The timeless, humanistic architecture of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana and Prague (Czechia)

The timeless, humanistic architecture of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana and Prague (Czechia) has been part of the Tentative list of Czechia.
Prague, Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord / Kostel Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně na Vinohradech
Map of The timeless, humanistic architecture of Jože Plečnik in Ljubljana and Prague (Czechia)
Load mapThe coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.
Community Reviews
Caspar Dechmann
I often wonder how there can be so many tentative sites in the middle of Europe without a review on this website despite the fact that they are easy to reach or even near another WHS. Therefore I grasped the occasion when I was in Prague for a few days and made the excursion to see the Curch of the most sacred heart of our Lord by Slovenian architect Jože Plecnik. I had even read that the Czechs had considered to nominate this church for the tentative list by itself. I didn't expect too much from the photographs I had seen before but my visit left me with a similar impression. The church has a certain individuality but it didn't strike me neither by its beauty nor by its originality. The plain cubelike interior has a rather prosaic feel to it as many churches from the 20 century with a similar special concept. I cannot imagine that ICOMOS could be convinced of its OUV. Plecnik added also several elements to the gardens of the prague castle of which I liked the rounded stairs to your left when you enter the castle by the West entrance. But they are neither WHS material. When I googled his work I liked several of his earlier buildings in Vienna and I am looking forward to check out some of his many buildings he built in Lubljana where he is much revered. I am sure he was a productive and versatile architect of considerable value but so far I doubt he was ingenious or influential enough to justify an inscription.