Seven Wonders of the World

The Seven Wonders of the World (or the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) is a widely-known list of seven remarkable manmade constructions of classical antiquity. It was first created in the 2nd–1st century BC.

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Babylon Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It is unclear whether they ever existed, or whether they were located in Babylon or Nineveh. Some early Wonder lists named the ‘Walls of Babylon’ instead. Its wondrous elements (Gardens, Tower) are part of the OUV of the WHS of Babylon (Crit vi: "Classical texts attribute one of the seven wonders of the world to Babylon: the Hanging Gardens")
Ephesus Temple of Artemis: "Little remains of the famous Temple of Artemis, one of the ‘seven wonders of the world’ which drew pilgrims from all around the Mediterranean until it was eclipsed by Christian pilgrimage” (OUV statement)
Olympia Statue of Zeus at Olympia: only a single column of the temple that surrounded it is left standing. Criterion I : The sanctuary of the Altis contained one of the highest concentrations of masterpieces of the ancient Mediterranean world. Many have been lost, such as the Olympia Zeus, a gold-and-ivory cult statue which was probably destroyed by Pheidias between 438 and 430 BC and one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.” (OUV)
Pyramids (Memphis) Great Pyramid of Giza (still standing). Criterion i: “In Memphis was founded one of the most important monuments of the world, and the only surviving wonder of the ancient world, namely, the Great Pyramid of Giza”. (OUV)
Rhodes Colossus of Rhodes (felled by an earthquake in 226 BC). Although what has been inscribed as a WHS is the Medieval City of Rhodes, the OUV statement (criterion iv) still refers to the Colossus: “The fact that this medieval city .. commands a port formerly embellished by the Colossus erected by Chares of Lindos, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, only adds to its interest.” However, the image of the giant straddling two sides of the harbour is a medieval invention. It is now thought that the statue stood at the highest point of the City of Rhodes – maybe where the Grandmaster’s Castle now is or (more likely) at Monte Smith where the Helian Games were held. However, no traces have ever been found.


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