Siemens AG

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Auschwitz Birkenau Whilst its main forced labour aircraft factory was situated in the Bobrek sub-camp, Siemens AG also operated a factory inside Auschwitz I "Within the enclosure of the camp of AUSCHWITZ there are several factories: a war production plant, Deutscher Aufrustungswerk (DAW), a factory belonging to the KRUPP works and one to the SIEMENS concern" (Vrba -Wetzler report). See map created by escaped prisoner Vrba
Berlin Modernism Housing Estates "the Siemensstadt was constructed by a private housing cooperative as worker housing for Siemens' nearby electrical factory, which employed 60,000 workers. The streets and squares of the settlement were named for engineers, physicists and inventors whose performance contributed to the success of Siemens AG." (Wiki)
Budapest Siemens AG built the Millenium Underground.
Rammelsberg and Goslar Goslar: Siemenshaus, where the Siemens family originated


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