Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Muxima

Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Muxima has been part of the Tentative list of Angola.
The Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao is a 16th century Portuguese Colonial style church in Muxima. It was an important center in the Portuguese slave trade in Angola. Over time it grew into one of the most venerated popular sanctuaries in Angola, attracting pilgrims moved by the faith in the miraculous power of “Mamã Muxima”.
Map of Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Muxima
Load mapThe coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.
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Site History
2024 Removed from Tentative List
1996 Added to Tentative List
Site Links
Unesco Website: Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Muxima
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