogue from the 1600s. (see link)
Zamość "The 18th century building of the former Mikveh, renovated in the 19th century, is located in the cellars at 3 Zamenhofa Street" (wiki)


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