World Heritage in Congo (Democratic Republic)

Congo (Democratic Republic)


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Map of World Heritage in Congo (Democratic Republic)

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Garamba National Park 1980 Natural 1 0
Kahuzi-Biega National Park 1980 Natural 4 3.89
Okapi Wildlife Reserve 1996 Natural 0 0
Salonga National Park 1984 Natural 0 0
Virunga National Park 1979 Natural 2 4.54

Tentative List

Dépression de l'Upemba 1997 Mixed 0 N/A
Grottes de Dimba et Ngovo 1997 Mixed 1 N/A
Grottes de Matupi 1997 Mixed 0 N/A
Parc National de la Garamba 2024 Natural 0 N/A
Parc National de la Lomami (PNL) 2024 Natural 0 N/A

Former Tentative Sites

Bunzi Sanctuary 1987 1988 0
Kundelungu Park 1984 1984 0
Maiko park 1984 1984 0
Manbetu court 1987 1988 0
Royal village of Bakuba 1987 1988 0

Country info

Official Name
Congo (Democratic Republic)
WHC location
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