
Aquaculture is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae, and other organisms. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish. (wiki)

Occurence of Aquaculture at the WHS (in the core zone) must be important enough to be described in the AB evaluation..

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Budj Bim Cultural Landscape OUV crit iii: "The extensive networks and antiquity of the constructed and modified aquaculture system.."
Ferrara "Comacchio is still cultivating eels in the traditional manner, although now this is also presented as part of the tourist attractions of the place." (1999 AB Ev)
Hortobágy the creation of artificial fishponds between 1914 and 1918 and again in the 1950s (AB ev)
Nan Madol "Other islets were used for functional activities including ............., clam aquaculture, ........, moray eel raising, food storage and preparation, sacrificial turtle husbandry" (AB ev)
Tr’ondëk-Klondike Tr'ochëk "In late spring and early summer, our people moved to traditional fishing sites and prepared for the annual migrations, or "runs," by setting up camp then building and repairing fishing equipment. Our ancestors devised many methods for catching fish. In the early days, they built fish traps across the mouth of the Klondike River using Tr'o, or "hammerstones," to pound stakes into the riverbed that were then interwoven with branches holding basket traps. After emptying the traps of their fish, we removed the traps for several hours or overnight, allowing most of the fish to reach their spawning grounds. Men in birchbark canoes paddled out to the swimming salmon then scooped them with hand nets made from woven caribou skin on a wooden frame." - Nomination File Tr'ochëk "This component part is located south of Dawson City, on the opposite side of the Klondike River, at its confluence with the Yukon. It was one of the ancient fishing and gathering sites of the Indigenous population. The component part depicts the Indigenous people's subsistence system - AB Evaluation


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